I need to see it again. Couldn't sleep last night lol.
I'm not mad at the Movie Gods. It didn't diddle my childhood or anything.
Makes sense lol. I agree. I wasn't expecting much since I'm more a Marvel fan but even as a big fan of Marvel I still enjoy DC comics. I just am not sure at the moment. I will say I want some collectibles from the movie. [emoji38]
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Whew....you're right about that. Thankfully the wife put the kid to sleep because I hit a wall.
I liked batfan's review but all movies boil down to being subjective, we then take that piece of subjective art and thru our internal emotional interpretation we make it an objective truth for ourselves....you know..the whole it's good or it's bad thing.
So yeah, if you hated it or liked it, you have your own very personal reasons for it and you are 100% right on the mark FOR YOURSELF.
No one is WRONG or RIGHT here, your opinion is true and accurate for yourself.
So, did I like or hate it.
I'll tell you what, i'm still thinking about it very heavily that's for certain.
Someone here had wondered if this movie can be improved by making it longer, I would unequivocally say YES!
Not "saved", but "improved", there's a difference.
I don't think the movie requires any saving.
I would just like to see additional nourishing layers of motivation and plot added so that the narrative can fully form into a meaningful message.
What is there is memorable that's for certain but also complicated.
The movie trips in its rush to catch up with Marvel to showcase the what, how and why.
BUT, and this is important, I went in knowing EVERYTHING yet I was still engaged!
That has to stand for something I guess, the movie did something right.
Bullet points to cut to the core of my thoughts:
The movie moved fast and was NOT boring in any sense of the word!
WW should've never been shown in the trailers, WB got scared.
Very powerful opening! I'll say it again, very powerful opening with the MOS tie in.
Lex was terrifying at certain times, not as bad as I was expecting. Intelligence can be just as intimidating as physical strength. Intelligence mixed with psychotic sociopathic behavior can be terrifying. I liked how olbertfrog described this Lex, I see the same thing, the same motivations, just needs to flesh out some more.
Tradition continues,Lex finds his way into Superman's property once again. In a way it bugged me but I guess LexCorp representing the military/tech industrial complex it works....I guess
Abomination...I mean Doomsday...looked as bad as Abomination and TIH was how long ago already!
Doomsday is too big.
****s in a cbm! Her nips were cgi out, I **** you not lol!
Affleck is a great looking Wayne/Batman, love both, want more of both!
Great looking Batcave and road leading up to the Batcave.
Kind of silly that had Batman just listened to Superman for an extra second their battle could've been avoided.
Batman killing fully blown out of proportion, nuff said!
Batman fighting was indeed bad ass and brutal but if some people had a hard time with the shaky cam in WS wait until they see this. But definately the BEST Batman fighting style on film, period!
I liked Batman's voice.
Bruce Wayne's parents were cheap, should've hired security guards and had a car waiting outside!
I liked not having Gordon but maybe there's should've been a shot of a mysterious person helping Batman implying an insider from GPD.
Batman's bad guy stalking with cops trying to find him was well done.
Batmobile was cool, maybe a little too RC car like, not in it that much but was used well enough I guess.
Batwing much better this time around than floating Bat lobster tail.
New Alfred was cool but didn't do much, hope he has more scenes in the extended edition.
Why didn't WWjust grab the kryptonite spear, problem solved!
Why didn't Martha Kentjust call out to Superman so he could rescue her? They did diminish his hearing length, much shorter than Superman Returns
Lois everywhere again lol.
But Lois was better in this.
Superman has an incredible murdering face!
Bombing scene was pretty tense seeing the Capital blown up like that
The Cyborg teaser was really bad...horrible cgi. He was the worst of them.
Devin Faraci made a stinkabout Aquaman looking dumb holding his breath under water but even looking for it I didn't notice! Reaching much there Devin.
How dafuq am I going to explain to my wife why those flying Attack of the Clones bugs are in this movie, FML! Extended cut will have to flesh some of that stuff out for regular people to understand lol.
WW good, not great, her acting as WW was weak at times.
her lasso scene was NOT as impressive as I was hoping it would be, another example of DC's rush job playing catch up. I believe that can be rectified on the extended cut.
Dumb humans and theirnukes.
Loved Batman's theme, the soundtrack overall worked much better in this movie than it did in MOS, pleasant surprise!
The endingstill pretty shocking even knowing it was coming
As I think about it some more I will update my thoughts.
Some are calling it DC's AOU.
I still think the talk between Ultron and Vision at the end is quality writing, Lex came close to that level of nuance at times.
That being said, nothing in BvS trinity matched the triple attack on Ultron by Vision/Thor/IM! Sorry trinity.
This movie doesn't destroy BB/TDK, those 2 still kick ass.
It is better than MOS though, at least I wasn't bored!
STOP WORRYING AND GO SEE IT! BATMAN is in this, how can you NOT go see it!
Bottom line for me.....
FOR ME....that's my objective truth!
Going again tonight!
Come at me brahs![]()
Whew....you're right about that. Thankfully the wife put the kid to sleep because I hit a wall.
I liked batfan's review but all movies boil down to being subjective, we then take that piece of subjective art and thru our internal emotional interpretation we make it an objective truth for ourselves....you know..the whole it's good or it's bad thing.
So yeah, if you hated it or liked it, you have your own very personal reasons for it and you are 100% right on the mark FOR YOURSELF.
No one is WRONG or RIGHT here, your opinion is true and accurate for yourself.
So, did I like or hate it.
I'll tell you what, i'm still thinking about it very heavily that's for certain.
Someone here had wondered if this movie can be improved by making it longer, I would unequivocally say YES!
Not "saved", but "improved", there's a difference.
I don't think the movie requires any saving.
I would just like to see additional nourishing layers of motivation and plot added so that the narrative can fully form into a meaningful message.
What is there is memorable that's for certain but also complicated.
The movie trips in its rush to catch up with Marvel to showcase the what, how and why.
BUT, and this is important, I went in knowing EVERYTHING yet I was still engaged!
That has to stand for something I guess, the movie did something right.
Bullet points to cut to the core of my thoughts:
The movie moved fast and was NOT boring in any sense of the word!
WW should've never been shown in the trailers, WB got scared.
Very powerful opening! I'll say it again, very powerful opening with the MOS tie in.
Lex was terrifying at certain times, not as bad as I was expecting. Intelligence can be just as intimidating as physical strength. Intelligence mixed with psychotic sociopathic behavior can be terrifying. I liked how olbertfrog described this Lex, I see the same thing, the same motivations, just needs to flesh out some more.
Tradition continues,Lex finds his way into Superman's property once again. In a way it bugged me but I guess LexCorp representing the military/tech industrial complex it works....I guess
Abomination...I mean Doomsday...looked as bad as Abomination and TIH was how long ago already!
Doomsday is too big.
****s in a cbm! Her nips were cgi out, I **** you not lol!
Affleck is a great looking Wayne/Batman, love both, want more of both!
Great looking Batcave and road leading up to the Batcave.
Kind of silly that had Batman just listened to Superman for an extra second their battle could've been avoided.
Batman killing fully blown out of proportion, nuff said!
Batman fighting was indeed bad ass and brutal but if some people had a hard time with the shaky cam in WS wait until they see this. But definately the BEST Batman fighting style on film, period!
I liked Batman's voice.
Bruce Wayne's parents were cheap, should've hired security guards and had a car waiting outside!
I liked not having Gordon but maybe there's should've been a shot of a mysterious person helping Batman implying an insider from GPD.
Batman's bad guy stalking with cops trying to find him was well done.
Batmobile was cool, maybe a little too RC car like, not in it that much but was used well enough I guess.
Batwing much better this time around than floating Bat lobster tail.
New Alfred was cool but didn't do much, hope he has more scenes in the extended edition.
Why didn't WWjust grab the kryptonite spear, problem solved!
Why didn't Martha Kentjust call out to Superman so he could rescue her? They did diminish his hearing length, much shorter than Superman Returns
Lois everywhere again lol.
But Lois was better in this.
Superman has an incredible murdering face!
Bombing scene was pretty tense seeing the Capital blown up like that
The Cyborg teaser was really bad...horrible cgi. He was the worst of them.
Devin Faraci made a stinkabout Aquaman looking dumb holding his breath under water but even looking for it I didn't notice! Reaching much there Devin.
How dafuq am I going to explain to my wife why those flying Attack of the Clones bugs are in this movie, FML! Extended cut will have to flesh some of that stuff out for regular people to understand lol.
WW good, not great, her acting as WW was weak at times.
her lasso scene was NOT as impressive as I was hoping it would be, another example of DC's rush job playing catch up. I believe that can be rectified on the extended cut.
Dumb humans and theirnukes.
Loved Batman's theme, the soundtrack overall worked much better in this movie than it did in MOS, pleasant surprise!
The endingstill pretty shocking even knowing it was coming
As I think about it some more I will update my thoughts.
Some are calling it DC's AOU.
I still think the talk between Ultron and Vision at the end is quality writing, Lex came close to that level of nuance at times.
That being said, nothing in BvS trinity matched the triple attack on Ultron by Vision/Thor/IM! Sorry trinity.
This movie doesn't destroy BB/TDK, those 2 still kick ass.
It is better than MOS though, at least I wasn't bored!
STOP WORRYING AND GO SEE IT! BATMAN is in this, how can you NOT go see it!
Bottom line for me.....
FOR ME....that's my objective truth!
Going again tonight!
Come at me brahs![]()
I am relieved at least YOU liked it...!![]()
I thought it was ok. Not great, not horrible. I was not a fan of Lex acting like the Joker.
My biggest complaint is
the death of superman. They go from everyone hating him to loving him the minute they find out hes dead. How would anyone have known he helped save the world? No civilians were around. Maybe Lois shed light on it. But I think they should have waited for JL 1 to do the death.
The funeral procession from the comic book always felt somber to me and I felt would have looked amazing on screen.
View attachment 254697
Well if Jye enjoyed breast...er the movie, I should too.
Does Supes kill Zod/Doomsday by snapping his neck? That would be hilarious of Snyder. No Fox Given.![]()