Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Anyone ordered the Collectors Edition?


I have but if the reviews are crap i'll cancell but it looks ace so i'm sure it'll get good reviews.
Don't know if this has been posted?

Batman will have 'second chances' to ensure he doesn't die in Arkham Asylum, according to MTV Multiplayer.

If you take a wrong step while leaping around the higher reaches of Arkham Asylum, the game will slow down while you're falling to your doom and prompt you to hit a button so you can grapple back onto the ledge.

It sounds very Prince of Persia, where a wonky leap would see Elika save you and essentially 'reset' the situation. You can still die at the hands of the Arkham Asylum inmates but it seems the leaping about has been padded out with safety nets so you don't die.

It caused controversy with Prince of Persia so we'll have to see if it does the same with Batman: Arkham Asylum. Do these 'anti-death' measures rob the game of its challenge or prevent frustration from kicking in?

How do you guys feel about that? i'm not bothered that they have used it for falling as when you get your butt kicked you do die and get a gameover screen & i liked how it worked in POP.
Don't know if this has been posted?

Batman will have 'second chances' to ensure he doesn't die in Arkham Asylum, according to MTV Multiplayer.

If you take a wrong step while leaping around the higher reaches of Arkham Asylum, the game will slow down while you're falling to your doom and prompt you to hit a button so you can grapple back onto the ledge.

It sounds very Prince of Persia, where a wonky leap would see Elika save you and essentially 'reset' the situation. You can still die at the hands of the Arkham Asylum inmates but it seems the leaping about has been padded out with safety nets so you don't die.

It caused controversy with Prince of Persia so we'll have to see if it does the same with Batman: Arkham Asylum. Do these 'anti-death' measures rob the game of its challenge or prevent frustration from kicking in?

How do you guys feel about that? i'm not bothered that they have used it for falling as when you get your butt kicked you do die and get a gameover screen! plus i liked how it worked in POP.
I'm sure if Bruce was ever falling he could save himself, so no big deal for me. You can still die, but you have the chance to save yourself. Being unable to save yourself would be more unrealistic.

Yep he sure could but there will be people out there that will use this as an excuse to slag the game off. :lol :rolleyes:
Yea, unless Batman's cape gets ripped I don't really see a situation where he couldn't ever save himself from a good on them. Plus...HE'S BATMAN. :p

I need this game in my life.
I played a demo at best buy for about 30 seconds and it was cool. The combat controls are really smooth. and then a kid kicked me off the demo.


Should have slapped him and said respect your elders ^^^^^^ :lol
Did anyone go to the playtest day in London yesterday ?

No i'm a bit far from there plus i had no idea there was one? i'd love have to gone though! i'll never forget the road tour they held in Leeds for 360 before the console launched i was there all weekend it rocked :rock :lol
No i'm a bit far from there plus i had no idea there was one? i'd love have to gone though! i'll never forget the road tour they held in Leeds for 360 before the console launched i was there all weekend it rocked :rock :lol

I only found out the day before, but I was already commited to doing the London Comic Con, so I wasn't able to attend :(

on the plus side I got to meet Michael Ironside :rock