Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm guessing Deadshot will be more a side mission villain rather than a main villain. With so much being packed into this game and rumoured DLC down the track i wonder if Rocksteady will be moving on to other projects after this?

Probably Arkham Planet after this :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City

When batman said someone needs to stop joker i thought at first he pulled out a shotgun. Lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I think they should get Batman out of Arkham after this game, and have the main setting in Gotham City. The Arkham trend will get tiring after a while...
Re: Batman: Arkham City

We'll see. They might already have this idea planned out by transitioning it in the end.

Remember they had Arkham City blueprints in Arkham Asylum. It's definitely not a stretch to believe they've already got the next game planned out.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Remember they had Arkham City blueprints in Arkham Asylum. It's definitely not a stretch to believe they've already got the next game planned out.

I still can't believe nobody found those blueprints before we know Arkham City was coming. It makes me wonder what else might be hidden in that game we still haven't found. I'm almost scared to think what teaser might be hidden in this game for the next. I'm sure they have a next game planned. They'd be stupid to not at least make a trilogy. But I do think leaving Arkham is the next step. They can only take that so far. I'm actually surprised they continued with it for a second game. But you can't take the Escape from NY idea any further than a walled off city and have it work. So I think a regular Batman in Gotham game is what would be next.

One thing I still haven't heard is whether we'll be seeing Scarecrow/Bane/Croc with or on Titan. They had those alternate ending teasers with those three so it will be interesting if that plays out, and if not, what a dumb move to tease it in the first place.

Lets not forget:
Left 4 Batman

Re: Batman: Arkham City

Here is the link to it:

I think its alright. Its in line with the rest of the looks in the game I think. The essential Deadshot things are there: the gauntlet guns, the eye piece, red outfit, etc. A full mask would have been better though. Had they kept that I think most people wouldn't have a problem with it. Its showing off his goofy facial hair that was the mistake I think.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Just saw Deadshot's costume.



Holy God, it's terrible.

Rocksteady said they wanted to make a costume that was partially explained by how Deadshot got to Arkham City. Deadshot apparently had to sneak in disguised as an inmate ... and put together the rest his costume after he was there, so its not Deadshot's regular getup.

Re: Batman: Arkham City

Can we keep spoilers on the down-low please??

If you're referring to me specifically ... I don't think those revelations about Deadshot were a spoiler. That stuff was revealed in interviews as the background for Deadshot's design concept, not as a spoiler of the in-game story. The photos of Deadshot in prison garb would seem to have spoiled that he got in as a prisoner.

If you're referring to the revelation that Deadshot is in the game at all ... that's the kind of thing you're bound to get reading a thread like this.
