Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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The Shaun the Sheep Movie has a RT score of 99%. Maybe everyone should just watch that, no-one can argue with a score of 99% (OK it's not quite 100% but...).

As I said- It has to be a movie I am actually showing interest in first. Then use RT as a Consumer Reports to help decide if I should put the money & time into it or not.

As I said- It has to be a movie I am actually showing interest in first. Then use RT as a Consumer Reports to help decide if I should put the money & time into it or not.


I'd be interested to see people's lists of personal opinions vs RT scores. As in high RT scores but they hated the movie OR a low RT but loved the movie...
Snyder on why [Insert Character here] kills in the movie:

Spoiler Spoiler:
so its lower than Mall cop 2... I still cant believe it.

It's lower than the worst film ever made.

I'd be interested to see people's lists of personal opinions vs RT scores. As in high RT scores but they hated the movie OR a low RT but loved the movie...

Usually, it is pretty right on with me. Enough so that I keep sticking to my "60% and above and I already have a good amount of interest" rule. Here's a few examples-

Batman '89 72%- Love it
Spider-Man 89%- Love it
Superman '78 93%- Love it
Captain America TFA 79%- Love it
X-Men 81%- Like it

Spider-Man 3 63%- Hate it
X-Men Origins Wolverine 38%- Hate it
X-Men The Last Stand 58%- Hate it
Man of Steel 56%- Hate it
Batman v Superman 33%- Hate it

Of course there are exceptions for every rule... Iron Man 3 scored a 79% and I thought it was awful. But as a guideline for myself, its worked out pretty well. I feel like I've not wasted a lot of ticket money on times that ended up not being worth it thanks to checking those ratings.

Snyder on why [Insert Character here] kills in the movie:

Spoiler Spoiler:

Spoiler Spoiler:

this is the thing about reviews. Reviews for dark knight rises were not all that positive and i didn't give a hoot and i went and paid and really regretted it.
Avatar didn't even have that horrible reviews, but I had doubts and i went to see it even though a lot of people told me it sucked personally.
Reviews for the hobbit were so so and i just went and hated it.
I know "its only 10 dollars brah" but its the whole thing, it is the drive there, the waiting for it, the wasting time for it. the gas money, the snacks or whatever.

So when everyone is like "Why do you follow reviews brah, cant make your own mind brah? cant create an original thought brah? ) well yeah, Sure I can, but I dont want to waste a day and some money to "make up my mind" I dont have to see this now, It can wait. I Might still see it in theaters but I dont have the same hype to see it. I was dying to see this and now im not. i can wait. (I might end up loving it, but its okay if i dont see it right now)
what never ever makes sense to me is attacking a director and ignoring a writer. or giving a pass to a studio. sure the director has a lot to do

but how come when Pixels was bashed NO ONE on the internet ever even mentioned who wrote it? or wrote an article about it? how come no one ever mentions how the writer of the ninja turtles did a terrible job?
everyone attacking Bay when he didn't even WRITE it or even direct it always seemed ridiculous to me. no one even knows who wrote the ninja turtles movie, everyone went to hate and attack the director but writers are always attack free.

I mean, I know trashing directors is bad, but what baffles me is how all the people being angry leave the people that actually wrote the bad stories out of it.

In most cases, directors are far better known then the writers, but I have seen many threads where the writer of a bad script was bashed. Ultimately though, the responsibility for the whole film falls on the Director. If its a bad script, the Director is supposed to order a rewrite, if there is bad acting, the Director is supposed to motivate the actor and reshoot the scene. If your the Director, everything is your responsibility, unless the studio takes the film from you and re-edits it.

The Director is in charge and controls every aspect of the film, as it's supposed to be.
It halarious watching the BVS fan pages on facebook. :lol They're like, "It's not true...don't listen to the hate, the film is a masterpiece...the best superhero film I've ever seen! Affleck deserves an Oscar." :rotfl
In most cases, directors are far better known then the writers, but I have seen many threads where the writer of a bad script was bashed. Ultimately though, the responsibility for the whole film falls on the Director. If its a bad script, the Director is supposed to order a rewrite, if there is bad acting, the Director is supposed to motivate the actor and reshoot the scene. If your the Director, everything is your responsibility, unless the studio takes the film from you and re-edits it.

The Director is in charge and controls every aspect of the film, as it's supposed to be.

yeah I can see that, But when everyone keeps complaining that the plot makes no sense in a movie or that they added too many things in a movie and it is too crowded or even when people complain about the lines being cheesy.
You would think people would realize that was the director's fault no?