Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Great visuals and special affects are great, but if the story does t work the movie won't work. Look at the Star Wars prequels.
I did not walk into this expecting a feel good movie! :lol

I think anyone aware of the genre knew what to expect it's a matter of accepting the approach. The general movie going audience perhaps wanted something different. A female friend unfamiliar with cb lure mentioned it was hard to believe any of them were heroes because their ****** attitudes about everything. Maybe going forward one character won't be so grumpy and enjoy their powers / responsibility to grab those outside the bubble :lol
Maybe it's in the approach? Deadpool was about a killer trying to save his girlfriend. It had lots of laughs and a feel good ending.
Have you considered that maybe, just maybe a lot of people didn't like the movie?

I'm no hater, there's parts I really liked. I didn't read any reviews going in, and thought it was pretty bad overall. Is that 29% a bit too rough on it? IMO this deserved a 50.

But I'm no movie critic. My GF fell asleep. My father in law didn't like it. They both couldn't care less about comics and reviews. Two adults that liked the Nolan Trilogy absolutely hated this.

Is that hard to comprehend? I'm going to go ahead and say that maybe, these scenario is QUITE common with this film.

Many of the people I know who saw it thought it was dark and depressing. Most of the action happened at night. Batman and Superman were angry and sad. For many it did not come across as a feel good movie.

No one at work that saw it liked it. But people said it was too long and some people were confused about it. You know... Normie complaints,

They are non comic fan normies so obviously their opinions don't matter at all.

The only opinions that matter are the opinions of DC nerds that absolutely loved the movie. That's it right?

Everyone else is wrong of course. People that say they hate it are either lying or just retarded
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I did not walk into this expecting a feel good movie! :lol

None of Zack Snyder movies are feel good movies.
Not a single one. He has never done comedy either, his movies are void of humor

But that was never a problem before. But when it comes to superman I don't think it was a good idea.

Humorless dark and gritty works for watchmen and 300 and even batman but not for superman
I've only spoken to three people outside the internet who saw it. My buddy who I saw it with liked it even less than me. Two guys at work both loved it. :dunno
No one at work that saw it liked it. But people said it was too long and some people were confused about it.

I don't think I'm going to ever going to get tired of the "everyone in my audience/work/life all agree with me and back up my opinion" posts. You see how clever those claims are? How they don't require a shred of proof? Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant! :D
I don't think I'm going to ever going to get tired of the "everyone in my audience/work/life all agree with me and back up my opinion" posts. You see how clever those claims are? How they don't require a shred of proof? Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant! :D

Why u think I never brought up the personal audience before.. Lol, they saw it weeks ago but I never said anything about my personal audiences.
But since that's being brought up to prove it was good...
Seems like since the internet didn't love it some people are turning to the local opinion to prove it's not bad lol
I don't think I'm going to ever going to get tired of the "everyone in my audience/work/life all agree with me and back up my opinion" posts. You see how clever those claims are? How they don't require a shred of proof? Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant! :D

Those are my favorite "after seeing the movie" posts.
"This movie sucked. When the credits started rolling, you could hear a pin drop."
"Really? I loved it. Everyone was applauding at the end!"
I liked BvS because I know the source material and I know where Snyder is going with all of this, but the casual audience members, at least the ones I know don't know the Dark Knight or the death of Superman. So cut them some slack. Snyder had a lot to include in this movie and I knew it was going to be tough. No matter what anyone says this movie was pure catch up. Although I think WB should have developed their story a bit more before throwing so much at people so fast.
It's gonna be close:

1. The Boss $23,480,000 (estimated)
2. Batman v Superman $23,435,000 (estimated)

Box Office Mojo

Won't know until tomorrow who really came out on top.

Oh and in case anyone is keeping track TFA made over $90 million its 3rd weekend. :google

Pretty amazing considering that I do think there was probably more worldwide interest in seeing Batman and Superman on screen together for the first time as opposed to yet another SW film. Just look at the respective views/posts of the TFA and BvS threads here. 1 million views for TFA vs. over 1.5 million for BvS.

I still believe that BvS could have given TFA a run for its money had it been better received.
Oh I don't want a reboot. I like BvS and enjoy the first hour of MOS. I don't know if I even need them to be more "fun" Just tell a better story that gets the audience more invested.

The average audience, who make or brake a movie, know **** about What makes a good movie.
They just want to be entertained and they follow Tv critics ads like lemmings.
BVS has bad reviews, was not fun, long, and reading some comments way too complicated to understand it seems.
The marketing dept did not managed to catch the public attention.
The dark knight rises was a big pile of turd but still it made tons of money, people went to see it.
With all its flaws i found BVS to be a far better movie than DKR or any Marvel flick up to this day (Deadpool included wich is a funny movie that Will be forgotten, its already is in my circles).ù
But it wasnt What people wanted to see. Even if the story was good.
Blah who cares, Zack and go are already at it to continue in the same vein.
Even if i dont end up liking everything i really respect the artistic intégrity at work there.
Numbers dont mean **** to me, average dumb audience who taste in their ass mean ****.
Just seeing how the movie is polarizing means that it Will be talked about for years to come, What Snyder and co are doing is something really spécial like it or not, its not bland , nor dumb, nor crafted hastly.
I wish them only the best.
The average audience, who make or brake a movie, know **** about What makes a good movie.
They just want to be entertained and they follow Tv critics ads like lemmings.
BVS has bad reviews, was not fun, long, and reading some comments way too complicated to understand it seems.
The marketing dept did not managed to catch the public attention.
The dark knight rises was a big pile of turd but still it made tons of money, people went to see it.
With all its flaws i found BVS to be a far better movie than DKR or any Marvel flick up to this day (Deadpool included wich is a funny movie that Will be forgotten, its already is in my circles).ù
But it wasnt What people wanted to see. Even if the story was good.
Blah who cares, Zack and go are already at it to continue in the same vein.
Even if i dont end up liking everything i really respect the artistic intégrity at work there.
Numbers dont mean **** to me, average dumb audience who taste in their ass mean ****.
Just seeing how the movie is polarizing means that it Will be talked about for years to come, What Snyder and co are doing is something really spécial like it or not, its not bland , nor dumb, nor crafted hastly.
I wish them only the best.

Yeah all true- box office numbers are for the studios and are important for future films that are funded in the same series,etc. BvS should have been bigger but it doesn't change the quality of it. It did well enough for WB to move forward with DCU.
Many great masterpieces are audience turn-offs once released or even decades after. All your personal preference.
It's gonna be close:

1. The Boss $23,480,000 (estimated)
2. Batman v Superman $23,435,000 (estimated)

Box Office Mojo

Won't know until tomorrow who really came out on top.

Oh and in case anyone is keeping track TFA made over $90 million its 3rd weekend. :google

Pretty amazing considering that I do think there was probably more worldwide interest in seeing Batman and Superman on screen together for the first time as opposed to yet another SW film. Just look at the respective views/posts of the TFA and BvS threads here. 1 million views for TFA vs. over 1.5 million for BvS.

I still believe that BvS could have given TFA a run for its money had it been better received.

I doubt that. If it reached Avengers numbers that would have been ideal. SW- well it's a whole thing to itself- no one can compete with it on TFA but I think next film and after won't be anywhere near as big box office-wise
This thread delivers on all levels...drama, mayhem, conspiracy, anger with a touch of humor every now n then.......I'd almost think folks have vested interest in the outcome of a film.

I wish I had the popcorn pic
It's gonna be close:

1. The Boss $23,480,000 (estimated)
2. Batman v Superman $23,435,000 (estimated)

Box Office Mojo

Won't know until tomorrow who really came out on top.

Oh and in case anyone is keeping track TFA made over $90 million its 3rd weekend. :google

Pretty amazing considering that I do think there was probably more worldwide interest in seeing Batman and Superman on screen together for the first time as opposed to yet another SW film. Just look at the respective views/posts of the TFA and BvS threads here. 1 million views for TFA vs. over 1.5 million for BvS.

I still believe that BvS could have given TFA a run for its money had it been better received.

This is like the elections :lol

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