The head guys in charge of Arkham, have come out before and said they considered trying a Superman Game, but there is not a realistic way to do one. I believe his reason was that Batman can enter a room of 20 guys and while challenging the player can do it. But give 5 of those guys guns, and it changes how comabt has to be approached. You can't do that with Superman. you could give all the guys guns, and it would mean nothing to him. The player is then too powerful. So that leaves you with 2 options: A) Everybody gets kryptonite. Which breaks the story, and makes no sense. B)or you de power Supes in some way, which is cheapening the character.
I tend to agree with this line of thinking. Even if you make the game about an invation from Apocalypse. Parademons pose no threat to him whatsoever. Only Darkseid does. Which would be an epic Boss fight, but what do you do for all the moments before that?