Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I loved that scene. It had me going "no, no, no, don't do it, Star-Lord, you idiot, don't fall for it"... great scene. May be my favorite.

Really? I hated that scene, but not because of the Starlord part. I hated it because of how silly the idea is to try and pry off Thanos magic tight fitting glove while he is sedated. Why not also trick him into getting passed out drunk and stick his finger in warm water too. That should get a laugh out of Thor and Drax.
awesome movie. when is avengers 4 supposed to be released?
That whole theory about Strange setting in motion what would possibly be the one shot in (I think he said) 14 million of winning is what I thought was happening too.
Still gutted about Spiderman. Again, doesn't seem to matter that I know he'll be able to come back, it was still a heartwrenching scene to see play out. I really want to see how that affects Tony in the next one.
...but who will stay who will go. Remember this is Disney so...no persons of: color:green, black, red/gold, burgundy; those with disabilities; made of plant-based materials; women; wicans; insectoids; step-children; Executives; Associates of Executives) will die.
Still gutted about Spiderman. Again, doesn't seem to matter that I know he'll be able to come back, it was still a heartwrenching scene to see play out. I really want to see how that affects Tony in the next one.

That was the one that I was sad to see (Spidey is my favorite super-hero and I loved Holland's portrayal)... I'm sure we're going to see a very angry Stark since he's basically been a father-figure to Peter Parker.

Any news on Hawkeye being in Avengers 4? Has Renner been seen on the sets? He might be furious given that his family could've very well 'disappeared' thanks to the Big Snap.
After everyone who turned to ash is restored and Thanos is defeated and Cap and Tony make amends I kind of hope the two of them just die together on some desolate world away from everyone else. Something cool and low key like the end of The Thing or the original Red Dawn. They don't need to overdo the sobbing and epic choir music that was already parodied in Ragnarok's little "play."
I fail to see how the death of a character is significant if they don't actually die. Should we bring back Ned and Robb to save the day against the White Walkers too?
I fail to see how the death of a character is significant if they don't actually die.

Well unless you're watching a snuff film no one in a movie ever "actually dies." It's all about buying into the drama and emotion being displayed on screen at that moment. And for me watching a kid accurately act out the natural behavior of what most teenagers would do when faced with the knowledge that their life will be over in a few seconds was pretty gut-wrenching.
Well unless you're watching a snuff film no one in a movie ever "actually dies." It's all about buying into the drama and emotion being displayed on screen at that moment. And for me watching a kid accurately act out the natural behavior of what most teenagers would do when faced with the knowledge that their life will be over in a few seconds was pretty gut-wrenching.

Yet it's still pointless to the storyline if the character lives on after their "death". Really it's just being put in time-out.

Was that scene sad? Sure it was. But if you don't want, or don't have the stones to kill him....then don't.
The Incredible Fella :rotfl

Hulk was really un-incredible in this. And I thought Banner (who I usually like) was the worst character... if I were to rank them.

I'm sure he'll be redeemed in Part 2.
Hulk had a great need for a green pill to sort our his short-comings. Hulk-agra: for all your anger management needs. You won't come up short in a battle.
Yet it's still pointless to the storyline if the character lives on after their "death". Really it's just being put in time-out.

Was that scene sad? Sure it was. But if you don't want, or don't have the stones to kill him....then don't.

Your acting as if only some of the heroes died. Half of all the lives in existence were snuffed out. I don't even think Thanos knew exactly who would fade away and who wouldn't (other than Stark due to his deal with Strange). SO the plot/goal of the heroes that are left at the end of IW and going into A4 is to restore/fix the Universe. Undo what Thanos did. Not just brink back their fallen comrades.. So by saying that you don't feel they should bring back the characters, then you are saying that half the population of the Earth should stay dead too... That's a little dark, no?

And that's the discussion about who will return and who will not. The characters that died before "The Snap" may very well remain dead. Those that faded away will most definitely return in A4. This is a retelling of a classic Marvel Comic Book story. It's only gonna deviate from the original plot so much.
Yet it's still pointless to the storyline if the character lives on after their "death". Really it's just being put in time-out.

Was that scene sad? Sure it was. But if you don't want, or don't have the stones to kill him....then don't.

I obviously disagree. I don't watch E.T. or Wrath of Khan and think that E.T. or Spock's deaths were "pointless" because they came back nor will I with the ashen characters at the end of IW. You're free to think otherwise obviously but you're kidding yourself if you think that Spidey, T'Challa, Star-Lord, etc., are gone for good.

I do think that death in the MCU has been cheapened though with the amount of false deaths/resurrections that have occurred prior to IW though which is too bad.
And that's the discussion about who will return and who will not. The characters that died before "The Snap" may very well remain dead. Those that faded away will most definitely return in A4. This is a retelling of a classic Marvel Comic Book story. It's only gonna deviate from the original plot so much.

I think pre-Snap characters will stay dead (jury's out on Gamora I suppose), characters that died because of the Snap will come back, and new characters (Cap and/or Tony) will die for "real."

Someone else might then take up Cap's shield or Stark's armor for 8-10 years as cameos in other movies and then I could see Disney rebooting the original characters when ticket sales start to diminish. But that will be "Star Wars Sequel Trilogy" territory that can be easily dismissed if need be.