Bank Robber Joker

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Again, I can appreciate that, but for me I don't want to have to turn his head to his right just to pose him looking at another figure.

In other words, you can't pose this guy to look straight on at another figure without turning his head to his right. I just don't want to be restricted from that option, so I will have his eyes repainted.
Again, I can appreciate that, but for me I don't want to have to turn his head to his right just to pose him looking at another figure.

In other words, you can't pose this guy to look straight on at another figure without turning his head to his right. I just don't want to be restricted from that option, so I will have his eyes repainted.

Yes, like Devill666 mentioned, this is one reason why HT should do rotatable eyes like Enterbay does with their Bruce Lee figures. It would ratchet up costs and is fairly unlikely, but wishful thinking doesn't hurt.

You can achieve any eye position you want, and it's a lot of fun to make 'em go cross-eyed, like I've done on my Jet Li.
I plan to pose him exactly how the official images show him so so far the eyes aren't really bothering me . I can really understand where people are coming from with that problem though. Hot toys really do need to add the moveable eyes. If they ever did , I think for me they would take enterbays place for number 1 in terms of detail ( bt then again I don't own an enterbay figure yet ).
I feel hot toys are climbing higher everyday so we might get them sooner than we expect. :rock:rock
I don't mind the eyes either but in general I do prefer them looking straight forward. So far though he's been posed many different ways and they all look good with the offset eyes.
Again, I can appreciate that, but for me I don't want to have to turn his head to his right just to pose him looking at another figure.

In other words, you can't pose this guy to look straight on at another figure without turning his head to his right. I just don't want to be restricted from that option, so I will have his eyes repainted.

Exactly, if you want to have him looking straight on with the front of his body, his head will be turned to the side looking goofy, you have to pose his body in ways to make the neck positon seem natural, which sucks. However, with straight on eyes, you could turn the head to have him look sideways and you don't have to alter the pose much to make it look natural. Using the head to move where the eyes are looking has more pose options than having the eyes moved on the figure itself. If you're not going to do moveable eyes like Enterbay, then straight on eyes offer the collector the most options.
I gotta say I agree with EF, in the majority of the movie he talked to people "from the side" without much issue. I think it'll work just fine in reality with the nature of the character.
it seems perfect to me. I prefer a deep unique look than another blank figure looking forward with his head tilted down a litle. But my opinion only...
it seems perfect to me. I prefer a deep unique look than another blank figure looking forward with his head tilted down a litle. But my opinion only...

Although I like this look I guess like this were nearly going on statue grounds though. I mean , in order to make him appear like hes looking straight forward we have to turn his head to the right and in order to make him look like hes looking right we need to have his head facing forward. I think since this is a figure the eyes should be straight forward or poseable , ecspecially considering this is the retail paint of this figure. The idea of a figure is for it to be poseable otherwise its just a statue. When we are restricted to having his head one way for a decent look it kind of sucks so I think hot toys should not do this again. It could stop a few people ordering too I would imagine ( not me ).
If the person buying the figure wants the eyes off too the right badly enough they could simply get them repainted by someone on the board or for those not in the know look into it and get into the know.

It gives off a great effect but for photographers , people wanting odd poses , or even to a certain degree " normal " poses it doesn't.
I would think there is a bigger majority of people who would want the normal eyes rather than these.

I understand that hot toys may be trying new things and thats great but to do it on such a wanted figure with an awesome sculpt may be a bad move on there part.

Not arguing with your quote by the way , it just seemed a good one to follow on from and like you said thats your opinion. :)
Although I like this look I guess like this were nearly going on statue grounds though. I mean , in order to make him appear like hes looking straight forward we have to turn his head to the right and in order to make him look like hes looking right we need to have his head facing forward. I think since this is a figure the eyes should be straight forward or poseable , ecspecially considering this is the retail paint of this figure. The idea of a figure is for it to be poseable otherwise its just a statue. When we are restricted to having his head one way for a decent look it kind of sucks so I think hot toys should not do this again. It could stop a few people ordering too I would imagine ( not me ).
If the person buying the figure wants the eyes off too the right badly enough they could simply get them repainted by someone on the board or for those not in the know look into it and get into the know.

It gives off a great effect but for photographers , people wanting odd poses , or even to a certain degree " normal " poses it doesn't.
I would think there is a bigger majority of people who would want the normal eyes rather than these.

I understand that hot toys may be trying new things and thats great but to do it on such a wanted figure with an awesome sculpt may be a bad move on there part.

Not arguing with your quote by the way , it just seemed a good one to follow on from and like you said thats your opinion. :)

Still, there's some confusing around this topic. The looking too much to the side seem only present in these photos. The official production pictures he is looking almost in front as you can see in your signature picture. It's not that extreme looking to the side. Correct me If I'm wrong...
yep , who knows , maybe they listened to the complaints off of some people.
If you look at this image it looks more as if its looking towards you but then again its head is not facing fully forwards so this is probably the reason...

I gotta say I agree with EF, in the majority of the movie he talked to people "from the side" without much issue. I think it'll work just fine in reality with the nature of the character.

But this is where the distinction between the character on screen and a figure of him comes into play. Yes he did it a lot in the movie and that makes this portrait representative, but as the owner of the figure, your pose options are still limited, you are forced to portray your figure certain ways having been painted like this. If they gave him straight eyes, it wouldn't make him less like the film, and it would give figure owners more pose options and maximize the quality of the product they've invested in. I buy 1/6 figures because they're almost of a visual quality equal to a statute, but you are in total control of pose and such. When eyes are permanent painted in a pose like this Joker, your pose options significantly decrease. You can't pose him with a gun in his right hand and have his head facing that way with his eyes going that way, they're looking off to his left. Straight on eyes, you could turn his head.

Now, I'm not a toss him on the shelf collector, I create art with these figures, so my needs from a figure are greater than the average collector, but it is a frustration I have. Sideshow's Scarface, ANH Leia and Illum Padme were all let downs to me because of how limiting the posed eyes made the figure. Even Cannibal Jack, I love having the Cannibal head as a piece of art, but as a head for my figure, the eyes looking off like they do really limits your options with the figure.

As cool as the sculpt is, I'm not psyched about this Joker because of that because the eye factor is a big downer for me, but I'm psyched to get the bank robber head, put the mask on it, and use the gun with the v1 and have 2 cool figures of Joker at various points in the film.
Still, there's some confusing around this topic. The looking too much to the side seem only present in these photos. The official production pictures he is looking almost in front as you can see in your signature picture. It's not that extreme looking to the side. Correct me If I'm wrong...

He is looking off to the left side in that sig image, but from the higher angle, you see so little of the whites of his eyes it's hard to tell iris location.

yep , who knows , maybe they listened to the complaints off of some people.
If you look at this image it looks more as if its looking towards you but then again its head is not facing fully forwards so this is probably the reason...


They are still to the side in those photos, no correction's been made, probably won't be either, they did it for Cannibal Jack, but I did send an unanswered email to Hot Toys inquiring about the eye positioning.
are you going to bother getting your eyes repainted Shaun ?.
I'm actually considering it now.

I've spoken to Les about it, more than likely, but I'm not sure yet. I've got a second v1 head coming from eBay that I'm going to paint the eyes less up into the eyelids and add more accurrate makeup to the face, I'm getting one of Les' heads too, so maybe I'll end up just tucking the spare head from the Bank Robber figure away after a few early photos with it and using the mask head for the Bank Robber figure and my other 3 for my purple suited figure. If the eyes were how I wanted from the factory, I'd be all for using that head, but if they're not to my liking and I've got a number of other heads to use as well, whether I waste someone's time and my money to fix it becomes a question mark. I'm fine painting up a second v1 because I have the original and I don't need Les or Josh quality on it, but if I do decide to repaint the v2 eyes, I'll have one of the pros tackle it for me.
yeah , as complicated as that all sounds I'm probably in the same boat. I have Les's head coming too , my most anticipated by far. The real hair with that awesome sculpt and paint apps bumps it in front for me. Plus we have the decision of what paint apps we want which obviously makes it even more awesome.
The thing I'm just so pleased with about this bank robber figure is the tailoring and accessories. Thats what made me order in the end.
The thing that really gets my interest with the extra head on the BR figure is the mouth. Like some commented about him looking out the sides of his eyes a lot, that bizarre mouth expression is also a staple of his look to me, but it's one of those things that giving the figure that doesn't hurt your options at all. You can pose him however and that mouth expression would work, not like the eyes, so you can capture the character in the face a fair ammount without crossing the line that limits the portrait. Like the smirking Jack Sparrow head, you can use it for him smiling like a drunken sailor or even fighting with a smirk of confidence like Han Solo, it works for a multitude of poses. I like character in 1/6 portraits, but only so far as will still make best use of the 1/6 medium.
I'm surprised hot toys have actually gone this route with the eyes now that I think about it since there photography and build up to figures always seems to be detailed so I would of thought they would of considered this themselves.
They could have thought they wouldn't of been able to get impressive ( or at least more impressive ) photos with the eyes being stuck out to one side.

Unless of course they make the figures then send them to someone else who deals with the advertising and teaser photo aspects of it all.