Super Freak
Batman Eternal comic storyline, was it Tim or Jason and Barbara?
DLC looks great but I still find it really odd that RS decided to put Barbara and and Tim in a relationship. I don't believe we're ever a thing in any version of Batman.
The game dialogue seems to make it sound like Origins was only 10 years before AK.
Yup, Origins is 5 years before AA right? and AC is one year after AA.
Correct. Kinda wished it was stretched longer than that though. 5 years is absurdly short for Batman to go trough 3 Robins and Batgirl already paralyzed.
There are some theories that AO is over 10 years before AA though.
I'd at least assume it'll be considerably longer than the Red Hood/Harley DLC - those were only freebies. I'm expecting this to be a similar length to Harley Quinn's Revenge due to the price, and also there are quite a few trophies/achievements for it as well, suggesting it'll be considerably bigger than the DLC freebies.
Probably won't be quite as good as what's yet to come (if the leaked villains list is valid), down to this not being directly Rocksteady's DLC. It'll be enjoyable enough and flesh out Batgirl and Robin, and of a decent enough length, and that's all I'm expecting.
I just thought the game was a let down for me. All it felt like I was doing was spamming the attack button , waiting for a cut scene then getting in the bat tank that I hated driving firing at other tanks!!
I really wanted to like this but I had no desire to carry on with it.
I think a lot of people are about to unsub from Angry Joe. after this review
I don’t agree with his score, seems he was a little tough on the game because of how the PC version came out, but its hard to argue with all the points he made. This game has one of the worst endings I’ve ever experienced, and the amount of work you have to put in to get that horrible ending is pretty strange. At times the game is perfect, then there is times when it feels below average because some of the strange decisions RS made in the story and gameplay.