Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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I was waiting for someone to point that out, lol. The way the pic is staged and captioned it looks like Kathy herself is handing the lightsaber to Iron Man. :slap

I don't think Kevin Feige included his name when Marvel did the congratulation letter last year. It just said Marvel studios not,

:fireworksKATHY:fireworks...and lucas film!
Wow, you're so desperate to bash that you are attacking someone for the size of their autograph. Seriously, let it go.

Maybe he is but I actually agree with him on this one, lol. Kathy has done some amazing work for the Saga so far but she does seem to have a bit of a Cameron-esque ego. I mean she isn't the creator of the SW nor the director of either record breaking new film yet she put her name up there before JJ and Rian when even Feige didn't have the nerve to do so. ;)
Maybe he is but I actually agree with him on this one, lol. Kathy has done some amazing work for the Saga so far but she does seem to have a bit of a Cameron-esque ego. I mean she isn't the creator of the SW nor the director of either record breaking new film yet she put her name up there before JJ and Rian when even Feige didn't have the nerve to do so. ;)

I guess I look at it as she's the boss there now, it may not be the most modest thing, but it's not uncalled for.
I guess I look at it as she's the boss there now, it may not be the most modest thing, but it's not uncalled for.

I mean I'm not going to boycott the Saga or anything but yeah it did kind of gave me an eye-rolling chuckle. :) Maybe she realized that it will be the last time she'll EVER be a part of a "passing of the crown" box office congrats and decided to make the most of it, lol.

All others bow down.


I enjoyed Ragnarok. Very much. But after IW i hooe Chris and Taika dont get their wish for making Thor 4 lol.

Considering that Asgard is gone I don't see what they can do with another Thor unless somehow the time travel plot in A4 goes all the way back to prevent Ragnarok. But I too hope Chris and Taika don't get back together. If they do another Thor standalone, the Russos need to helm.
Did anyone else catch this pose in the movie, I did a yes fist when it happened.


Man next weekend can’t come fast enough i’m psyched for my 3rd and 4th viewing with family and friends.

Well ok family I have no friends lol
Well the LOTR films as we know them wouldn't exist without SW so I'd still say that makes the OT more important. :)

Please explain. :lol

The LOTR books were around before George was even a sperm cell in his daddies underoos. :lol
Did anyone else catch this pose in the movie, I did a yes fist when it happened.

View attachment 406831

Man next weekend can’t come fast enough i’m psyched for my 3rd and 4th viewing with family and friends.

Well ok family I have no friends lol

I am seriously chomping at the bit to see it a second time but have been too busy to get away. :gah:

WTF Russos I love War Machine and Thor now, lol.
Please explain. :lol

The LOTR books were around before George was even a sperm cell in his daddies underoos. :lol

Which is why I said "LOTR films" not books. You must be joking or seriously naive if you think that SW didn't pave the way for ALL epic sci-fi/fantasy films that followed.

Star Trek the Movie wouldn't have been made.
ALIEN wouldn't have been made (and therefore no Blade Runner.)
No James Cameron movies would exist or any filmmakers that he inspired (he has stated many times that SW made him realize he was in the wrong business.)
Superman The Movie and cbm's as we know them wouldn't exist.
Same with LOTR.
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I mean I'm not going to boycott the Saga or anything but yeah it did kind of gave me an eye-rolling chuckle. :) Maybe she realized that it will be the last time she'll EVER be a part of a "passing of the crown" box office congrats and decided to make the most of it, lol.

She had Star Wars. Star Wars! She should take the blame.
Which is why I said "LOTR films" not books. You must be joking or seriously naive if you think that SW didn't pave the way for ALL epic sci-fi/fantasy films that followed.

Because it didn't. :dunno

I'll agree it had a profound effect on filmmakers when they saw it as kids, but not every sci-fi movie is trying to be Star Wars. If that was the case you wouldn't have TRON, Blade Runner, Alien etc.

Did it push technicality in film? Yes, quite a lot.
Did it change film? No, not really.
Because it didn't. :dunno

I'll agree it had a profound effect on filmmakers when they saw it as kids, but not every sci-fi movie is trying to be Star Wars. If that was the case you wouldn't have TRON, Blade Runner, Alien etc.

Did it push technicality in film? Yes, quite a lot.
Did it change film? No, not really.

I'm sorry but that has just got to be one of the most naive notions that I've ever read on the subject of film. No need to debate further, we can just leave it at that. ;)
I'm sorry but that has just got to be one of the most naive notions that I've ever read on the subject of film. No need to debate further, we can just leave it at that. ;)

You think Star Wars is the best franchise of all time, and the best movies, yet I'M the naive one? :lol

You should watch more movies pal! LOL
Because it didn't. :dunno

I'll agree it had a profound effect on filmmakers when they saw it as kids, but not every sci-fi movie is trying to be Star Wars. If that was the case you wouldn't have TRON, Blade Runner, Alien etc.

Did it push technicality in film? Yes, quite a lot.
Did it change film? No, not really.

You think Star Wars is the best franchise of all time, and the best movies, yet I"M the naive one? :lol

You should watch more movies pal! LOL

It changed the studios approach to sci fi and fantasy, they are willing to pour obscene amounts of money into these films in the hopes of great returns.
It was a smart decision to not put in the movie the trailer scene of Thor holding his new hammer up in the air after being revived by lightning it was a huge payoff in the movie when his hammer came flying out of the bifrost electrified and started mowing down the horde.

Especially since we had already saw him get revived in the same manner in Thor 1.

By the way no one mentions the horde they were pretty vicious in a visceral kind of way.
It changed the studios approach to sci fi and fantasy, they are willing to pour obscene amounts of money into these films in the hopes of great returns.

Putting vast ammount of money in a film doesn't = quality. Nor does it = changing film. Film is still the same today, SW didn't change anything but the industry. FILMS were not changed BUSINESS was.