Bang! Pulled the Trigger!!

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customizerwannabe said:
Thanks! Very geeked for this. It will be my only SW piece.:monkey3

Yep. Or at least until that Studio X-wing goes up for sale. :monkey3
KitFisto said:
If I only had a place to put this effing thing I'd buy it!

Same here. I've tried every way imaginable to find a place where I could display this piece, but it's just not feasible. I'd hate to go buy a new house just so I could have room for the Falcon. :lol
Hope you enjoy it! I bit the bullet too and shouldn't be much longer before I have it paid off. This was the REAL reason I'm skipping the Convention season and CIV. Between Sideshow and MR, it's gotta be a dry year of collecting before I could afford to go and buy all the awsome toy crack being offered by these two companies.
nash said:
Tie Fighter will be coming as well.

Would that be Vader's Tie or just the Standard? I'd actually prefer the basic. Grey or blue, it doesn't matter but I think just the average Tie is the most iconic because it appeared in all 3 movies of the OT.
nash said:
Vader's Tie Fighter

While I'm asking...

Have you heard anything on price yet. I heard the same you did but I don't follow MR like I do Sideshow.

I'll be picking up the X-Wing for sure and I don't think it will be in the same $ range as the Falcon. Maybe somewhere in the $700 to $1000 perhaps?