Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I don't know how to block out my spoilers, if someone could point me in the right direction thatd be great.

But also with WW, SPOILer- she looked so bad ass in that picture, her face looked primal. I hope they get something like that down in the WW movie.

go advanced and then click on the square that says spoiler then write your spoiler inside
I was going to suggest that this was a case where RT was misleading, but looking at Metacritic, their scores there aren't so dissimilar, either (Paul Blart has a 39, BVS has a 44)

To my fellow Batman fans, Superman fans, Justice League fans, and comic book fans, in general, this one goes out to you...

My first instinct is to say, "yeah, but we still have some pretty great DC Animated stuff being made," until I remembered that they're focusing on the Nu-52 junk and the Timmverse is done I guess. :(

But I do agree that folks who aren't into the approach of these films (myself included) should have some patience, and see what comes next. I think Suicide Squad could be very interesting. As could Captain Marvel. And if they ever get del Toro to do the Justice League Dark that he's been aching for, we could be in for the treat to end all treats.

Though their animation department is in a bit of a lull now with Nu-52 and lazy comic recreations like Dark Knight Returns, in the past 20+ years they've had so much great stuff from B:TAS to JLU to Brave and the Bold to Young Justice to so many great DTV movies. Surely we'll get something else worth watching soon!

It was very obvious to me at least that Cavill was gonna be horrible in this, every shot in the trailers had him grimacing and frowning rather unrealistically. So no surprises there, he is awful in this.

Batman is the best thing in this movie. But that's a relative statement.
Honestly I wasn't terribly impressed with Affleck either, and I was one of the people who was delighted when he took the role. So I was taken aback by that a bit. It's just all too much. Fake, plastic hardness. Trying to be waaaaay too cool, in every single ****ing shot.
If this was a stand alone Batman movie I would still be disappointed with him in the bat shoes. probably not totally Affleck's fault and I would still kill to see him in a solo movie with a very different directorial style.

Having said that it's very hard to untangle what works and what doesn't in the movie, on one viewing anyway, it's a bowl of spaghetti.
I find it very funny that some people are equating dark/dry and sombre as a mature, adult take on the material, it's quite the opposite. this is NOT what Nolan did with TDK trilogy. This is like a video game that strives to have depth by making everything overly dramatic, it comes across as very silly. Some of it actually feels like cut-scenes between levels.
It strives to take itself seriously, but in a hamfisted teenage angst kind of way. Terrible *profound* dialogue and imagery. It makes the whole thing stilted and cheesy.
Honestly it would have been better if it had gone full retard and embraced the craziness of it all.

I will stand by what I said originally though, I liked it, it was a very *interesting* cinema experience, I didn't find it boring, better than MOS for me. And I will watch the 18rated Blu-ray later in the year. But this is not a good movie by any stretch.
Taking out the somber mood stuff, your description reminds me more than a bit of Age of Ultron. That was a movie that really suffered from a lack of focus IMO, though it had some really good bits in there.
Wrong time to pull this card.
A $250 million budget spectacle with a worldwide release can't be considered "just a harmless movie".
ESPECIALLY when you step back and think about everything else going on in the world.

I get your point and I'm sorry but this is a complete opposite of "trying to defuse the situation".
We're just a small community of "pricey dolls" collectors here and unable to listen to reason. :lol

My dollies are better than your crummy dollies!!! So there!!!!!!!!!:lol
Also being a huge batman fan, and never really caring for supes, I really ended up feeling for supes. I mean he just got shat on over and over. I was thinking "geeez bats cool your jets". Also did anyone find it odd that even after batman gets the message of "keep lois safe, its all about lois" He does absolutely nothing in order to protect her?. It didn't ruin any aspect of the movie for me, but I'm wondering what other peoples thoughts are.
Also being a huge batman fan, and never really caring for supes, I really ended up feeling for supes. I mean he just got shat on over and over. I was thinking "geeez bats cool your jets". Also did anyone find it odd that even after batman gets the message of "keep lois safe, its all about lois" He does absolutely nothing in order to protect her?. It didn't ruin any aspect of the movie for me, but I'm wondering what other peoples thoughts are.


I would have at least gone to talk to her... Maybe help her find the source of that magic bullet and thereby find out that Superman isn't the bad guy he thinks he is and its actually a plot by Lex to make him look bad. Maybe put thos detective skills to use?

But nah... I'll just go make these Kryptonite weapons and try to kill him instead.

I don't mean to add fuel to all this negativity. But a couple people here really spoiled the biggest moment of the movie and then followed that up by telling me it was my own fault for being on a forum (I think it was almost 2 weeks before this movie came out). And now everyone is using spoiler tags pretty appropriately, so I don't understand why some had to be so rude to me in the first place. Anyway, related to what I'm saying I cant help but wonder how I would've felt not knowing what I knew.
Back on track... Down to 32% now.


How much do the numbers mean to people though? Does a low score:

1. Mean you don't see a movie and

2. If you see a movie with a low score do you sit there trying not to like it incase the critics find out you like it?

Can't people make up their own minds?
For those that saw the film...

Seeing how ridiculously little was left of Vic Stone's body on the energized operating table during the Cyborg teaser scene, this was all I could think of...


We did the best we could with what we had left Vic.

How much do the numbers mean to people though? Does a low score:

1. Mean you don't see a movie and

2. If you see a movie with a low score do you sit there trying not to like it incase the critics find out you like it?

Can't people make up their own minds?

Not one bit. If it's a movie I'm interested in, 98% or 2%, I'm seeing it.
How much do the numbers mean to people though? Does a low score:

1. Mean you don't see a movie and

2. If you see a movie with a low score do you sit there trying not to like it incase the critics find out you like it?

Can't people make up their own minds?

it's not the numbers. the rating doesn't really mean anything without the explanations.

most people will see the rating and then go and read the small reviews on the page (the summary) and then go from there,
For those that saw the film...

Seeing how ridiculously little was left of Vic Stone's body on the energized operating table during the Cyborg teaser scene, this was all I could think of...

View attachment 254444

We did the best we could with what we had left Vic.


HAHAH it made me laugh a bit, but I thought it was cool and cheesey at the same time.

Aquamans was the worst though, he didn't look vey mobile in the water lmao, and he was acting so interested in a stupid camera. I was laughing at that for sure. I also thought he would retrieve the spear out of the water, I guess that was just wishful thinking
Most of the time I take reviews into account...with 3 kids we have to choose our theater trips carefully these days. But for this one Don't care...babysitter secured...seeing it Saturday night.