Just finished the game, and i gotta say, it was amazing. Its more than a game, more than a movie its like an epic saga, the story is amazing, and if a movie could even attempt to try and pull of all those characters and a story like that i would be more than satisfied.
Epic Gameplay, its so badass!! And the ending ***
** was CRAZY!!! IMO it was a great ending to that story and if they were to make another 3rd one with a possible Joker JR mabey it could be like a Batman Beyond cannon, in the future, would make for great visuals and new epic futuristic gadgets, ill play as Old Bruce or Terry, Batman was battle damaged by the end but it was so cool! The music, everything was top notch!!
Does anyone have any infro or quotes from the creators on a possible 3rd game??
Did the game sell well?