It was very obvious to me at least that Cavill was gonna be horrible in this, every shot in the trailers had him grimacing and frowning rather unrealistically. So no surprises there, he is awful in this.
Batman is the best thing in this movie. But that's a relative statement.
Honestly I wasn't terribly impressed with Affleck either, and I was one of the people who was delighted when he took the role. So I was taken aback by that a bit. It's just all too much. Fake, plastic hardness. Trying to be waaaaay too cool, in every single ****ing shot.
If this was a stand alone Batman movie I would still be disappointed with him in the bat shoes. probably not totally Affleck's fault and I would still kill to see him in a solo movie with a very different directorial style.
Having said that it's very hard to untangle what works and what doesn't in the movie, on one viewing anyway, it's a bowl of spaghetti.
I find it very funny that some people are equating dark/dry and sombre as a mature, adult take on the material, it's quite the opposite. this is NOT what Nolan did with TDK trilogy. This is like a video game that strives to have depth by making everything overly dramatic, it comes across as very silly. Some of it actually feels like cut-scenes between levels.
It strives to take itself seriously, but in a hamfisted teenage angst kind of way. Terrible *profound* dialogue and imagery. It makes the whole thing stilted and cheesy.
Honestly it would have been better if it had gone full retard and embraced the craziness of it all.
I will stand by what I said originally though, I liked it, it was a very *interesting* cinema experience, I didn't find it boring, better than MOS for me. And I will watch the 18rated Blu-ray later in the year. But this is not a good movie by any stretch.