Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Another thing about it though, that reinforces rushmore's original point, is that director's sure aren't hesitant to step up and take in all the accolades when something they do succeeds. So, from that POV, it does seem fair to assign blame when things don't go their way. Of course, as with the quarterback of a football team, I'm sure they would have no problem finding ways of attributing success to their actions and blame elsewhere when it suits them :lol
So let me get this straight, it's dark, serious, and gloomy ? Count me in !! I'm tired of the kiddie Marvel movies and I have no allegiance to either Marvel or DC as I don't read comic books. Less than half those Marvel movies are even good IMO. Too light hearted and made them out to be comedies instead of action movies.

100% agreed but we are in the minority apparently
I'm in no way surprised that a film directed by Zack Snyder sounds like its style over substance. I've pretty much expected disappointment from this film from the beginning as its seemed like there's been a lack of real direction with where the DC film universe is headed and that they mainly are trying to play catchup with Marvel.

There's just too much I can't get behind in this film such as Batman flat out being a killer, a ridiculously over the top Eisenberg as Luthor, a piss poor barely existent storyline, etc. I will see it just to make my own final determination but I may be done with DC for a while depending how I feel afterwards.
You make a fair point rushmore. To Rory's post, a $10 getaway for one becomes a $70 getaway for two in our case :lol


I also get the cost thing. I have a wife and 2 kids, one about to turn a year old. If we all want to see a film it's a big undertaking. Finding a free point in our schedule, obtaining a babysitter, something that's especially hard for us, making sure the movie is appropriate for a 7 year old, the tickets are going to run us $36, unless our 7 year old begs for 3D, which she loves, which then jacks the ticket price to around $50. Then inevitably my daughter will beg for snacks, at which point my wife will also decide she wants popcorn, so we can then add at least $20 at the concession stand. The movie is also likely to interfere with lunch or dinner plans, given that we have to go to earlier shows so my daughter is not out too late, so then there is the cost of a restaurant, which can vary from fast food ($20) to sit down meal ($50) so potentially weve just plunked down as much as $120 for a night at the movies + paying for babysitting.

Then, we have to hope the movie is entertaining enough for a 7 year old, who may start begging to leave midway through the feature.

I love going to movies, but it is rarely worth the time, expense and effort.
If wasting 10 bucks, 2 hours of your time and driving out to a theater is a big deal for you guys, maybe you should just stay home.

For me, every movie is an experience. I like going to theaters. I've paid money to see great movies and terrible movies but I never really regret going to them. There's always something to talk about with the person you go with. Maybe that's just the movie guy in me. People are being so dramatic and sensitive about this. Okay, you saw what you perceived to be a bad movie, it still has some merit i.e. discussing it ad nauseum with your fellow sideshow bros. I hated TDKR and Man of Steel, they were disappointments, but I didn't feel like I wasted time and money. Last year when I was in Europe I paid a good bit to see Age of Ultron in Italian and that movie was mediocre and lame. Like I said though, it's the experience. You got to see these things for yourself.

I've known the plot and seen 80% of the footage of this thing for the past 5 months and I know a few of the fights, including the Batman action, is worth the price of admission alone, even if the rest is a mess. I've been saying that since the beginning.

I stay home when the reviews are bad (or if they talk about stuff I know I wont like) When a movie is bad sometimes i kinda feel insulted by the creators. It always makes me think, how was this greenlit? how did no one spoke about how bad this was. how come they spent months working on something so bad.
And the more i think about it the more annoyed i get. Like with the Thing prequel, I legit felt so insulted as a fan by the studio. I dont mean to be overly dramatic but... what were they thinking with that movie? I felt taken advantage of as an audience member. with the Thing, They just take your money and show you this horrible garbage... I dont even care about the 10 bucks but that experience, I wish I didn't have it. it bothers me that I added to their box office.

Movie watching as a whole has changed. You have to weight now even considering watching opening weekend movies with pre sale tickets selling out right when the movie comes out. Granted it all depends on half of the theaters you have available. 85% of movie theaters are going towards the reserved seating so more than likely if you want you or your family to go, you have to plan this months(mcu movies, star wars) and in this case a month in advance to get "good" seating which is close to middle but not quite middle. This is why at the same time I request movie opening nights for movies I like days off work to avoid any hiccups.

The plus side of reserved seating, you have your ticket and do not have to form a line, but you have to be on time or else they won't sit you. I can count with one hand the amount of movie theaters where live that let you buy tickets without reserved seating so it's still old school but kind of cubbersome. The thing with negative reviews in case of this one is that yeah thanks to this forum and online reviews are getting to me, and while i can go on craigslists and sell my tickets for 300 since I bought four tickets, two at the drafthouse today with limited edition BVS cups and a movie book that comes with the price of the ticket, and for friday I have the Imax dolby atmos 3d screen, I can probably profit 600$ bucks easily on tickets but it's not a marvel film so I doubt any one will buy them.

It's a lot to consider since I am huge batman fan close to the level of Sallah, but you can't deny the fact that seeing online reviews or negative hype like on facebook right now where it's trending how bad this movie is coming out to be, affects the movie going experience.

For me the ultimate movie experience right now is watching movies at the Alamo Drafthouse, the theater advises you to be a good movie goer or they kick you out, the dinning and beer/wine experience, and the food is amazing, I always get royale's with cheese, plus the movie tie ins before you watch this is over the top. I easily spend like 50 bucks on two people on top of the tickets... Nothing will ever be the same anymore I guess. I just wish I hadn't seen how bad it would have stunk, but then top critics in movies are the equivalent of Oscar nominators where you know no one likes super heroe movies, but regular movie goers watch it either way.

Point being I guess, in this day and age, opening weekends sell out way before any hype or negative reviews come out, leaving people who are on the fence at the last minute not being able to watch it unless they go to theaters without reserved seating which is usually bad theaters.

I also get the cost thing. I have a wife and 2 kids, one about to turn a year old. If we all want to see a film it's a big undertaking. Finding a free point in our schedule, obtaining a babysitter, something that's especially hard for us, making sure the movie is appropriate for a 7 year old, the tickets are going to run us $36, unless our 7 year old begs for 3D, which she loves, which then jacks the ticket price to around $50. Then inevitably my daughter will beg for snacks, at which point my wife will also decide she wants popcorn, so we can then add at least $20 at the concession stand. The movie is also likely to interfere with lunch or dinner plans, given that we have to go to earlier shows so my daughter is not out too late, so then there is the cost of a restaurant, which can vary from fast food ($20) to sit down meal ($50) so potentially weve just plunked down as much as $120 for a night at the movies + paying for babysitting.

Then, we have to hope the movie is entertaining enough for a 7 year old, who may start begging to leave midway through the feature.

I love going to movies, but it is rarely worth the time, expense and effort.

We all need to form a "Thrifty Geek Dad" club. One of us can bite the bullet on each new film, then warn the others if its worth the family trip or not. :)

Yeah, I wasn't even thinking about bringing the kids. That's a whole other endeavor. But on balance, not much more expensive than the costs involved in the babysitter.
My daughter is 2 and my friends are all Dads too so my first question to the wife is usually "do you have any interest" followed by "do you mind if I sneak out to see it myself?"

Luckily tonight my buddy also got a permission slip so we are seeing this hot mess together.
please post your review after you see honest and let it rip one way or another!:yess:

There's no other way to do it ! Like I said, I don't like Marvel any more than DC. I see movies on their own merit. I won't be seeing this until probably next Wednesday though. Don't like the first week crowds. My son is going tomorrow though.
We all need to form a "Thrifty Geek Dad" club. One of us can bite the bullet on each new film, then warn the others if its worth the family trip or not. :)

As a Dad I thank you for biting that bullet already. As a fan, I'm so so sorry.
I'm in no way surprised that a film directed by Zack Snyder sounds like its style over substance. I've pretty much expected disappointment from this film from the beginning as its seemed like there's been a lack of real direction with where the DC film universe is headed and that they mainly are trying to play catchup with Marvel.

There's just too much I can't get behind in this film such as Batman flat out being a killer, a ridiculously over the top Eisenberg as Luthor, a piss poor barely existent storyline, etc. I will see it just to make my own final determination but I may be done with DC for a while depending how I feel afterwards.

Well, it's not really surprising. If you look at Snyder's track record with critics, all his movies are in the 50% rage..and his best film has a 75%. The only reason people had high expectations for this film was because Affleck's involvement and the new writer he was bringing with him. I wasn't sold on any of that...because at the end of the day, it's still a film made by Snyder. The only Snyder film I like is MOS, and I really don't understand the hate. IMO, it's the best Superman film ever made, which is not saying much...considering how none of the films have even scratched the surface of that character and universe. MOS is the closest thing I've seen so far, so I might like this film, despite all the bad reviews.
My daughter is 2 and my friends are all Dads too so my first question to the wife is usually "do you have any interest" followed by "do you mind if I sneak out to see it myself?"

Luckily tonight my buddy also got a permission slip so we are seeing this hot mess together.

I've had to do the solo venture to the theater a few times recently, The Witch being the last time. In repayment, I stayed home and watched the baby while my Wife took our 7 year old to Zootopia.

Funny, I go see a movie by myself for $10, they go and it's a big hit to the bank account. :lol
So let me get this straight, it's dark, serious, and gloomy ? Count me in !! I'm tired of the kiddie Marvel movies and I have no allegiance to either Marvel or DC as I don't read comic books. Less than half those Marvel movies are even good IMO. Too light hearted and made them out to be comedies instead of action movies.

No allegiance......fooled me.:rotfl

DiFabio hit nail on the head...I can count a handful of movies I been to that I regret watching otherwise, I find the good in most and enjoy the experience. I never had an expectation this film would be anything but visually appealing and I was (still am ) excited for Batfleck. If it delivers in those two
areas I can walk away saying it was a decent 2 hrs spent.