I just hope Arkham Knight doesn't end up looking like Iron Man...
As long as it tricks HT into actually getting Arkham figures out, I'm OK with that.
I just hope Arkham Knight doesn't end up looking like Iron Man...
As long as it tricks HT into actually getting Arkham figures out, I'm OK with that.
It would be an accomplishment if RS could make Superman game that doesn't suck.
Big Superman fan btw, just think he's ill fitted to star in his own game. Maybe make it like Metal Gear Rising where Supes would lift giant mechs off the ground and toss them into the sky, now that's a good first step.
Pretty much how a Supes game needs to be, large maps and big or powerful enemies, it'd had to be nothing like the Arkham games at all.
A mixture between Rising and Infamous.
They could also use time as a crutch. If you start early in his career, you could have him leaping over buildings, getting hurt by bullets and explosives, etc., and upgrading to full-blown "Man of Steel" status, so as not to exacerbate the whole "enemy with Kryptonite" scenario.One thing I always thought would be neat, too, was if they made an "Arkham Asylum-esque" situation with a Superman game set on Apokolips. He's captured by Darkseid at the end of one of the earlier games, and it could make for an interesting scenario. For one thing, if Superman hasn't been on Earth in a while, his limitations could come from the lack of a yellow sun, and it'd be interesting to see him escaping from a planet full of powerful beings, only to come back, later on, and unleash the full extent of his power.
As long as Tim Daly voices Supes, I'm in.
Given this series' history, I'm bracing myself for the worst case scenario - Arkham Knight is Joker!