So supposedlyThanos went back in time at the end of IW when he’s overlooking a healthy vibrant Titan farm
Does that mean in part 2, do they fight him in the present or the past?
So supposedlyThanos went back in time at the end of IW when he’s overlooking a healthy vibrant Titan farm
Definitely has lol. You guys seen antman yet? Talk about an mcu film i actually have no excitement for. I mean i will definitely see it. Maybe tonight or tomorrow but no rush. I think mostly to avoid online spoilers lol.I’m guessing this is whytime travel will be introduced to chase him down
Getting interesting trailer when lol
I mean seriously is there a more anticipated trailer than IW2 I think it has even surpassed IX.
I knew it- time travel will reverse it all and it'll end happy and mouses and princesses. Ahhh how predictable..untterly a cop-out.
Antman and the Wasp explains where he was during IW
So, read on the internet that there will be an extended cut for Infinity War on DVD/Blu-ray. Jim Starlin (creator of Thanos) was quoted as saying there will be an additional 30 minutes of Thanos' origin/backstory added back into the movie that was edited out of the original release. None of this has been confirmed by Disney so take this news with a grain of salt. I hope it's true. You can't have enough Thanos as far as I'm concerned.
So supposedlyThanos went back in time at the end of IW when he’s overlooking a healthy vibrant Titan farm
We only seen him use the space stone fleeing from Thor. Would be interesting, but I think they would've shown that in the film if he did.
plaing in a band with the ant on drums?
So 2,037,832,815 will be its final resting spot.
IW2 will obviously beat that.
Nah everyone will want to see the epic conclusion.
Everyone knows they’re not going for Part 2 it’s really the 2nd half of a movie.
What a disappointment.
I predict it will make less.
Lol..wut?Not everyone liked it though so there is a chance it'll earn less. It really depends on how much hype it gets from its trailers and Captain Marvel.
What a disappointment.
I predict it will make less.