Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I know he is just a guy and his opinion is not really important. But this is a guy that had been hyping the movie for all these years. he is besties with Ben Affleck, he might be a nobody to a lot of people but he IS a famous guy to nerds, some people do like him. he is a "nerd celebrity" that was hyping this movie to no end and that loves everything batman and defended Rises to no end.

So to have someone like that basically back stab ben affleck with his BAT-TRUMP comments is pretty shocking.

I am surprised if he's panning a film that is starring a friend of his but it wouldn't be the first time that's happened in Hollywood. I'm sure Lucas is still friendly with Ford, Fisher, Hamill, etc., but it didn't stop him from venting about TFA.

Kevin Smith might have been crapping himself in anticipation but I don't see how that makes him any different than any of the Batman "superfans" here who've been eagerly awaiting the film only to be disappointed. His experience was his experience, his opinion is "correct" for him, just as yours is correct for you, but not for everybody else. I get that this film is being savaged by critics AND a good number of fans (not the majority obviously as the audience scores can attest) but honestly I can't wrap my head around why. We're just experiencing two different movies apparently.

If he liked it all these same people would be saying how Smith loved it.

Yes I'm so crushed that my "ace in the hole" ally turned against the film. :rotfl I'm pretty sure he liked TFA. You know what? I still don't care.
Kevin Smith's name never comes up without a bunch of people proclaiming to not give a **** what he says. Guys, I don't give a **** that you don't give a **** what Kevin Smith says. :lol Like the Affleck hate-wagon, I never jumped on the Kevin Smith one either.
Kevin Smith's name never comes up without a bunch of people proclaiming to not give a **** what he says. Guys, I don't give a **** that you don't give a **** what Kevin Smith says. :lol Like the Affleck hate-wagon, I never jumped on the Kevin Smith one either.

But why does he come up AT ALL? Serious question. I really think it'd be like me randomly saying that Rob Liefeld thinks Terminator 2 sucks. You'd be like, "um, yeah, and...?" :lol
i am really wondering what the young audiences were thinking with this, this movie kind of felt like watching inception to me. or watching fight club or something
If i was 10 i dont think i would have made it through, this is a very adult movie. the themes, the character interactions, the plot, the only thing for kids is basically the end.

My son is 8 years old and he LOVED it. Anything he didn't understand, he asked me and I answered his questions. He's stoked about the JL movie and can't wait to see Darkseid. My 6 year ols just enjoyed the fights. He had no chance of understanding the plot and complexities of the movie. He told me he enjoyed it anyway. They are kids that were raised in a comic culture so I'm not surprised they liked the movie. My wife on the other hand had NO interest in seeing this after the critics bombed the movie. She ONLY went because I got tix for the whole family. Otherwise she would have been content with just me taking my sons to see it. Surprisingly, she really enjoyed the movie. She actually liked it quite a bit. She also had questions but after I explained the dream sequences, she was all good. So in the end, we all enjoyed the movie despite all the negative reviews of the movie.
But why does he come up AT ALL? Serious question. I really think it'd be like me randomly saying that Rob Liefeld thinks Terminator 2 sucks. You'd be like, "um, yeah, and...?" :lol

I don't think it's totally unsurprising. He's a famous geek, friends with Ben Affleck, hosted shows about this film and so on did he not? Oh and about Rob Liefeld, I want to know everything..what he looks like, where he lives, everything....
I guess it would be like if Josh from here attacked the hobbit movies lol, everyone would be like Whaaaaat???? :horror
Smith gushed over TDKR. Weird that he would criticize this for having no heart. I feel like every Chris Nolan movie is directed by a talented robot who read s lot about humans.
I'm just shocked because I figured he was a paid off cheerleader for WB.

Disney and WB both wanted his endorsement. As before, it was just a question of who'd reach him first.

It was Disney. :panic:

Saw this Thursday night, thought it was pretty good. Very much a Snyder flick, with the Alexander undertones and flashy panel-like images and such. Great watch though, am looking forward to see it again so I can decide if I love it or just like it. :lol

Also looking forward to more Batfleck on screen, he was better then I thought he'd be.
I can't wait for the day when people stop giving a **** what Kevin Smith thinks or says. About anything.
He called himself a press whore and a sellout.
If that couln't stop people from carin' then I don't know what can. :lol

I know Doomsday looked like a LOTR troll but what are ya gonna do? :D
The only thing we CAN do - PHOTOSHOP THE BASTARD!
