Pork Chop Express
I never drive faster than I can see...
It's Batman

Just look at the current order link header, 3 of 5 are Batman. Not to mention half of the DC section is Batman related.
It's Batman
Going to wait until SDCC to see photos but I think I am going to eat the NRD on this. Its great and all but I love the original and really don't see the logic in owning to similar bat sculpts. I wish SS made the cape different also... Would have gone a long way to make these two look different. Don't know. SDCC will be the deciding factor when I see that knew head sculpt.
While I can see you being able to cancel I am kind of hoping you don't.... You were so happy with this order.
I hope SS does Robin (same era) at some point to pair up with this.
2000 is still nothing for DC
Yeah... The Blue Batman generations grew up on, no low quantaty alerts anymore, and he is going to wait..... WHAT could possibly go wrong....lol
Darkseid EX is already gone