Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

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It's a noticeable difference, with Penguin's effete cigarette holder replaced by a fat cigar and the monocle by a cracked bottle-end, which Ginn claims is "too dangerous to remove - but he likes it". He also appears to have some kind of voicebox surgically inserted into his throat - could this be a subtle anti-smoking message from Rocksteady?!

Whatever, the biggest and potentially most controversial difference is the portrayal of the Penguin as a cockney geezer. Held up within the Gotham City's Natural History Museum, the Penguin introduces himself to Batman "as something of a collector," in a brash London accent, which is a far cry from previous incarnations of Oswald Cobblepot we've seen.

The article also revealed some other interesting tweaks in Arkham City's gameplay. For starters, Batman will be able to perform multiple parries; in the first game thugs would obligingly attack Batman one-by-one instead of piling in, but in Arkham City the Dark Knight can parry up to three attacks at once.

Arkham Asylum's powerful Detective Mode will be restricted in the sequel too, so it can't be exploited in the same way as in the original. "If you turn it on," says Ginn, "you see the pertinent things, but other than that there's little detail, so there's no great advantage from just playing in detective mode."
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Ugh. I hate retailer Exclusives. Did they ever release the first game's Exclusives as DLC?

I just hope the 360 gets the exclusive character this time. PS3 got Joker last time, I want him this time!

Here, here! That's fine if they want to do the exclusive at first but the exclusives should be available down the road for everyone. And when I say exclusives I mean a item exclusive. Don't make characters exclusives.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I don't mind the detective mode change this time. The only bad thing about the first game was you basically had to be in it the whole time so you wouldn't miss anything.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I don't mind the detective mode change this time. The only bad thing about the first game was you basically had to be in it the whole time so you wouldn't miss anything.

Yeah, which is a shame since the game looked so gorgeous, which definitely dropped down when everything was purple and slightly grainy in detective mode.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Yeah, I went back and just ran around in open world mode basically so I could see what the game looked like all over.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I didn't get to finish the game because of the infamous RROD. Gotta get a new xbox 360 for this one, it looks like another winner.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I don't mind the detective mode change this time. The only bad thing about the first game was you basically had to be in it the whole time so you wouldn't miss anything.

I had to have the detective mode on a lot of times just so I could see. Even with the brightness turned all the way up the game was so dark in areas for me that it was the only thing I could do to see. I don't suspect being in the city this time around it's going to brighten up any. :lol I did like you though and went around after the fact to look at everything.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Yeah, same here. It did have those graphical issues despite being pretty awesome graphically. I would expect like you said that this won't be such an issue inside a city.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Batman Arkham City Catwoman reveal trailer‬‏[/ame]
Re: Batman: Arkham City

So you can play as Catwoman?
:panic: :panic: :panic:
Is this news or have I been out of the loop?
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Yep, she is playable in game alright.;title;1

Batman: Arkham City is one of this fall's most anticipated titles. The third person action adventure game from UK based Rocksteady Games is the follow up to Batman: Arkham Asylum, the best Batman game ever made. While we've been anxiously poking around for news on the sequel since it was announced in 2010, Warner Brothers Interactive and Rocksteady have been deliberate about what they've shown off. Fortunately, with the game's fall 2011 release on the horizon, the information is starting to flow more freely. We got a sneak peek at what Warners and Rocksteady will be showing off at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo and we have to say we're even more excited for the game. While the game's bigger scale, rich story, expanded combat system, and new cast of characters are all great reasons to count the days until Arkham City's release, Rocksteady's been holding back one pretty big reason fans should be fiending for the game: playable Catwoman. And, to be clear, this isn't "playable" in a special side mode like The Joker was in Arkham Asylum, this is "playable in the story" playable. We got an overview of this and a host of other new content at our sneak peek which even included some hands on time.

Our look at the game started with an overview of new content from Rocksteady's Dax Ginn who initially focused on showcasing the city and Batman. The demo kicked off with a quick flythrough of the city that ended on the dark knight hanging out on a gargoyle as he's known to do. Ginn noted the view from Batman's perch which showcased the troubled city in the foreground and, off in the distant background, Arkham Island. Aside from the cool visual, the vista underscored Arkham's City size-- it's roughly five times bigger than Arkham Island. The extra space allowed Rocksteady to enhance Batman's move set to give players more options on getting around. This time out players will find that in addition to grappling and gliding their way around the city Batman will have an enhanced power dive tailor made for getting around. The power dive is also very handy for dealing with enemies as part of the enhancement to combat which now allows you to fluidly combine travelling around the city and beating up enemies. As part of the demo we saw the power dive segue into a mighty stomping of foes and traditional hand-to-hand combat. As with almost everything in the game combat has been significantly enhanced. The power dive and enemy stomp combo we saw was just one of a variety of ways you'll be able to deal with enemies. The system has been beefed up to allow players all manner of options that are right in line with what you'd expect Batman to do. One of our favorite examples was a very cool combination move that had the caped crusader grappling up to a ledge and immediately grappling again to fling himself into a mob of foes and begin the kicking of butt. The combat enhancements also extend to finishers which have seen two key upgrades. The first thing that impressed us was the broader variety of options to finish off a foe, which included using the grapple line and batarangs in creative new ways we approve of. The second was a new context-sensitive mechanic in combos that, in true Batman fashion, works some environmental improvisation in.. In the middle of a particularly painful combo string that had Batman knocking foes around on a rooftop near some railings, the dark knight made use of the railing as part of a wince-inducing flourish.

Once Ginn was done highlighting combat he offered a quick look at the enhanced exploration options in the game which yielded random goods such as clues to investigate using Batman's detective vision mode, random street crimes that could be stopped, and trophies left by the Riddler which appear to be laid out in even more challenging ways. The demo offered a convincing taste of the city's broader scale and how well Batman's new moves work in it. Ginn wound down the Batman portion of the demo by heading over to a roof which had a conspicuous group of cats hanging out. Once Batman was near the cats a new context sensitive option, titled "take a break," appeared. When the option was selected a cutscene was triggered and Catwoman popped out from the shadows, as she does, and gameplay shifted to her.

As he began to maneuver the feline fatale around the city Ginn noted that one of Rocksteady's key priorities around the character was to think on how she would uniquely interact with the city. Obviously Catwoman is a complicated lady who's not quite a hero but not a villain on the level of a Joker. In the end she's pretty much out for herself and sees Arkham City as the perfect chance to do what she does best, thieve like there's no tomorrow. The chaos of Arkham City provides her plenty of opportunities to do that, which tie into her part of the narrative which is very distinct from Batman's. The team wanted to ensure players wouldn't feel as though they were controlling Batman with a curvier skin. As a result you can expect decidedly different ways to get around the city, examine the environment, and fight with enemies. Since she lacks a nifty cape and grapple line, Catwoman will take a much more physical approach to getting around that relies on her trusty whip, parkour-like moves, and good old fashioned climbing and jumping. The demo highlighted the nimble and graceful way Catwoman will get around, and teased what appears to be a scoring system for how she moves around. During the demo as Catwoman picked up speed and made her way across rooftops we saw point totals appear at points during her leaping. Ginn noted the points will be awarded based on a players skill for moving through the city.

In keeping with Catwoman's grabby ways, she'll have a secondary vision mode a la detective mode but with a slight twist. Given her priorities she's not really one to sweat all the fine details Batman would when looking at the city as a detective would. Instead the feline antihero has thief vision which highlights all the useful info she'll need to steal. You'll see what to steal and relevant points to help you steal it.

Finally, while she's agile and stealthy, there are times when a leather clad thief has to just bust out her whip and kick in a few heads. The demo showed off an encounter with enemies on the street that saw her use her hands and a modest array of three gadgets, which included a bolo, to deal with her foes. Her combat moves were a fluid mix of punches and kicks, given a slightly vampy twist, which ended in some painful but oh-so-cool-looking finishers.

Ginn noted that while you'll only play as Catwoman for a tiny portion of the main story, she'll have her own mini progression path that will let you upgrade her moves and gadgets using experience earned from taking out enemies. In addition players will be able to use her to explore the environment and snag unique Riddler trophies only she can reach.

Once Ginn's basic overview of Catwoman was done he showcased one of the story missions she'll take on. Unlike Batman's altruistic narrative that has him focused on keeping Gotham safe, Catwoman is more on the opportunistic side. Her part of the story will revolve around her stealing the stolen goods. While she may wind up helping some folk along the way, it's clear she's not going to go out of her way. The mission we saw focused on her finding and robbing a vault filled with just the kind of stuff she's after. The first part of the mission saw her dealing with a group of Tiger Securities thugs guarding the manhole she needed to go in. Once they were stylishly dispatched she moved closer and saw a series of vines conveniently left for her by Poison Ivy, who Ginn noted she'd entered into an "arrangement" with earlier. Besides serving as markers for where to go, the vines allow Catwoman to access new areas such as the sewers.

Once in the sewers the action took a stealthy turn as she needed to break into a heavily guarded vault. The first part of the level focused on pick pocketing patrolling guards and showcased a unique and handy move for her: the ceiling climb. Rather than slink around Solid Snake style and avoid the guards, Catwoman just took to the ceiling and dropped near them for some old fashioned pickpocketing. Once she acquired the security keys needed she ceiling climbed her way into a nearby control room to open a vault holding what she was after. Once the vault is open the guards went on alert and needed to be quietly taken out, which allowed Ginn to showcase Catwoman's unique takedowns. With the guards dispatched she entered the vault to claim her prize. Unfortunately things didn't go as planned and she winds up with a gun to her head, which is where the demo ended.

As he wrapped up the demo, Ginn shared a few more details on what to expect from Catwoman in the game. Her narrative will only make up about 10 percent of the whole game which will amount to only a handful of switches to her for the story. However you'll want to invest some time with her and engaging in unique side missions to earn experience to level her up as well as collect those Riddler trophies.

Following the presentation we had the chance to get some hands-on time with the game as well and were happy to see how well Batman controlled. The core mechanics from the first game are still in play in Arkham City, but control feels tighter. The simple but effective combat system feels better than ever with the new moves that are pretty easy to pull off. In exploring as Batman we came across some new timed Riddler puzzles that required some quick timing to defuse bombs along the roof.

Playing as Catwoman wound up being a bit more brief than we would have liked as her playable portion in the work in progress version of the game was just a brief fight with thugs in a room. The sequence let us get a feel for how she handles in a fight. Unsurprisingly she's faster than Batman and has a lighter feel overall. We were able to pull off some lengthy combos almost immediately thanks to her speed.

The visuals in Arkham City appear to be well on their way to surpassing the high standard set by Arkham Asylum. The city is a living environment that easily qualifies as a new character in the game. Lighting is fantastic in the game as the city interiors and exteriors play with light to good effect. Comic fans will appreciate the attention to detail being crammed into the city, especially little touches like a poster for a cancelled performance by The Flying Graysons. On a more practical level, there appear to be loads of cracks and crevices to explore. While not every place you look will yield something, we're impressed that they're there. As far as the man himself, Batman has never looked or moved better thanks to fluid animation and the enhanced graphics engine. The new moves fit smoothly into the caped crusader's brutally elegant fighting style. Catwoman fans fretting that Miss Kyle might not get the same amount of love given her guest star status in the game can rest easy. Catwoman's slinky and brutal moves appear to be hitting the same quality level as Batman's.

Batman Arkham City continues to impress us with Rocksteady's smart moves on the design front. The team clearly "gets" Batman and appears to be well on its way to delivering another satisfying adventure. The addition of Catwoman is a nice touch that's well thought out. She definitely plays differently and we're happy to see she has a modest amount of upgradeability. We're very happy with the addition although we'll be fanboys for a moment and say we're a little sad that the second playable character isn't Nightwing or Robin but there's always the next game, right? Given the new content we've seen on Arkham City we're even more excited for the game now. The dense city and variety that's being teased has us fiending to see more. Batman Arkham City is slated to ship this October for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Look for more on the game next week on our E3 stage show