Nah with JYE it's just good fun and besides he can blame the pain pills for the possible pot stirring. I always laugh when JYE is around as long as he doesn't produce the nightmare fuel images with Grace.Jye is one **** away from a 3 week exile.
Not sure how I got a month when it could've been 2 weeks. Damn.Jye is one **** away from a 3 week exile.
Not sure how I got a month when it could've been 2 weeks.
Dc seems to know not to make there long standing heroes look stupid . You don’t see Harley overshadowing joker to much or Wonder Woman showing up superman and Batman. Everyone is kinda equal right now. Now sometimes they will do the stuff marvel will do now but as of right now it’s not a lot. It was good to see Batman be a better fighter than catwoman . If that were mcu he’d get his as kicked with some stupid scissor take down.In The Batman when he snuck up on Selina in the mayor's house she turned and tried every martial arts move she knew on him. It was like she was punching and kicking a brick wall until he effortlessly grabbed her and threw her onto the table. Later in the film she was shown to be far from proficient with a handgun as she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn even with plenty of time to aim. So with WB at least there's a precedent for not immediately showing all women to be flawless super beings.
Like Ben Affleck being an alcoholic and now Ezra.Dc seems to know not to make there long standing heroes look stupid . You don’t see Harley overshadowing joker to much or Wonder Woman showing up superman and Batman. Everyone is kinda equal right now. Now sometimes they will do the stuff marvel will do now but as of right now it’s not a lot. It was good to see Batman be a better fighter than catwoman . If that were mcu he’d get his as kicked with some stupid scissor take down.
Having to wait until they release their terrible movies before they can lose money at the box office is getting too time consuming for them. Much easier to just cut out the middle man and flush their money down the toilet in advance, lol.Meh what’s 650 million dollars just throw it all away lol
Much as I loved Keaton Bats it always seemed like a dodgy premise anyway.Now do Flash.
Maybe this is a sign Michael Keaton isn’t going to be the main Batman moving forward anymore.