Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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It would have be an awesome 'What if' Thanos triggers 1/2 of Universe's life to fade away: and he crumbles to dust as well! Rocket: not only acquires Bucky's severed mechanical arm, but the Infinity Gauntlet as well! Battles Howard the Duck in AV: IW2 resulting in Howard the Duck winning and (really Donald the Duck! AKA Disney) becoming the ruler of the Universe!
I think pre-Snap characters will stay dead (jury's out on Gamora I suppose), characters that died because of the Snap will come back, and new characters (Cap and/or Tony) will die for "real."

Someone else might then take up Cap's shield or Stark's armor for 8-10 years as cameos in other movies and then I could see Disney rebooting the original characters when ticket sales start to diminish. But that will be "Star Wars Sequel Trilogy" territory that can be easily dismissed if need be.


I still feel we're gonna get Bucky Cap replacing Rogers since he had a 9 movie picture contract with Marvel. Phase 4 will be interesting indeed...
I obviously disagree. I don't watch E.T. or Wrath of Khan and think that E.T. or Spock's deaths were "pointless" because they came back nor will I with the ashen characters at the end of IW.

or Gordon's death in Dark Knight

or the two brothers in Supernatural

Gandalf the Grey – Lord of the Rings

Or Constantine in the Constantine movie

or every time Goku comes back in Dragon Ball

or all the characters from Neverending Story

or NEO at the end of the Matrix

or Vin Diesel in XXX

Jon Snow – Game of Thrones

Captain Jack Sparrow – Pirates of the Caribbean

or Dan in Roseanne

or Michelle Rodriguez in Fast and Furious

Buffy the Vampire slayer

Whistler - Blade 2

Shredder in Ninja turtles movie

beast in beauty and the beast

hell... even Jesus came back at the end of the passion of the Christ lol.
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I love how much of this film took place in space and on other planets. Since I only watched the very first teaser and nothing else prior to seeing the movie I was a little worried that they were going to cheap out and just have the entire "war" take place in New York and Wakanda.
or all the characters from Neverending Story

Artax in A Neverending Story is actually a really great example. I don't know how anyone could watch the scene of him drowning a second time and go "eh, whatever, it won't stick."

Neo at the end of the first Matrix was another good one. Certainly not a "sad" death per se but it was anything but pointless.

Hell I get goosebumps when the hammer flies to Thor after he "dies" at the end of his own first solo flick.
After everyone who turned to ash is restored and Thanos is defeated and Cap and Tony make amends I kind of hope the two of them just die together on some desolate world away from everyone else....:drool


or Gordon's death in Dark Knight

or the two brothers in Supernatural

Gandalf the Grey – Lord of the Rings

Or Constantine in the Constantine movie

or every time Goku comes back in Dragon Ball

or all the characters from Neverending Story

or NEO at the end of the Matrix

or Vin Diesel in XXX

Jon Snow – Game of Thrones

Captain Jack Sparrow – Pirates of the Caribbean

or Dan in Roseanne

or Michelle Rodriguez in Fast and Furious

Buffy the Vampire slayer

Whistler - Blade 2

Shredder in Ninja turtles movie

hell... even Jesus came back at the end of the passion of the Christ lol.

I just realized that you forgot your most favorite example of all:

Beast dying before Belle's declaration of love brings him back.
I still like watching Frodo get stabbed by the troll. And when the doggy pulls Aragorn off a cliff. Maybe it’s just me but I love watching somebody go off a cliff. Grand Budapest Hotel has a good one but he does not come back.

I found footage of Khev’s reaction before the movie when he overheard someone on the popcorn line guess that IM/Cap live and Spidey/BP die.


Khev when Spidey/BP die:

I have to laugh at the predictable "meh" responses from some. What the **** do you want from a superhero movie? This movie was awesome!

This is the one question I always wonder about when I see the "meh" responses. :lol

I asked that too. It was a really good movie!

It’s the same egg heads who are always perusing for something to hate and project insecurity into.


I assumed that by giving Thanos the Time stone, he was setting the path to the only possible victory.

I actually had to reassure my Daughter by telling her that after the movie

Exactly. :lecture Dr. Strange saw the one path to victory and took the chance in hopes that everyone left would win the war.

I disagree. Lois' death in the original Superman always got to me even though it was reversed.

That scene hit me hard when I saw the movie for the first time in the theater as a kid.