So rumours that the reboot will be called The Batman, will arrive post JLA film, and will NOT be an origin tale but rather, will be focused on Batman in his 2nd year.
Also rumours that Darren Arronofsky might be directing thought I highly doubt that given what his vision was for the character back before BB was given the green light.
Yeah, don't think they can do another origin with the fact they want to get the jla film out in the not too distant future.
I don't 100% trust that source. I heard last week a couple little tidbits and they don't match up completely.
But we should know the direction they are going before next Friday. I was told an announcement would be made before then.
So rumours that the reboot will be called The Batman, will arrive post JLA film, and will NOT be an origin tale but rather, will be focused on Batman in his 2nd year.
Also rumours that Darren Arronofsky might be directing thought I highly doubt that given what his vision was for the character back before BB was given the green light.
MoS tying into a broader grander DC Film Universe is an AFTER THOUGHT. Both Nolan and Snyder both for months were saying "It won't" or "It's not". Once Avengers hit, they suddenly said maybe and then even possibly but not a definitive yes yet. Which means it's still under the microscope of how to take a film that was created to be standalone and make it a groundstarter.
To me that either means a lame rewrite and throwing into the film that doesn't belong and won't make sense or what is most likely an after the credits scene like Iron Man.
Warner Bros would be braindead to say "One After the Credits scene will do it, let's do JLA!" Even if all 6 other members were suddenly sitting in the Fortress it'd still seem forced.
As for being more relatable, when you look at the members of the JLA, there is no way it's going to be more relatable, if anything it'll be Gods done more dark and gritty but nothing more.
This film needs to worry about establishing a new Batman first and foremost, especially since Nolan fanboys will hate it before it's even on the screen and need to be convinced, especially when some are saying that Nolan walking away means the end of good comic book films on their public manifestos of blogs or articles.
DC cannot afford to do an Iron Man 2 where it's basically a commercial for the Justice League, they need to make sure that it's something straight introducing their new Batman, which means if they want any kind good base, they'll need more films in between
MoS tying into a broader grander DC Film Universe is an AFTER THOUGHT. Both Nolan and Snyder both for months were saying "It won't" or "It's not". Once Avengers hit, they suddenly said maybe and then even possibly but not a definitive yes yet. Which means it's still under the microscope of how to take a film that was created to be standalone and make it a groundstarter.
To me that either means a lame rewrite and throwing into the film that doesn't belong and won't make sense or what is most likely an after the credits scene like Iron Man.
Warner Bros would be braindead to say "One After the Credits scene will do it, let's do JLA!" Even if all 6 other members were suddenly sitting in the Fortress it'd still seem forced.
As for being more relatable, when you look at the members of the JLA, there is no way it's going to be more relatable, if anything it'll be Gods done more dark and gritty but nothing more.
This film needs to worry about establishing a new Batman first and foremost, especially since Nolan fanboys will hate it before it's even on the screen and need to be convinced, especially when some are saying that Nolan walking away means the end of good comic book films on their public manifestos of blogs or articles.
DC cannot afford to do an Iron Man 2 where it's basically a commercial for the Justice League, they need to make sure that it's something straight introducing their new Batman, which means if they want any kind good base, they'll need more films in between
We need to see a more mystery based BATMAN film, where BATMAN can really show the detective skill that he's got. After all he is named for "THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE" and I want to see that side of him in the live action Bat-movies.
David Fincher; Seven with Batman. I don't want to see anything with JGL, unless Nolan does it, and I doubt that will happen. The way I see it, the ending of TDKR was done in the same vain as the ending to Batman Begins. The Joker card at the end of Begins was supposed to give people an idea of where the story is going. Nolan didn't know whether or not Begins would get a sequel, so he allowed the ending to either lead into the sequel, or let the audience's imagination fill in the blanks.
That concept, to me, was present in TDKR. John Blake's story can be left to the audience's imagination, but, if Nolan, for whatever reason, changed his mind about returning to Batman, he could then conclude it.
We need to see a more mystery based BATMAN film, where BATMAN can really show the detective skill that he's got. After all he is named for "THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE" and I want to see that side of him in the live action Bat-movies.
But what if he produced over a young director like Johnson?