Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Wow boot25 has some major paint skills. Unfortunately I think I like his BR Joker the least. Like Ed said, I think we lost a bit of Ledger there. His skin tone though on other figures is incredible!!!
Is this the narrow shoulder body on the BR Joker? I'm still having second thoughts on using that for the BR Joker.

Hmm. It almost does look like a Narrow Shoulder TT. Mine kind of bulges out past the seam do to the wide Shoulders of the Standard TT.

Yeah it's the narrow TT from the DX set. I have my "classic" Joker on a regular TT (that came with the BR Joker). I used the narrow TT for the Cop Joker originally then switched that out for my BR Joker.

Here's my BR Joker using the regular TT:

And then with the Narrow TT:

Side by Side - Regular TT (Unmasked) | Narrow Shoulder TT (Masked)
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It looks like the most neatly futzed well tailored figure on the forum, or 1/6 world for Joker's. Unless there is a working 1/6 iron? ;)
Yeah, he definitely looks better on the Narrow Shoulder.

It looks like the most neatly futzed well tailored figure on the forum, or 1/6 world for Joker's. Unless there is a working 1/6 iron? ;)

:exactly: It's almost to well futzed to be the Joker! Looks like he's going to a dinner party instead of a bank robbery!

Oh, and vodoun, I love the pics above! Your lovin' that new camera aren't you! :D
So today I was looking at my figures and realized that I haven't even touched them in months. I don't move them or anything for fear of messing up my display, and that's just sad. I'm wasting my money if I do that, so now I've vowed to take my figures down once a week and pose them, and also I'm taking pictures of them. I think Maglor may have been my inspiration for this, since he is always reposing his figures.

Here's some of my half ass photo skills of my BR Joker:





And Lastly, just for fun, I shot this silly photo which I call "European Joker"


That is the last time I try and switch those damn heads! :monkey4

PS, Devil I didn't know you had two BR Jokers! I see you took the belts off. Were they bothering you?
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PS, Devil I didn't know you had two BR Jokers!

I don't. :lol

That pic is photoshopped (blatantly I thought!? lol) just to show the comparison of my BR Joker on a regular TT and narrow shoulder TT.

I see you took the belts off. Were they bothering you?

he didnt wear one on screen :)


Accurate and IMO it looks better. Apparently my BR Joker figure's pants are looser than most other figures though (discrepancy!?) so when I removed the belt from mine I tied some string through the back belt loops to keep the pants tight around the waist. I also used the black socks from the DX Cop Joker set on my BR Joker as well. :D
This is a good shot Ed. Well done.

I still think i like this sculpt better than DX. Dunno why...just do.

Your not alone on that one ..i have my dx displayed with the bankrobber sculpt..i think its the eyes ..sure the dx's can move but they don't look as good imo as the bankrobbers. ..i also like the faded and smudged makeup.
Your not alone on that one ..i have my dx displayed with the bankrobber sculpt..i think its the eyes ..sure the dx's can move but they don't look as good imo as the bankrobbers. ..i also like the faded and smudged makeup.

Yeah I dig the face paint and expression more so than DX.

I have my BR Joker on a coatless V1 body to mimic the interrogation scene. Gotta put that V1 I bought to some use :lol
Yeah I dig the face paint and expression more so than DX.

I have my BR Joker on a coatless V1 body to mimic the interrogation scene. Gotta put that V1 I bought to some use :lol

I seriously should get around to getting 2 new trutypes ..both my cop and bankrobber have been without bodies for ages now.