Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I have to laugh at the predictable "meh" responses from some. What the **** do you want from a superhero movie? This movie was awesome!
This is definitely my favorite movie since Rogue One.

Rogue One was my favorite since Fury Road.

What a miraculous time to be alive! It's a Christmas miracle.

And in 4 weeks we get the ultimate adventure -- to see Han Solo. Young. In a movie. Young. What a time to be alive.
Better than BR 2049...?

Hmmmmmmm.... that's tough because its satisfies two totally different areas of my brain.

2049 is a much better film of course.... but I'd prefer to watch IW (its a movie). In general I prefer movies to films.

There's no 'art' to IW... but its exceptionally well-crafted for a non-stop actioner with 30+ characters.
Hmmmmmmm.... that's tough because its satisfies two totally different areas of my brain.

2049 is a much better film of course.... but I'd prefer to watch IW (its a movie). In general I prefer movies to films.

There's no 'art' to IW... but its exceptionally well-crafted.

Ah okay the old "favorite vs. best." Gotcha. :duff
Do you think one is above the other? Can they even be ranked in the same category?

Well BR 2049 is definitely "better," no question. Otherwise it's very hard to pick a favorite with the IW buzz being so incredibly fierce right now. When I think of BR 2049 I'm inclined to say that it's the best sci-fi film since the 80's (*with* Harrison Ford!) so nothing even comes close (save Rogue One.) On the other hand like everyone I am just so unbelievably floored by how absolutely visceral the experience of watching IW was and the fact that it was actually a well orchestrated narrative when it had absolutely no business in being coherent at all and I want to say "what IW accomplished is unprecedented, I pick that one" so who knows at this point, lol.
I have to laugh at the predictable "meh" responses from some. What the **** do you want from a superhero movie? This movie was awesome!

I asked that too. It was a really good movie!

It’s the same egg heads who are always perusing for something to hate and project insecurity into.
The more I think about it they shouldn't bother making part 2. I'm afraid they are going to ruin part 1. Leave the fate of Steve, Tony, and Thanos to your imagination...that ending was great. I sure wish they had with Luke, Han, and Leia now.
As I said before, I loved this movie, it was a lot of fun.

What most surprised me was Thanos. His character could have been one dimensional, with no motivation aside from he wants to kill half the Universe just because he's bad, and people would have been satisfied. But instead he was well written and had a understandable, albeit misguided motivation, he wanted to ease the suffering in the universe. They gave a mass murderer shades of grey, instead of just making him pure evil, that takes guts, especially in a movie intended for mass audiences. They showed that he could feel love, yet sacrifice that which he cared most for in order to, as he saw it, save the Universe. As having never read a comic book (aside from a brief flirtation with Star Wars comics in the 70's) I was quite pleasantly surprised.

If I have to pick one thing to complain about, I guess it would be Red Skull, it just seemed very strange to see that character fulfilling that role. Was there a different infinity gem protector before Red Skull died in the 1940's?

Other than that, which is a nitpick, there is nothing to complain about.

Thor used to be one of my least favorite characters, now he is up towards the top. Starlord used to be one of my favorites, but after he screwed everything up for the Universe, I found myself actually feeling angry at him, and I'm not the kind of person that often feels real emotions over what happens in a superhero movie.

The humor was well placed and the action scenes were very, very well done.

I rarely see a movie twice in the theater, but I will definitely be going to this one again, at least once the crowds die down a little.
Not sure if this has been discussed much, but I suspect that Dr. Strange's willingness to give Thanos the time stone in exchange for Tony's life wasn't done out of Strange's compassion for Tony. Recall that earlier in the movie, Starlord was willing to kill the one he loved most for the good of the universe. Thanos ended up doing that himself. But Strange, who earlier said that he would quickly sacrifice Tony or Spidey to save the universe, gives it up for one guy he doesn't know that well. Why would he do that? Is it really just a personality quirk that separates him from these other characters? Thinking back to his seizure where he saw 4 million + different outcomes, I think the one outcome that he saw that succeeded had him doing precisely what he chose to do--trade the stone for Tony, sacrifice himself in the short run, and let the rest of the story play out as it will in Avengers 4, with Tony and the original Avengers playing the critical role in fixing what happened here.
Starlord ...screwed everything up for the Universe, I found myself actually feeling angry at him, and I'm not the kind of person that often feels real emotions over what happens in a superhero movie.

I loved that scene. It had me going "no, no, no, don't do it, Star-Lord, you idiot, don't fall for it"... great scene. May be my favorite.
Not sure if this has been discussed much, but I suspect that Dr. Strange's willingness to give Thanos the time stone in exchange for Tony's life wasn't done out of Strange's compassion for Tony. Recall that earlier in the movie, Starlord was willing to kill the one he loved most for the good of the universe. Thanos ended up doing that himself. But Strange, who earlier said that he would quickly sacrifice Tony or Spidey to save the universe, gives it up for one guy he doesn't know that well. Why would he do that? Is it really just a personality quirk that separates him from these other characters? Thinking back to his seizure where he saw 4 million + different outcomes, I think the one outcome that he saw that succeeded had him doing precisely what he chose to do--trade the stone for Tony, sacrifice himself in the short run, and let the rest of the story play out as it will in Avengers 4, with Tony and the original Avengers playing the critical role in fixing what happened here.

I assumed that by giving Thanos the Time stone, he was setting the path to the only possible victory.

I actually had to reassure my Daughter by telling her that after the movie
Not sure if this has been discussed much, but I suspect that Dr. Strange's willingness to give Thanos the time stone in exchange for Tony's life wasn't done out of Strange's compassion for Tony. Recall that earlier in the movie, Starlord was willing to kill the one he loved most for the good of the universe. Thanos ended up doing that himself. But Strange, who earlier said that he would quickly sacrifice Tony or Spidey to save the universe, gives it up for one guy he doesn't know that well. Why would he do that? Is it really just a personality quirk that separates him from these other characters? Thinking back to his seizure where he saw 4 million + different outcomes, I think the one outcome that he saw that succeeded had him doing precisely what he chose to do--trade the stone for Tony, sacrifice himself in the short run, and let the rest of the story play out as it will in Avengers 4, with Tony and the original Avengers playing the critical role in fixing what happened here.

This is exactly what my brother theorized, that Strange saw the single outcome to "win the war" was to let Thanos "win" the short-term battle and succeed in his goal of obliterating half-the-universe...thus allowing the heroes to then be set up to win in Avengers 4 and resurrect (mostly) everyone.