Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Tried a new pose for the BR, will be using the DX head on this one and use my Small Studios repaint on the uber DX clothing! :rock

... When it finally gets here that is lol.

here's pics, I really dig this pose! In the first pic he's not holding the grenade lol, sorry for that!








(PS. typing those ____ING words in tinypic with each upload SUCKS)
Tried a new pose for the BR, will be using the DX head on this one and use my Small Studios repaint on the uber DX clothing! :rock

... When it finally gets here that is lol.

that was also my plan, although I'm waiting for the br joker repainted head from boot25 :hi5:
Lol, I love the white tube socks :lol

And The DX head looks really good on the BR body! Just needs a bit of smudge.
thanks, looks better with the socks when doing poses like this!
I would LOVE to put a Small_Studios and Boot25 repaint next to eachother for comparison, both have tremendous skill! Mine should be done very soon now!
Who's boot25?

his previous repaint on the br joker:


after i've seen this i had that jc hong feeling to the sculpt. So I pmed him and asked him if he could repaint mine also and do a bit of a changement on the lips/mouth area too math a bit more the jc hong paint-job.

can't wait to see how the result will turn out :)
I can see that as a matter of personal taste (I think the lips ahould stand out more) but looking at that pic, it's imposible to deny boot25's talent! :lecture
Hmm. It almost does look like a Narrow Shoulder TT. Mine kind of bulges out past the seam do to the wide Shoulders of the Standard TT.