I know he is just a guy and his opinion is not really important. But this is a guy that had been hyping the movie for all these years. he is besties with Ben Affleck, he might be a nobody to a lot of people but he IS a famous guy to nerds, some people do like him. he is a "nerd celebrity" that was hyping this movie to no end and that loves everything batman and defended Rises to no end.
So to have someone like that basically back stab ben affleck with his BAT-TRUMP comments is pretty shocking.
I am surprised if he's panning a film that is starring a friend of his but it wouldn't be the first time that's happened in Hollywood. I'm sure Lucas is still friendly with Ford, Fisher, Hamill, etc., but it didn't stop him from venting about TFA.
Kevin Smith might have been crapping himself in anticipation but I don't see how that makes him any different than any of the Batman "superfans" here who've been eagerly awaiting the film only to be disappointed. His experience was his experience, his opinion is "correct" for him, just as yours is correct for you, but not for everybody else. I get that this film is being savaged by critics AND a good number of fans (not the majority obviously as the audience scores can attest) but honestly I can't wrap my head around why. We're just experiencing two different movies apparently.
If he liked it all these same people would be saying how Smith loved it.
Yes I'm so crushed that my "ace in the hole" ally turned against the film.