Media Batman: Arkham Knight

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You complain about the non-realistic looks of AC/AA Batman, in a comic book game, but you don't realize the AO batsuit is pretty unrealistic. What the **** is realistic about Chris Redfield in a batsuit? Nothing! :lecture you dare not know what you talk about, my child. Go now. You must learn. Head...head the **** the league of shadows are at this moment.

I have started you on the path of righteousness, by editing your gif to be the real batsuit.

Lmfao I'm crying
It isn't a scientific fact, though. I like the Origins suit, but, with that in mind, people could say that it's as over designed as the AK Batsuit and in practically bulky. It's pretty much the love child of the Begins suit and the TDK suit. I like both of those suits, which is probably why I like it. With that in mind, odd proportions aside, the Arkham Asylum and Arkham City suits are probably the closest to a pragmatic representation of the comic suits that we'll ever get.

It is a scientific fact, indisputable, they did studies, look it up.

In all seriousness, I think you're trying to defend the AK suit by saying the Origins design is just as busy, c'mon, not even close, you can't seriously believe that, the AK suit is TDKRises 10x + a little Iron Man.

If you think about it, the AO is just as busy as the AC/AA, it's just a plain undersuit with armor pieces on top, it's rough, it's simpler, cause it was a rougher and simpler Batman back then, bulkier, he needed the extra protection.

The AC/AA, they have paneling, they have texturing all over, bolts, if anything, the AO is just a little bit busier, but nowhere near close AK.

In that respect, though, the Asylum and City suits are far closer to their comic book counterparts, whereas the Origins suit is closer to the practical, armored approach used in film. Personally, I think there's room for all of them; I even love the Arkham Knight suit, but I'd concede that the Asylum and City suits are probably my favorites, as they more closely resemble how I think of Batman.

No argument there, I too think there's room for all of them.

I tolerate the AK suit because works perfectly in the context, like I said, the concept is fine, I don't care if it's comic accurate or realistic, but the AK suit is just ugly imo, you can have it be all "tactical and realistic" and still look good, and AO was the perfect example of that.

My ranking would be:

1. Origins
2. Asylum
3. City
4. AK v7.whatever
5. AK v8.whatever

Not sure if Gaspar is troll, drunk, or joking.....

So claims the biggest Nolanite around...


AO costume > The rest, deal with it.

Also Nolan = poop.
Anyone else cheesed off about the lack of challlenge maps? My friend who has completed the game told me that you only end up with 4 AR combat challenges. Bit cheeky to take them out, as in the previous games they were unlockable. I guess they will be paid for DLC. I will enivitably have to get them as i really enjoyed the 4 round, high score competiveness. Good replay value
Yeah. The lack of challenges, different playable characters and boss fights are kind of weird omissions from this.
Some guy on reddit looked into the game code on the PC and said he found the six DLC characters in which Batman would go up against.

Here they are.

"User kirknetic reported that they’d found a list in the back-end consisting of Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, Black Mask, Mr Freeze, Ra’s al Ghul and little-known fan-favourite Prometheus, all most likely set to fill out the ranks of the upcoming Season of Infamy pack."
To get 100% you would need to beat the Riddler.....

Yeah I did got 100% yesterday. It was time consuming but worth it to punch the Riddler in the face. I kind liked the real ending too, not as good as I'd hope but pretty affirming nonetheless. Much, much better than The Dark Knight Rises cop out sissy Bruce ending. :lol

Nowhere near as good as the BTAS ending though, that can't be beat. :lecture
Yeah I did got 100% yesterday. It was time consuming but worth it to punch the Riddler in the face. I kind liked the real ending too, not as good as I'd hope but pretty affirming nonetheless. Much, much better than The Dark Knight Rises cop out sissy Bruce ending. :lol

Nowhere near as good as the BTAS ending though, that can't be beat. :lecture

I agree. BTAS was awesome! Im actually rewatching all the episodes this week. Only about 12 in so far.
I agree. BTAS was awesome! Im actually rewatching all the episodes this week. Only about 12 in so far.

The "real" BTAS ending is actually in the Justice League Unlimited episode called "Epilogue", it ties up BTAS, Batman Beyond, Superman and JL. It still moves me just thinking about it. :lol
The "real" BTAS ending is actually in the Justice League Unlimited episode called "Epilogue", it ties up BTAS, Batman Beyond, Superman and JL. It still moves me just thinking about it. :lol

Excellent shows. Very fitting. It all starts with "did you see that" and ends with the line to. Such great shows, really hope DC makes some figures from them and continues with there BTAS line.
Excellent shows. Very fitting. It all starts with "did you see that" and ends with the line to. Such great shows, really hope DC makes some figures from them and continues with there BTAS line.

I thought I was the only one who'd noticed! Yeah, it's a scene-for-scene recreation of the first BTAS episode "On Leather Wings" and a love letter to BTAS fans.

I'm just sad that most BTAS fans I know aren't even aware that those others shows are 100% canon and tie in to each other. Now THAT'S how you end the legend of the Batman. :lecture
I just started New Game +, and it's already slightly different in a way that I won't spoil.

Worth making a start on it just to see.