Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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I hadn't been paying as much attention to HT shortly after V1, so when I finally saw pics for BR Joker, I thought JC's was the standard issue. Needless to say, I was blown away.

Of course there was some disappointment when I saw it wasn't. Because as nice at HT's is (I only own the DX, but do think BR's head is better), JC's is just creepy in its realism.
The bank Robber Head is very cool looking, and I was undecided as to which I liked better for a while, but the DX likeness is simply better.

That J.C. paint up is amazing though.
I didn't know if you have seen this? boot25 has paint this and in hands it's really unbelievable. I'm sure that he can do better than the J.C paint ;)



Not a big fan of those eyes. They're far too bright for the rest of his face, as if someone's shining tightly focused spotlights right on his eyes, so they shine out more than the surrounding part of his head.
You're not wrong, that JC has got to be the sickest Joker head in the world, imho. The paintjob is easily the best on earth :p So realistic, imagine it with real hair :eek:
but I also have never cared for his almost opaque eyes.

Same here, the rest of his paintups are beautiful, even the execution of hte eyes looks amazing, but the effect rarely sells the character, colors too light or inhuman looking, which always seems a shame to me, get so far and then lose some of the likeness because the eyes don't work.
Not a big fan of those eyes. They're far too bright for the rest of his face, as if someone's shining tightly focused spotlights right on his eyes, so they shine out more than the surrounding part of his head.

Agreed. It's also not helped by the fact that he has left too much skin showing on the inner lid which helps them stand out even further from the rest of the face. For me there's just a bit too much skin showing all around the hairline too.
That's a decent deal, about what he goes for now. But I wouldn't expect the box to be in great shape... goHastings doesn't always ship very securely (media mail).