Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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WB was touting advance ticket sale numbers for maybe a week now? Who didn't know this was going to make money opening weekend?
Some of my answers

I just want to clarify on one...
They do indeed imply that people believe Superman killed those men... Its not just a "repercussions of his actions thing". Lois asks the government guy flat out "You don't really believe he killed those men, do you?". That is the whole point of Lex's guys turning on them and killing them. To frame Superman.

As for the bullets (since I am already talking on this one).... Maybe its just me, but if I'm trying to cover my tracks in an obvious frame job, I am not going to use weapons that can be directly linked to me. I'd just use regular bullets. :)

WB's marketing campaign isn't as good or as strong as Disney's. The day SW:TFA came out, Google had a SW theme cover and a jedi and sith lightsaber logo on the bottom of the page so you could pick a side, and that would open a new page related to the film. WB's whole marketing campaign is about which side do you choose...Sups or Bats...and they couldn't even do the same on the Google page. Maybe WB decided not to waste more money on this film because of the terrible reviews....who knows?
Advance ticket sales alone will win the opening weekend... Its how big or small the drop next weekend is that will determine if the film flies or falls.


I bought my tickets like less than three weeks ago, it was end of February, checked hours later after I bought my tickets and the theater was sold out. Marvel plays it safer by going two months in advance, I already got my civil war tickets minutes after It went online, but I am paying like 70 bucks for two tickets for drafthouse and 40 bucks for imax the next day. Seems like marvel bumped up their prices, but still this movie will do fine, depending on how you might look at it, marvel needs tons of movies to build up one big one, so far civil war is the culmination for this iteration after 10 plus movies, while his movie just fed off MOS.

In my wife's perspective who doesn't know comics but she knows movies, I told her to re watch MOS to understand this one, and after bvs she thanked me by telling me the opening made total sense to her since she forgot about the world engine and remembered the plot and characters. In the end it all boils down to the audience who doesn't know them that much, but do not have the time to watch everything to make sense for them. I think. This movie will do fine
WB's marketing campaign isn't as good or as strong as Disney's. The day SW:TFA came out, Google had a SW theme cover and a jedi and sith lightsaber logo on the bottom of the page so you could pick a side, and that would open a new page related to the film. WB's whole marketing campaign is about which side do you choose...Sups or Bats...and they couldn't even do the same on the Google page. Maybe WB decided not to waste more money on this film because of the terrible reviews....who knows?

Yeah, the marketing for SW TFA was pretty stellar... and their Thursday number was something like 57 million compared to 27 for BvS. But I really don't know how much that actually has to do with the marketing, and how much of it is that there are just a lot more folks that were excited for SW: TFA than BvS (for a variety of reasons).

I will say though that SW TFA did a much better job of keeping their surprises under wraps in the marketing than BvS did.

I just want to clarify on one...
They do indeed imply that people believe Superman killed those men... Its not just a "repercussions of his actions thing". Lois asks the government guy flat out "You don't really believe he killed those men, do you?". That is the whole point of Lex's guys turning on them and killing them. To frame Superman.

As for the bullets (since I am already talking on this one).... Maybe its just me, but if I'm trying to cover my tracks in an obvious frame job, I am not going to use weapons that can be directly linked to me. I'd just use regular bullets. :)


Will really pay attention second time around about Africa.

And yeah i agree about the regular bullet things.
But as i said do we really care, its the kind of plot device that you see all the time.
It gives Lois some reporting to do also.
It could have been worse with Lex logo on them ^^
....marvel needs tons of movies to build up one big one...

And not surprisingly, one of the most often heard complaints for BvS is that they crammed way too much into this one film. :)

Time will tell if that works out for them. so far, the reviews are showing it has not... but we will see next weekend when the advance tickets aren't part of the equation anymore.

Will really pay attention second time around about Africa.

And yeah i agree about the regular bullet things.
But as i said do we really care, its the kind of plot device that you see all the time.
It gives Lois some reporting to do also.
It could have been worse with Lex logo on them ^^

No one gives a **** in this movie about anything and I like it.
Will really pay attention second time around about Africa.

And yeah i agree about the regular bullet things.
But as i said do we really care, its the kind of plot device that you see all the time.
It gives Lois some reporting to do also.
It could have been worse with Lex logo on them ^^

What makes it more frustrating for me... that the whole bullet and frame sequence kinda just goes nowhere. And after the Flash vision flat out telling Batman that Lois is the key, he kinda does nothing with that info. Being a detective, it would be pretty obvious which Lois it was referring to. If he took just a moment to go and talk to her, she could have filled him on the whole bullet frame job thing, revealing Lex was a bad guy and Superman isn't as bad as he thinks. bBt instead... He ignores the vision and just goes ahead with his plan to kill him.

Watching from a religious standpoint like I did, this movie makes a lot of sense and actually brings up a very emphatic tone that motivates lex to bring down the supermeh. It's the classical why man must bring down God in his eyes as he tries and explains it and I understand how this movie made people hate it because it seemed to religious, they kept bringing God a lot

I'm a somewhat religious person (Eastern Orthodox), and I really have no problem with such stories. Thing is, Snyder, Goyer, whoever the **** is responsible for the lines and the script and the mood, completely misses the mark. Instead of progressing this notion, all we get are some messianic comparisons and that's it. We don't get to see Lex's true self, who's just mad he's not the one worshipped like a God. We don't get to see a determined Superman, all we get is a moppey Supes and a psychotic Lex with vague motivations. I'm sorry, but for me, this just doesn't work.

Thing is, you need such concepts in Justice League. A very big point of their comics is the dichotomy between their stature and their kind, everyman hearts. The Gods who act like the Good Samaritan. Snyder completely missed the mark there, instead giving us an easily hurt Superman and a Lex that doesn't resemble his comic roots (Prime-Earth or not) at all. He's not the right choice for JL, period.
posted it a few page ago.
Its really some clever editing work.
The music , the zoom in and his reply at the end.
purrrrrrrrrrrrfect lol

I like how the interviewer goes "Ben?"... and it shocks him back into it.

Amazingly well done.

Age of Ultron had the same problem, but made buckets and buckets of money.

AOU is no prize, thats for sure... Its one of my least fav Marvel flicks. But I do feel like it was more coherent and not nearly as overflowing as BvS was.

But time will tell. :)

What makes it more frustrating for me... that the whole bullet and frame sequence kinda just goes nowhere. And after the Flash vision flat out telling Batman that Lois is the key, he kinda does nothing with that info. Being a detective, it would be pretty obvious which Lois it was referring to. If he took just a moment to go and talk to her, she could have filled him on the whole bullet frame job thing, revealing Lex was a bad guy and Superman isn't as bad as he thinks. bBt instead... He ignores the vision and just goes ahead with his plan to kill him.


i agree it could have really worked well but What you say works if Bruce was not on edge.
The prequels comics have thugs saying hes become more dangerous since Metropolis battle.
Alfred sees it and tell him.
He basically went to the dark side, he is obsessed with Superman.
He just want to kill the guy. Nothing else matter.
Dont think he trust the vision more than his mausoleum nightmare.
When he say i failed him, to me its on every levels.
I have to say with all this dark stuff permeating Superman's God narrative it does make one appreciate Christopher Reeve running into camera opening his shirt.

Superman Returns tried that but failed miserably. :lol

WB is receiving hate as if this movie is equivalent to Superman 3 and 4, and obviously it is not.

That being said, if anyone is hoping for a Superman with the same level of emotional range as Reeve, you ain't getting it!

Reeve went from friendly and bumbling personality as Clark to charming and angry as Superman, huge range of emotions.

Cavill has stern, moody and murder, that's still his range.
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Yeah, the marketing for SW TFA was pretty stellar... and their Thursday number was something like 57 million compared to 27 for BvS. But I really don't know how much that actually has to do with the marketing, and how much of it is that there are just a lot more folks that were excited for SW: TFA than BvS (for a variety of reasons).

I will say though that SW TFA did a much better job of keeping their surprises under wraps in the marketing than BvS did.

Sallah comment had nothing to do with the boxoffice numbers. It's just that I went to Google, and noticed WB didn't do the pick a side gimmick. I think the bad reviews will definitely affect the opening numbers regardless of the marketing.