Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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My nephew saw it last night and had to call me right after. Bottom line he said it was very good and he enjoyed the hell out of it. The theater he was at was a full house and the movie got a very enthusiastic reaction from the audience. He didn’t go into much detail, as he didn’t want to spoil anything for me. While he admitted that the movie may have some flaws. It is in no way a bad film. And in his opinion does not deserves the low scores that some critic are giving it. He will definitely be seeing it again. I’ll will throw in my two cent after I see it Saturday at the I-Max.
Just got back. Overcrowded with pointless cameos, very Pompous and dour, but by no means the train wreck or turkey the critics describe. There's a really good Batman movie desperately trying to get out from under the weight of the whole thing, and I loathe Eisenberg's Luthor with a passion. He actually gets to do a few nasty bits of business, but the performance undermines any tension. Still not totally sold on the Man of Wood yet... Cavill has a lot of potential, I just wish someone would actually let him be Superman for once....

Just my two cents.
I can understand fans being split on this and I'm positive some critics are savoring the opportunity to get creatively snippy but trying to look at it from an honest "film critic" perspective I think the low scores are justifiable. There's no conspiracy.
Just got back. Overcrowded with pointless cameos, very Pompous and dour, but by no means the train wreck or turkey the critics describe. There's a really good Batman movie desperately trying to get out from under the weight of the whole thing, and I loathe Eisenberg's Luthor with a passion. He actually gets to do a few nasty bits of business, but the performance undermines any tension. Still not totally sold on the Man of Wood yet... Cavill has a lot of potential, I just wish someone would actually let him be Superman for once....

Just my two cents.

Solid and to the point take on the movie. Pretty much mirrors my own exactly.

I thought it was good not great. Definetly had its problems but had many other things going for it. Visually it was a great movie and I thought all the acting was great.
saw it again last night, this time I could feel the run time for sure. Definitely felt like 2 1/2 hours. Still loved it. The audience clapped throughout and everyone claped at the end. Saw way more plot holes and un-intentionally funny moments (which I loved). Lois Lane at the end makes some stupid decisions at the end that had me cracking up. Still don't think the plot is as convulted or confusing as most critics did. It was probably the most comic-booky movie Ive seen. Very similar to comics out today and video games and what not. I understand that the dream sequence wasn't explained but I think that makes it ten times cooler. Maybe its happening in a future movie? Also I loved the set-up of the justice league, its ironic who originally finds them all and gives them their nicknames (or at least symbols). Jesse still didn't bother me, he came across as the typical power hungry villain who ends up needing some extra muscle for the finale. I never read the doomsday book so I can imagine people being disappointed, but to me he was always used in this exact fashion. A big boring bad guy used at the end of a comic run to raise the stakes
I was worried about the movie dragging but it absolutely did not whatsoever!

Regarding him killing.....

Maybe in his younger idealistic self he figured remaining noble and pure would diminish his vigilante foot print, yeah he's breaking the law but he doesn't kill so we still accept him, he's a nice vigilante who doesn't murder. He's trying to have his cake and all that comes with it.

I can break the law yet still be accepted.

Bad things happen to him. He gets older. He even says criminals are weeds, he's frustrated.

Escalation keeps happening!

How to deal with that escalation causes an ideological shift within which he knows will cause a paradigm shift on how others view him.

How does one fulfill an urge while also remaining altruistic about it.
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I'm not reall bothered by Killer Batman. Not my cuppa tea but not a dealbreaker. I can buy that he's on his last nerve with crime. The bit about branding and what it leads to is pretty ****ed up. It goes beyond "oops, I smooshed you." Not sure how much of it is intentional by Batman and how much was the Newswoman's conjecture.

Also - distracting number of real life people playing themselves on tv screens.
If anyone here reads Birth Movies Death website they just posted this 10 Questions BATMAN V SUPERMAN Left Me Asking | Birth.Movies.Death.
I think this article really shows the nitpicking going in to this movie. Some of them I definitely agree with, but the first question is so ridiculous I can't help but laugh.

See... I don't really see that as nitpicking at all. There are pretty major plot points listed there that are never explained in the film. Thats not nitpicking... That just asking for better storytelling and a plot that at least somewhat makes sense.

See... I don't really see that as nitpicking at all. There are pretty major plot points listed there that are never explained in the film. Thats not nitpicking... That just asking for better storytelling and a plot that at least somewhat makes sense.


I don't know, cleaning up the world eginine from the first movie? :rotfl that is bizarre to me. Supes with a giant broom sweeping up that thing in the bottom of the ocean.
I don't know, cleaning up the world eginine from the first movie? :rotfl that is bizarre to me. Supes with a giant broom sweeping up that thing in the bottom of the ocean.

Maybe that first one is a bit... but as an overall list, they are pretty valid questions.

I couldn't resist peeking into this thread even though I still haven't seen it. :lol So it isn't boring? Sweet! That was one big concern I had.

Trust me homey you're going to enjoy it.

Now if only DiFabio would spill his guts, it's ****ing killing me.....and crows I think. :lol
Saw the 10pm showing at the local cinema, quite surprised to see the theater very quiet (maybe 50 patrons!). Not good for opening night! No hype, like TDKR or TFA--there were crowds and general excitement to see those movie. Just like this movie--it was a dull, dreary, (k)night out.

Tired of the same old re-telling of death of the Wayne's ; Bruce's falling down the hole.

Alfred should be fired for allowing Wayne manor to remain in such disrepair-- and for **** sake hire a grounds crew to cut the grass!

The hatred of Bruce's Batman to Superman felt contrived and rushed.

I actually didn't mind the portrayal and direction taken with Lex Luthor.

Spot the J.J. Lense-flare!

Didn't like "cave-troll" Doomsday, or the battle scenes--how many locals died in that battle? (Bruce- didn't seem too concerned at the end of it all- when he was using his lame parlour tricks- gas and grappling hooks-lol to escape a certain death- unlike the sheer disdain he laughingly emotes (forced) during Superman and Zod's fight--he seemed more concerned that the Trump-err I mean Wayne building was destroyed!)

I have no interest to see this again, however, I might see JLA-- if nothing else to see another train wreck of a movie.

Not the worst comic book flick, but far from the best imo: 5/10
So Superman gets busy with naked Lois in a bathtub.
Lex makes a baby with naked Zod in a puddle.
Bruce banged random chick in his weird underwater bedroom.

So pretty sure that camera caught Aquman rubbing one out.

Yeah true, but in a movie that is apparently so bad you'd think 10 good questions would be easy to come up with. Also regarding lex's motives I thought he was just a mentally unstable person in position of power that was envious of supes. Like, ridiculously mentally unstable. I was hoping for a Lex that would be stable enough to maybe run for president in the future movies..... but no way after this movie. I hate to bring up the dreadful mcu v dcu , but lets get real here, in the past however many years what was the last good villain? I found Lex to be more interesting/ entertaining then most of them. Just the fact that

Lex starts the movie way ahead of the game, already knowing everyone's identities. And has a huge part in creating the justice league

was very interesting
Saw it, and it wasn't all that bad. I'll be getting the BD once it comes out.

I don't give a flying **** what some failed, wannabe movie directors say here, or on some reviews site.