Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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"Snyder, you're tearing me apart!!!"

Yon CANNOT do anything if the movie you've just paid for and watched is not for your liking.

This is something I've always had a huge problem with.
If movies are just products then people should get guarantees.

Meh. But if that movie is bad, you have a experience to talk about with other dorks on toy forums.

The general consensus is Batman and Robin sucks. We've all seen here. Either we paid to see it or spend time from our lives to watch it. And we can all joke about it here. You can't do that without watching it.

My BvS tickets are waiting for me to join the club Saturday Afternoon....
Meh. But if that movie is bad, you have a experience to talk about with other dorks on toy forums.

The general consensus is Batman and Robin sucks. We've all seen here. Either we paid to see it or spend time from our lives to watch it. And we can all joke about it here. You can't do that without watching it.

My BvS tickets are waiting for me to join the club Saturday Afternoon....

Amen sister.
well all i was saying is that when a movie gets horrible reviews i just wait for the home release. I might still watch it, maybe I enjoy it.
all I said was that i just wouldn't check it in theaters in the coming weeks,
Some of you guys would be bitching if it was a dollar, or hell, even free.
If you pay money for it then it's still a product. :dunno
I just find it hypocritical when I'm called "dirty pirate" for wanting to try the product out knowing that there's no return policy.

It's not the cinema's fault that the movie was bad, they shouldn't have to take a hit.Surprised I have to clarify that.
Oh, completely agree. Sorry, didn't get the "cinema" part in your last post. :lol

It's roughly 10 bucks to sit in a comfy seat, have the lights dim down and see a story (good or bad), play out on screen. Maybe it's just me, but there is still something magical about the movie theater no matter how cynical I become as I get older. Some of you guys would be bitching if it was a dollar, or hell, even free. :lol

You're taking this way too seriously. I saw Terminator: Genisys and thought it was a huge **** show, I hated it. But I don't regret watching the damn thing. I always laugh when people are like "oh maaaan, it was so bad that I had to walk out and get my money back". C'mon, it's a movie. The people that made and produced are gambling millions of dollars on it. You? You threw down a 10 dollar bill. Back to Genisys. Let's say I left and asked for my money back because I felt I was above it, then I wouldn't have gotten to see some kooky, weird crap where Arnold becomes a liquid metal T-1000 thing with blade arms. Even though it's terrible, I've still never seen something like that. I was mystified. That's the kind of stuff the child in me would play out with some toys. Same goes for something like The Phantom Menace. If I left the theater and asked for my money back after Jar Jar stepped in alien crap, I'd have missed that awesome duel at the end of the movie.

$10 is a lot for people now a days, that
A) Don't even want to pay a few bucks for a rental and just download illegally
B) Don't care for quality of presentation since they watch movies on a phone or iPad
The general consensus is Batman and Robin sucks. We've all seen here. Either we paid to see it or spend time from our lives to watch it. And we can all joke about it here. You can't do that without watching it.

I always found Batman and Robin entertaining.

I hope the movie is better than the soundtrack. I heard it yesterday and after I was done I felt like I had been pummeled by a bag of nickels.
I just listened to the score and thought the same thing. Doesn't help that I very much liked the Mad Max soundtrack from Holkenberg and think very highly of Hans' Nolan Batman scores.
If you pay money for it then it's still a product. :dunno
I just find it hypocritical when I'm called "dirty pirate" for wanting to try the product out knowing that there's no return policy.

Oh, completely agree. Sorry, didn't get the "cinema" part in your last post. :lol

That's crazy. It's like people calling you a their just because you steal. Don't they know who you are and what you're entitled to?

You should report them at once.
If you pay money for it then it's still a product. :dunno
I just find it hypocritical when I'm called "dirty pirate" for wanting to try the product out knowing that there's no return policy.

You're a smelly pirate hooker.

I just downloaded the Force Awakens bluray to see the Millennium Falcon chase fo free. IDGAF

We're talking about cinema here, so stop being cheap and entitled RIDDICK. Everything evens out.