Yea, its definitely formulaic. With the omission of challenge maps, and the addition of tedious side missions, I think this might be the worst game in the trilogy. Its still good though, and at times great, but some design decisions really ruined what could have been an amazing game.
how many ppl unsubbed pewdiepie after they found out he actually makes 7 million $ a year
I don't sub to him at all, I ****ing HATE Youtube personalities.
I still don't understand how the hell he became so popular compared to the likes of ProtonJon and Slowbeef, who created the concept of Let's PlayHe makes 7 million? Poor guy isn't doing so good, he used to make $14 mil.
He's one of the few YT personalities who actually puts up good content, has professional ethics and has a cool personality.
I still don't understand how the hell he became so popular compared to the likes of ProtonJon and Slowbeef, who created the concept of Let's Play
It's funny how despite being ANGRY Joe, he's professionalhe gets too much crap for being honest though, like when Nintendo copyrighted his videos...
Right? The Nintendo cluster**** just showed how much integrity that guy has.
As for Pewdiepie, I don't watch him, so I don't mind him, I've only watched some of his early videos and they made me laugh, but I recently watched some of his new stuff, and it's like he's going through the motions of what worked the 1st time, it's not even remotely funny or fun, but hey, I'd kill to have his job, honestly.![]()
Oh yeah, I forgot he calls out developers like that.I think Joe's alright, he has a great reputation for calling out developers whenever they release broken games, and screw with their fans. The "Angry" portrayal is just what he does on YouTube, but he's pretty honest and to the point with his commentary.
Pewdiepie, I dunno. I was never subscribed to him, but I saw a few of the vids, and I got the impression that his fans must comprise of teens. And I have a 16 year old cousin that really likes him. I don't get Pewdiepie's appeal, and his success is baffling, but he's obviously doing something right to make millions a year from just YouTube vids.
Well if you don't own the game, it can help in that regard to convince you of it. Sometimes the way people play can be entertaining (unless they suck to DSP's levelOh yeah, I remember that South Park episode. Instead of playing games, the kids were hanging out with their tablets, and watching other people play instead. They even had PewDiePie in that episode.
In any case, I never understood the appeal for "Let's Play" vids. The concept is just strange... you go to YouTube and watch some guy yap his mouth off in a playthrough, when you could be playing games yourself. The only Let's Plays I ever watched was for DSP Phil and his idiotic failed attempts at MGS, that made him infamous on the net
For better of worse, it seems to have made a lot of people successful, though.
I don't know how to feel about the tanks. I don't think, for the most part, that they were nearly as difficult or pervasive as some have made them out to be, but, at the same time, he does have a point. When the thought of having to go through the Cobra, Cloudburst, Excavator, and DS battles is literally why I don't want to replay the game again, that's pretty bad, and I feel like Rocksteady seriously messed up there, because they mistook "tedious" for challenging. Anyone could beat any of those battles with enough patience, but the problem is that I don't want to wait 30 minutes for the cobra drones to separate enough for me to not get blown to smithereens; I don't want to traverse confusing tunnels with no idea where to find the giant drill/whatever the **** it is, only to then have to try and outrun it through a bunch of obstacle ridden tubes.
In all honesty, I feel like "battle mode" should've been one of those "holy ****! It can do that?" type of moments. Batman walks out of a building or something, and he's completely surrounded by a battalion of umpteen drones, tanks; whathaveyou, and then, it prompts you to press L2. No trailers showcasing the feature, no directions; just an all out battle, which you need to figure out...but, once it's over, that's it.
I look at the 3 AK boss battles. Why did the cloudburst need to be some supertank, on top of being a dispersal agent for a chemical weapon? Why couldn't AK's return have been when you go to rescue Gordon? I really do agree that some of them were just so redundant; the DS battle was one of the most disappointing things I've ever witnessed. All of that hype; all of that excitement, and you face him in...a tank battle? It felt like AK's equivalent of the Origins Electrocutioner fight.
I don't know how to feel about the tanks. I don't think, for the most part, that they were nearly as difficult or pervasive as some have made them out to be, but, at the same time, he does have a point. When the thought of having to go through the Cobra, Cloudburst, Excavator, and DS battles is literally why I don't want to replay the game again, that's pretty bad, and I feel like Rocksteady seriously messed up there, because they mistook "tedious" for challenging. Anyone could beat any of those battles with enough patience, but the problem is that I don't want to wait 30 minutes for the cobra drones to separate enough for me to not get blown to smithereens; I don't want to traverse confusing tunnels with no idea where to find the giant drill/whatever the **** it is, only to then have to try and outrun it through a bunch of obstacle ridden tubes.
In all honesty, I feel like "battle mode" should've been one of those "holy ****! It can do that?" type of moments. Batman walks out of a building or something, and he's completely surrounded by a battalion of umpteen drones, tanks; whathaveyou, and then, it prompts you to press L2. No trailers showcasing the feature, no directions; just an all out battle, which you need to figure out...but, once it's over, that's it.
I look at the 3 AK boss battles. Why did the cloudburst need to be some supertank, on top of being a dispersal agent for a chemical weapon? Why couldn't AK's return have been when you go to rescue Gordon? I really do agree that some of them were just so redundant; the DS battle was one of the most disappointing things I've ever witnessed. All of that hype; all of that excitement, and you face him in...a tank battle? It felt like AK's equivalent of the Origins Electrocutioner fight.
Have you unlocked the real ending yet Batfan? I'd like to know your thoughts on it.
Overall I enjoyed the game but I had major issues with some of the gameplay (Batmobile, side missions, underwhelming boss battles, lack of dual battles) and some major issues with the story. The Arkham Knight was a major letdown for me, not because of who he is, but how he was used, and the anticlimactic showdown between the AK and Batman. Another issue I had was Scarecrow, I loved his design, his voice actor did a really good job, his "evil plan" was fine, but he was way too behind the scenes for my liking, I would have loved if we would've gotten an upgrade to his boss fight from Arkham Asylum. Still with all the issues I have with the game, I still think it's good, and probably my second favorite game in the franchise even though I think it has the most problems in the series.
I can't agree more on this second paragraph. I do believe the tank battles hamper the pacing of otherwise a soundly crafted game and I think one of the reasons I could tolerate it was because the sound mixing is so good during these sequences. The whole room rust rumbled with that cannon being fired and all the nuances of the whirring engines and all makes you feel like you're the star of you're own action sci-fi movie.
It's apparent that WB/RS overexposed the Batmobile sections, going so far as having the car plastered on the cover art and on the damn disc, when it should have been kept a nice little surprise.
What did you think about the ending Batfan? You still haven't elaborated on it since our last chat.![]()