Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

Two-Face is DEFINITELY in! There are too many references. I bet we'll see Freeze, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, and The Joker. Co-Op would RUIN the game, as it does to most games that include it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm sure Mr Freeze, Talia, Two-Face & Riddler have all been confirmed. Catwoman is pretty much confirmed too since she's in the new promo pics.
The villains that haven't been confimed yet (I don't think they have yet anyway) are Penguin & Black Mask, but both of them were referenced in the preview trailer we got so hopefully they will be in the game too.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Two-Face is DEFINITELY in! There are too many references. I bet we'll see Freeze, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, and The Joker. Co-Op would RUIN the game, as it does to most games that include it.

Co-op can be fun for some games, but I don't think it would fit in well for this one.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I always thought co-op would be a good idea, even used as Uncharted 2 which had it's own mode and was fun, and the online multiplayer which added so much replay value to the game itself. Even a 1 on 1 versus mode would be cool if they found a way to do it right.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm all for some co op missions online, and having someone follow you during parts of the game (like Uncharted)
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I wouldn't mind challenge maps like that, but I don't think I would like the actual game play to have a co-op option. As much as I want Nightwing to have a cameo and would love to play him, I don't want him to be playable in the main game.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I wouldn't mind challenge maps like that, but I don't think I would like the actual game play to have a co-op option. As much as I want Nightwing to have a cameo and would love to play him, I don't want him to be playable in the main game.

I liked the idea of challenge rooms but I want them expanded a bit. I don't know how many people played Blur, but I this aspect of the single player experience..If you got a first place on track, high score, or killer time, whatever the case may be you could then send those stats to a friend as a challenge and they would need to accept. Then try to beat it and send it back to you and so on. It just adds another layer of depth and competitiveness to keep you coming back to try and best your friends.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

If they could work it a bit like Army of Two, where you are both trying to accomplish a common goal, but have seperate tasks to do so. Then, I'd be all in for Co-Op.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Two-Face is DEFINITELY in! There are too many references. I bet we'll see Freeze, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, and The Joker. Co-Op would RUIN the game, as it does to most games that include it.

I'm sure Mr Freeze, Talia, Two-Face & Riddler have all been confirmed. Catwoman is pretty much confirmed too since she's in the new promo pics.
The villains that haven't been confimed yet (I don't think they have yet anyway) are Penguin & Black Mask, but both of them were referenced in the preview trailer we got so hopefully they will be in the game too.

I think Clayface can go on this list as well. He was in the first game and escaped.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I would love Clayface to appear as one of the 'big guys' in this game. In B:AA we had Bane and Croc, so I got to thinking who could we possibly have this time around to fill in the 'big guy' fight role? I'd rather they used new characters than ones from B:AA, so Clayface would easily fit the bill. Not sure who else they could have, especially since the list of villains in this game already seems very high... I can't see how they can manage to fit any more villains in unless they're going to make the game substantially longer then B:AA.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Robin is awesome, Atleast tim drake robin is. When it had tim drake as robin in the comics it didnt feel campy and im pretty sure since gotham is overun we may get a cameo apperence of the tim drake robin.

Totally agree, i was never a fan of Robin in the comics until Tim Drake. I actually really like his character and would quite enjoy if there was an opportunity to play as him in the new game. Like maybe a little section where Batman's working on something in the Batcave and as he is he sends Robin out to do a little mission or something. Maybe to collect some evidence or do some surveillance or something. Would be very cool. Plus Tim's Robin costume is awesome. Would love to see him show up.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

If Robin is to appear in these games I'd prefer they wait till the third game (assuming there will be one) before he shows up and put the focus on Catwoman and Batman in this game instead.
Seeing as the new promo shots feature Catwoman and Batman I'm assuming that their relationship will play a big part in this game anyway.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

yeah i think using catwoman can create a nice dynamic within the story, as it often does in the comics. But i'd also like to see Tim Drake show up as Robin in some way, preferably as a playable character for a couple of little sections.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I just really liked the way the last one had one smooth flowing progression. It wasn't like most video games with a series of missions and spending time at some home base in between with places to explore etc. I feel like having Catwoman, Nightwing, and Robin would break up that flow. I'm all for having them as playable characters for challenges. Co-op challenges too, although those are a bit disappointing to people like me who play games alone. :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I just really liked the way the last one had one smooth flowing progression. It wasn't like most video games with a series of missions and spending time at some home base in between with places to explore etc. I feel like having Catwoman, Nightwing, and Robin would break up that flow. I'm all for having them as playable characters for challenges. Co-op challenges too, although those are a bit disappointing to people like me who play games alone. :lol

I agree. The urgency of the first game's smooth storytelling would be disrupted if we need to cut across town to Catwoman or have Robin go fetch some Bat Antidote.
Plus, since most of the scooby gang learned their tricks from Bruce it's just not compelling (IMO) to play the wannabes. And that's coming from a hardcore Robin fan.
And you're not alone in your aloneness, A28. Single player games, FTW! I like to keep my videogaming anti-social. :hi5:
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Nightwing is ok but he is the whole reason why people hate robin in batman movies and games. He was too campy. Nightwing is awesome and all but i would place my bets on tim drake robin. He is much darker and is more batman like since he went through the same drama. With him in a video game it wont be campy it will be darker.

But i like this idea of catwomen in the game . I wonder what thier chemistry will be like.