Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Is a "dude bro" the opposite of a "hipster?"

Khev, jye4ever and I all have pretty much the same take on this movie. I'm good. :yess:


:yess: :yess:

Personally, I haven't seen the movie and whle I don't think it looks good, I am open minded enough to enjoy the film if it warrants when I do finally watch it. That will likely happen on video.

I hope I havent made any personal attacks, but I admit, I'm not a fan of Zach Snyder. I have watched every one of his movies (up until BVS), mostly because I've always been impressed with his visual flair, but for me, pretty visuals are all there have ever been with his films, which is a Big turn-off for me. That being said, I don't think it is beyond his ability to evolve or improve as an artist, and I look forward to the day when the other aspects of his Directing abilities catch up to his impressive eye.

I'm picking your ass up and taking you to this movie! :lol

I liked Kevin Smith films back in the 90's, now I just wonder what the hell was wrong with me.

Clerks actually still holds up...I need to rewatch Chasing Amy. :lol
What about my statement makes me, a) require a weak explaination of Batmans motives. b) excuse the fact that Batman was simply portrayed as a dude bro who wasn't smart enough to figure out much on his own and was manipulated at every turn and was essentially The Punisher.

Well you sounded unsure of batman's motives so I figured I'd let you know. :)

I'm confused... is batman a "dude bro" or serial killer in this movie? both? maybe you're confused?

A "dude bro" is what hipsters call normal guys. :lol

:lol :lol
I'm confused... is batman a "dude bro" or serial killer in this movie? both? maybe you're confused?

:lol :lol

Why answer you when you're obviously upset that I have an opinion?

Glad you liked it. The exit is that way. ====>
Khev, jye4ever and I all have pretty much the same take on this movie. I'm good. :yess:


See rushmore223? This movie is "Phillip Approved," you should see it. :D

I hear you about Zack Snyder but sometimes directors can surprise you. I can't say I'm a particularly big JJ Abrams fan, I never watched a single episode of Lost beyond the pilot, didn't care for either Star Trek film (though I still really like Super 8.) But man, regardless of his other movies the dude just "got" Star Wars. With a similar regard to BvS I felt that the subject matter really sync'd up with Snyder's style (much moreso than MOS did) and it worked. I don't even like BvS in a disclaimer-y Genysis kind of way ("yeah on the one hand it sucked but I kinda still enjoyed it,") no I think it is just a good movie, period.
Anyway.... Nice to know there are folks that roam these threads who don't know you can be a serial killer AND a dude bro.
I just checked, and in the past 3 days it's dropped from 7.5 to 7.4 on IMDB and from 73% to 72% on RT. I think you might be posturing just a tad. :lol It would appear to have pretty much settled in.

Still, it's a looooong way from the 9/10 and 8/10 at least, predictions and "lectures".

Those Cinemascore comparisons don't mean anything. Unless you want to tell me that The Revenant (B+) "got the same score as" Spider-Man 3 (which it did, also B+). Those are scores only given on opening day when emotions and anticipation is running high. I believe rottentomatoes audience ratings are more spread out and a better measure of the consensus (72% in the case of BvS.) But again, so what.

So, nothing matters now, is that right? Yeah, well, I don't buy that. When the reviews came out, everybody was pointing to the fan reaction. Now, even the fan reaction is dropping. So, what indicates a good film at this point? It's not the critics, they've been bribed. It's not the audience score, nobody cares. Is it the Box-Office? Because I'm getting "confused" at this point...

Everyone's entitled to an opinion, sure. But if nobody's opinion matters and it's all subjective, how do we distanguish a good film from a bad one? Is everything "open season" now? Is there no standard anymore? It's all a matter of taste? Does that extent to everything? I mean, can I go and call Schindler's List one of the worst movies ever made because that's "my opinion", even if the majority points to the contrary?

:lol :lol :lol

Exactly :lecture

There is this weird thing, almost particular to online "culture", where some people apparently NEED to have their own thoughts on something validated somehow, usually alongside the opinions of others. And it's really kind of asinine when you think about it. It's also what makes these circular debates endless and futile.

Some people like this movie. People people don't like this movie. Some people hate it. Some people love it. So what? Why this need to debate? No one should care if someone has a varied or even completely opposite take on it. Good for them. Move on. I find this need to use selective criteria to try and validate one's own personal opinion a troubling (and increasing) trend. Surely people can't really be that insecure, right?

The only real data points that matter for this movie now is whether WB finds it financially successful enough to maintain the course with JUSTICE LEAGUE the rest of the plan. And apparently they do. So we can "argue" back and forth to each other until we're all blue in the face but it isn't going to change one goddamned thing at this point, except make everyone increasingly grumpy and snarky with each other. :lol

Yeah, well, here's the thing: People both here and online are defensive about this film. Everytime somebody posts something negative, there are at least one or two people who go "lol, who cares :lol :lol :lol" or "this ain't kiddie crap like Marvel". Literally nobody brings up Marvel, and yet, there's a guy/gal who'll constantly post the very same thing over and over again. Everybody preaches "I make my own opinions and don't need validation", but not everyone practises it. I see more of "did is gud, u just don't understand it" sheep-mentality than "this is awful, and I'm basing it on a few critics online" reactions.

Usually, those of who didn't like it offer reasons and for the most part, try to explain our views. I certainly haven't gone on to call anyone stupid for liking this movie, even though I didn't. But I still see "this movie is too big for little minds" and "lol, haters gonna hate, this is owning the cinemas" posts. People who did like it are far more defensive and need to validate their opinions by bashing the rest. If other people's opinions don't matter, how do you (in general, not "you") feel the need to boast and pretend you're superior by liking a "mature" film? And, honestly, I find that petty. I'm not pointing fingers as I'm talking in general, not just here, but the whole "who cares what [insert your choice here] think(s)" is a bit hypocritcal, considering this phrase changes every day...
Everyone's entitled to an opinion, sure. But if nobody's opinion matters and it's all subjective, how do we distanguish a good film from a bad one? Is everything "open season" now? Is there no standard anymore? It's all a matter of taste? Does that extent to everything? I mean, can I go and call Schindler's List one of the worst movies ever made because that's "my opinion", even if the majority points to the contrary?

To give you a more serious response though here's why I've taken note of "other people" (whether they be that 72% of audience members or specific individuals that I know either in person or on this site) who have liked the film: It's just comforting to see other like-minded individuals out there praising what I consider to be a commendable effort and a film that I don't want "rebooted" or anything like that. And on a personal level for whatever reason I want to see Zack, Affleck, Gadot and company getting kudos because they were all so mercilessly ridiculed for being attached to the project from the get go. I'm *so* glad that Gadot's mockery has almost unanimously turned to "She stole the show/was one of the best parts of the movie!"

That's all. Sure a lot of us agree that Raiders of the Lost Ark, Citizen Kane, Seven Samurai, etc., are all great films and that Freddy Got Fingered, Battlefield Earth, Showgirls, etc., all suck but between the Top 100 and Bottom 100 films of all time (that pretty much everyone agrees on) there are *thousands* that aren't so clearly defined. Or that are loved and then hated (Avatar) or hated then loved (Wizard of Oz, Carpenter's The Thing.) All things to keep in mind in this world of absolutes that we currently live in. :)