Well, I think I have decided to accept the $75 merchandise credit on my slightly scratched/ damaged box Batmobile. I figure the box is too big to display, the scratches are pretty minor compared to others I've seen post, and the credit makes the Hot Toys Evil Superman's price a little more bearable for a repaint. Am I happy with the small credit or how this was all handled? No... but the Batmobile is just too amazing for me not to own. I'll take one with a couple of small imperfections over not having one at all. Had it been as bad as some of the others I have seen in this thread, that may not have been enough to keep it though, so I can definitely understand both sides.
...but this definitely has altered my feelings on both HT and SS. Things I was on the fence about before are now a "no-go", and my thoughts about sticking to only Keaton/ Reeve for the rest of my collecting days are now more cemented.