Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I believe that's the biggest "Day 3 to Day 4 RT drop" in superhero history. Or something.

:lol :lol :lol

While i'm standing on one leg. :lol

:lol :lol :lol

I guess negative reviews do matter after all. Duh nuh nuh, nuh nuh nuh...


So silly.

Exactly :lecture

There is this weird thing, almost particular to online "culture", where some people apparently NEED to have their own thoughts on something validated somehow, usually alongside the opinions of others. And it's really kind of asinine when you think about it. It's also what makes these circular debates endless and futile.

Some people like this movie. People people don't like this movie. Some people hate it. Some people love it. So what? Why this need to debate? No one should care if someone has a varied or even completely opposite take on it. Good for them. Move on. I find this need to use selective criteria to try and validate one's own personal opinion a troubling (and increasing) trend. Surely people can't really be that insecure, right?

The only real data points that matter for this movie now is whether WB finds it financially successful enough to maintain the course with JUSTICE LEAGUE the rest of the plan. And apparently they do. So we can "argue" back and forth to each other until we're all blue in the face but it isn't going to change one goddamned thing at this point, except make everyone increasingly grumpy and snarky with each other. :lol
I simply would've enjoyed a Superman who loves life and a non-serial killer Batman.

Batman is pissed off in this movie, losing a Wayne Tower and Robin dying, he doesn't give a **** about his one rule. Even Alfred doesn't seem to wanna step in his way. He takes it all out on the man in the sky. I thought they pretty much threw that in your face, even with the trailers. Batman is clearly off his ****ing rocker, I mean he's branding crooks and having some weird ass acid dreams. he's obviously not in the best mental state.
But why does he come up AT ALL? Serious question. I really think it'd be like me randomly saying that Rob Liefeld thinks Terminator 2 sucks. You'd be like, "um, yeah, and...?" :lol

He is only an ego freak made that way by a flock of sheep fanboys but honestly why does his name or what he thinks even come up??
Yeah, well, the whole thread post-release has been an endless cycle of conspiracy theories and that the fans love it. But, as it seems, it's not the truth. The audience gave the film the same score as Catwoman and Green Lantern. The audience score in both IMDB and RT keeps dropping. Kevin Smith, the go-to WB cheerleader didn't like it. All I'm saying is that maybe folks should stop with the whole "critics are lemmings and the audience has spoken" argument and just say "I like it, what's the big deal?".

I saw it again yesterday, and it actually got worse. I'd rate it a 4-4.5/10 now. I don't expect anyone to agree, it's my opinion. Everyone else is free to love it, that's cool. It's all personal. But, when the fan-scores at RT and IMDB are lower than AoU, Ant-Man and the like, I don't see how folks can keep going with their conspiracy theories. Unless, of course, the fan-scores are also skewed, and the real audience loves BvS. Again, everyone and anyone is free to like/dislike/love/hate/whatever any movie, but it's time, IMO, the whole "the ones who matter loved it", thing ended. Because, at this point, the ones who "matter" vary by the day...

I agree! The conspiracy theories are just kind of childish, it shows a lack of mature thinking. A child can't understand that not everybody likes what they like, as an adult we are supposed to be able to grasp that everyone, for better or worse, has their own opinion, yet there are so many here that can't seem to grasp that. Their only reasoning is that your view or moral ground is fundamentally flawed.

According to some on here, If you don't like it, it's because...

1. You were paid off by Disney to not like it.
2. You didn't understand it. (particularly love this one)
3. You have an axe to grind against DC or Snyder.

Why is it so hard to understand that many people feel the film is bad? Is it somehow threatening to your point of view?

So, if you do like this movie, are you being paid off by WB?

I'll never attack someone for liking something I don't, the way I see it, is the film affected you on a level that is meaningless to me. But people on here spewing venom towards those that don't agree with them, that just isn't right. Debate/discussion is a good thing, I love talking about movies as much as anybody else, but to call somebody a traitor because they didnt like a movie? Well, that shows some real mental issues, in my opinion.

On the flip side, I don't see anybody attacking someone for liking this movie.
Man this Kevin Smith conversation has gone off the rails. Lol. I really hope no one actually stated that Disney paid him off. Lmao.

I like Kevin Smith for the most part, I'm still a huge fan of Clerks, Chasing Amy, and Tusk..yep I liked Tusk. Lol. I liked the Oliver Queen and Daredevil comic runs he did too. I was also a huge fan of Comic Book Men, until I watched one of his guys lie to a customer about a price value to try and get his copy of Iron Man #55. Smith is a comic book guy, but he's not the geek God of comic books or their movie adaptations. He's entitled to his opinion just like anyone else. Snyder is a big comic book guy too and both of them have been successful here and there. I've been an avid comic book fan since I was about nine years old, and I am about 35 years old now. I have my own opinions too just just like them. I actually liked the movie, and for better or worse, WB will be letting Snyder fulfill his vision whether some like it or not.

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I agree! The conspiracy theories are just kind of childish, it shows a lack of mature thinking. A child can't understand that not everybody likes what they like, as an adult we are supposed to be able to grasp that everyone, for better or worse, has their own opinion, yet there are so many here that can't seem to grasp that. Their only reasoning is that your view or moral ground is fundamentally flawed.

According to some on here, If you don't like it, it's because...

1. You were paid off by Disney to not like it.
2. You didn't understand it. (particularly love this one)
3. You have an axe to grind against DC or Snyder.

Why is it so hard to understand that many people feel the film is bad? Is it somehow threatening to your point of view?

So, if you do like this movie, are you being paid off by WB?

I'll never attack someone for liking something I don't, the way I see it, is the film affected you on a level that is meaningless to me. But people on here spewing venom towards those that don't agree with them, that just isn't right. Debate/discussion is a good thing, I love talking about movies as much as anybody else, but to call somebody a traitor because they didnt like a movie? Well, that shows some real mental issues, in my opinion.

On the flip side, I don't see anybody attacking someone for liking this movie.

NO ONE (Lovers or Haters) should be on the defensive. It's stupid.

I haven't seen many attacks on those who like the movie, except for some flippant, elitist, condescending remarks towards fans by the usual online movie blogger dweebs. But I *HAVE* seen a lot people who don't like it attack Zack personally. And that's also just as petty.
I must be behind on this whole thing, there's conspiracy theories about why people didn't like the movie?

wtf? :lol

different strokes, folks. There's always gonna be another batman flick. :lol
I must be behind on this whole thing, there's conspiracy theories about why people didn't like the movie?

wtf? :lol

different strokes, folks. There's always gonna be another batman flick. :lol

No theories why huge critical bashing- critics paid off by Disney- grudge against Snyder, etc...
I do think there ARE movie critics who have a base distaste of Zack's filmmaking sensibilities that has turned increasingly personal, and probably does affect their judgment of these movies now. But I don't see a conspiracy. That's silly.

I see the crazily negative critical reaction to this movie to be an attempt at a referendum (a statement on this style of movie) more than anything.
NO ONE (Lovers or Haters) should be on the defensive. It's stupid.

I haven't seen many attacks on those who like the movie, except for some flippant, elitist, condescending remarks towards fans by the usual online movie blogger dweebs. But I *HAVE* seen a lot people who don't like it attack Zack personally. And that's also just as petty.

Personally, I haven't seen the movie and whle I don't think it looks good, I am open minded enough to enjoy the film if it warrants when I do finally watch it. That will likely happen on video.

I hope I havent made any personal attacks, but I admit, I'm not a fan of Zach Snyder. I have watched every one of his movies (up until BVS), mostly because I've always been impressed with his visual flair, but for me, pretty visuals are all there have ever been with his films, which is a Big turn-off for me. That being said, I don't think it is beyond his ability to evolve or improve as an artist, and I look forward to the day when the other aspects of his Directing abilities catch up to his impressive eye.
I do think there ARE some movie critics who have a base distaste of Zack's filmmaking sensibilities that has turned increasingly personal. But I don't see a conspiracy.

The dude knows how to put panel to film. And he'll always be great at it- Sure the editing/story wasn't as cohesive as it could of been, but I still applaud his effort, I really enjoyed it. Plus the stuff he did with batman was amazing. It was pure-comic bats.
Irish - has Zack done a commentary on the movie? I love his blurays, they're always great with extras. I'm also serious when I ask this - any chance I could somehow get an autograph? He's one of my favorite directors, I loved the film, I actually want to get him a pint because this DC fan really enjoyed his work and I don't care what anyone thinks.
Batman is pissed off in this movie, losing a Wayne Tower and Robin dying, he doesn't give a **** about his one rule. Even Alfred doesn't seem to wanna step in his way. He takes it all out on the man in the sky. I thought they pretty much threw that in your face, even with the trailers. Batman is clearly off his ****ing rocker, I mean he's branding crooks and having some weird ass acid dreams. he's obviously not in the best mental state.

What about my statement makes me, a) require a weak explaination of Batmans motives. b) excuse the fact that Batman was simply portrayed as a dude bro who wasn't smart enough to figure out much on his own and was manipulated at every turn and was essentially The Punisher.