"Bad Science Teacher": The Chemist customs

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I stand corrected. This is insane.

So these arent the best?

I guess I'll hold on to my Salvador sculpt until Nathan open his doors again to commissions...that looks truly beautiful.
Pixletwin was just supporting a friend of his. Somehow that got blown way out of proportion.:dunno

Yeah, it's cool. I understand the attitude that for a lot of people the painters are like their favorite sports team and their reactions tend to follow suit with that. They have to shout down anybody who isn't for their team. I like Ski's style, his businesses acumen, and his attitude is just cool as hell.

That being said, I just noticed that I said "we have seen" and since I can't speak for anyone really but myself I should have said "I have seen"... horses for courses, etc...
Respect all the mentioned names,, each Painter has his own style & i like them all .