your crazy! the new suit is awesome lol I feel like asylum and city were great comic book adaptations but this one seems to take a more serious approach to batman, similar to what nolan did, even the change from the first games batmobile to what is now makes this game feel very different from the others. It seems like for the most part Rocksteady said, if this were to be real, what would it look like, move, and sound, it's all very different from the first two games.
You're kidding right? The new batsuit is disgusting, it's retarded, it's beyond tastelessly overdesigned, it's something I tolerate while playing, blergh!

sorry, but you triggered me there, I thought I made my stance on the batsuit clear by now
It's not more serious than the previous suits, and using Nolan as reference for costume design isn't the compliment you think it is, the Nolan designs are also stupid save for Joker and the 1st Batsuit, Nolan is on the same level as Singer as far as costumes go.
But I'm not questioning the concept of the suit, like I said, I get they're going the tacticool armored route, I don't mind, the problem is that the design itself is beyond ugly, poorly executed dumb design, I can go into detail about that, but I've done so in the past, the costume looks like a cheap fan design, it's the kind of thing you see in "
top 10 fan redesigns by amateur digital/videogame character artists" articles, along with Iron-Bat designs and such, it's just lame.
The game doesn't feel any one bit different from other games at all, hell, it doesn't LOOK any different save for the costume designs, the city has the exact same art deco TAS aesthetic and feel the previous RS games did.