Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Batman v Superman was great. Not sure why everyone's having an epic meltdown about it. Saw it three times, and that'll do until the director's cut comes out. As is the case with any movie, it suffered from some problematic issues, but nothing that didn't also plague EVERY OTHER COMIC BOOK MOVIE EVER. Also Force Awakens (another great movie.) Watched that the other night and wondered why it's totally okay for Poe and Finn to be super BFFs after a couple of minutes in a TIE Fighter, yet people are whining about the 'Martha' scene from BvS? What a joke. Nerds are so funny.
I'm not looking for an argument, but I'm curious as to what was so "ballsy" and different about BVS that we haven't seen in previous blockbusters? :)

I find the tone of the movie to be completely different from MCU or any other superhero movies I've seen.
The violence isn't sanitised, inconsequential; the action looks and feels brutal.

There is none of that flippant attitude so pervasive in MCU movies. Thor jokes about how many people the Hulk killed and Banner groans while the rest of the people mostly ignore it. Hulk punches Thor as a joke, sending him flying through the streets after a devastating attack.
It's fun, and I enjoy it and laugh at the jokes and find the tone really amusing.
But I also enjoy this take, where the violence has consequences, and the questions that arise from the appearance of God-like beings among us are treated with a little bit more depth than a dismissive remark.

TWS and AOU are the two movies in the MCU that come closer to questioning the effect of super-beings and the violence they unleash on us, but they don't go very deep. In AOU it only merits an "oh, keep a low profile"...

In BvS that question is the central theme. And I think that's pretty ballsy for a popcorn blockbuster flick.

You're just trolling at this point.

Also, since you're a Marvel lover, looks like James Gunn is the latest victim of the Marvel Studios treats their directors like dog**** shtick.

Gunn is currently interested in jumping ship after GOTG2 to direct SHAZAM (2019) or GREEN LANTERN CORPS. (2020).
Methinks the Marvel fanboys who troll here are feeling...alittle jealous that the supporters of BvS have valid and good points...I'm going to say alot of the MCU films are rather...lightweight and appeal to those who don't want to think too hard- if they are capable.......:dunno

Flame on!:lol
You're just trolling at this point.

Also, since you're a Marvel lover, looks like James Gunn is the latest victim of the Marvel Studios treats their directors like dog**** shtick.

Gunn is currently interested in jumping ship after GOTG2 to direct SHAZAM (2019) or GREEN LANTERN CORPS. (2020).

I'd laugh my A** off if he does...........he must have gotten tired of the 'ol Marvel mentality :lol
I find the tone of the movie to be completely different from MCU or any other superhero movies I've seen.
The violence isn't sanitised, inconsequential; the action looks and feels brutal.

There is none of that flippant attitude so pervasive in MCU movies. Thor jokes about how many people the Hulk killed and Banner groans while the rest of the people mostly ignore it. Hulk punches Thor as a joke, sending him flying through the streets after a devastating attack.
It's fun, and I enjoy it and laugh at the jokes and find the tone really amusing.
But I also enjoy this take, where the violence has consequences, and the questions that arise from the appearance of God-like beings among us are treated with a little bit more depth than a dismissive remark.

TWS and AOU are the two movies in the MCU that come closer to questioning the effect of super-beings and the violence they unleash on us, but they don't go very deep. In AOU it only merits an "oh, keep a low profile"...

In BvS that question is the central theme. And I think that's pretty ballsy for a popcorn blockbuster flick.

Another excellent insight...gasp!
Methinks the Marvel fanboys who troll here are feeling...alittle jealous that the supporters of BvS have valid and good points...I'm going to say alot of the MCU films are rather...lightweight and appeal to those who don't want to think too hard- if they are capable.......:dunno

Flame on!:lol

They've done 12 films of which only 4 have been great:

IRON MAN (2008)

Everything else was either safe and generic (IM3, AOU, THOR) or just lifeless and uninspired (IM2, Thor TDW, ANT-MAN).
They've done 12 films of which only 4 have been great:

IRON MAN (2008)

Everything else was either safe and generic (IM3, AOU, THOR) or just lifeless and uninspired (IM2, Thor TDW, ANT-MAN).

I liked Ant Man well ennough but gigantic misfires like IM2 and TDW get passed...only DC makes crap films!:lol
You're just trolling at this point.

Also, since you're a Marvel lover, looks like James Gunn is the latest victim of the Marvel Studios treats their directors like dog**** shtick.

Gunn is currently interested in jumping ship after GOTG2 to direct SHAZAM (2019) or GREEN LANTERN CORPS. (2020).

Having a sense of humor: Trolling. Ok grumpy, lets be serious and angry all the time 24/7, oh wait U LOVED THIS MOVIE, you are already angry and grumpy all the Time.

If anyone has been trolling is u, u refuse to hear any criticism regardless of how well written it is. U troll by blindly defending, calling other people trolls is quite ironic when u have trolled the most in here. Troll by refusing to acknowledge anything wrong about the movie.

Besides I never claimed to be a marvel lover before. If anything I used to be hard on marvel, I was pretty hard on age of ultron

But this movie made me realize how much more competent marvel is compared to dc

The worst marvel movie is still much better than the worst dc movie
And dc only had Nolan to thank for the success of batman,

Besides the Nolan movies dc has nothing good to show for.
Having a sense of humor: Trolling. Ok grumpy, lets be serious and angry all the time 24/7, oh wait U LOVED THIS MOVIE, you are already angry and grumpy all the Time.

If anyone has been trolling is u, u refuse to hear any criticism regardless of how well written it is. U troll by blindly defending, calling other people trolls is quite ironic when u have trolled the most in here. Troll by refusing to acknowledge anything wrong about the movie.

I like trolls- oh wait I meant those little dolls with bright hair.....
Yes we can all be trolls in our own ways- I'm guilty as charged!:rotfl
Nah. They'll never walk back their complete hatred of BvS now. Because credibility for a lot of them (especially the bloggers YouTube dorks) is already on thin ice as it is.

Then again, as I noted in another thread, many of them now somehow claim to have liked MAN OF STEEL. :lol

Yeah, it's kind of a trendy thing (with critics and on discussion forums alike) to trash a movie, then the next year take that same film you slammed and hold it up as this sudden new gold standard benchmark. "MOS is awful! So sucky!" *BvS comes out* "OMG BvS is so terrible it couldn't even do all these amazing things that Man of Steel got right!" "TFA is so derivative! Bring back George Lucas! The Phantom Menace was so much more original!" Um, no, he literally set out to copy the OT (called it "rhyming, like a poem" but ****ed them up so spectacularly that people actually had a hard time telling that they were supposed to be copies. Kind of like if someone who is tone deaf tries to sing a song they heard on the radio the previous day and they belt out some screeching horror that sounds like a cat being strangled while being raped that's just so bad you have no idea what song they were trying to sing. "Well that was the worst rendition of 'Living on a Prayer' I've ever heard but kudos for inventing an original sound." :lol

But it's how it goes. Just wait a few weeks. Civil War will be "pretty good" or even "great" but just watch how many people lament the fact that "I just wish they took the violence as seriously as BvS..." :duh
I'd laugh my A** off if he does...........he must have gotten tired of the 'ol Marvel mentality :lol

They've driven away sooooo many people. Its quite a list:

-Jon Favreau (at least he stayed under the Disney umbrella and played Happy in IM3)
-Terrence Howard
-Edward Norton
-Kenneth Branagh
-Hugo Weaving
-Patty Jenkins
-Alan Taylor (publicly disowned TDW)
-Edgar Wright
-Joss Whedon
-Ava DuVernay

Gunn seemed really into them. Maybe GOTG2 is his AOU - where Feige and the suits are already micromanaging him to death.
Glad to see some genuine like for this film, and it's good to see people engaging in conversation on it in a decent manner. Except for Crows. I can't see what he's saying, but I can only assume it's nothing of worth.
I mean the movie is just ok at best. Can't we all agree on that? It was by no means a terrible movie but it had some big problems.

Aquaman's scene was laughably bad

Superman always being this angry guy instead of light hearted and level headed is sad. The way he just plowed threw that african terrorist guy. Did he really need to do that?

Batman was great but why must he be in this for 20 years? Why so long?

Why did you do doomsday now? In the second movie. Would it had killed them to use braniac or lex in a mech suit? They just had to use doomsday?

Why make Lex this jittery unhinged weirdo? Don't we have enough villians like that? His last scene in the jail cell was just silly.

Wonder woman was great but she doesn't make the movie any better. her entrance is the only thing that was amazing O and her lasso.

This was a catch up movie. The email proves that. Its like. "hey look at all these characters that exist. Ok good now that we got that out the way lets make a justice league movie".

No i'm not a marvel fanboy but DC could do better. They just never had faith in there characters and they think they are jokes. They said years ago wonder woman wouldnt work on the big screen and neither would flash and here we are.
Glad to see some genuine like for this film, and it's good to see people engaging in conversation on it in a decent manner. Except for Crows. I can't see what he's saying, but I can only assume it's nothing of worth.

I really enjoyed it.

First viewing was an 8.5/10 but after three more viewings is close to a 9/10.

Pretty sure Snyder's full cut will be a solid 9/10 .
Yeah, it's kind of a trendy thing (with critics and on discussion forums alike) to trash a movie, then the next year take that same film you slammed and hold it up as this sudden new gold standard benchmark. "MOS is awful! So sucky!" *BvS comes out* "OMG BvS is so terrible it couldn't even do all these amazing things that Man of Steel got right!" "TFA is so derivative! Bring back George Lucas! The Phantom Menace was so much more original!" Um, no, he literally set out to copy the OT (called it "rhyming, like a poem" but ****ed them up so spectacularly that people actually had a hard time telling that they were supposed to be copies. Kind of like if someone who is tone deaf tries to sing a song they heard on the radio the previous day and they belt out some screeching horror that sounds like a cat being strangled while being raped that's just so bad you have no idea what song they were trying to sing. "Well that was the worst rendition of 'Living on a Prayer' I've ever heard but kudos for inventing an original sound." :lol

But it's how it goes. Just wait a few weeks. Civil War will be "pretty good" or even "great" but just watch how many people lament the fact that "I just wish they took the violence as seriously as BvS..." :duh

I doubt it- really- NOTHING in BvS will get retro praise when it comes to's toast to them
They've driven away sooooo many people. Its quite a list:

-Jon Favreau (at least he stayed under the Disney umbrella and played Happy in IM3)
-Terrence Howard
-Edward Norton
-Kenneth Branagh
-Hugo Weaving
-Patty Jenkins
-Alan Taylor (publicly disowned TDW)
-Edgar Wright
-Joss Whedon
-Ava DuVernay

Gunn seemed really into them. Maybe GOTG2 is his AOU - where Feige and the suits are already micromanaging him to death.

Marvel keeps making directors quit and dc wont fire directors that didn't do a good job.. Lol
I doubt it- really- NOTHING in BvS will get retro praise when it comes to's toast to them

Yeah I think you're right. It is just around the corner and it will give people more ammo with which to mock BvS. It would have been very interesting to see how the films would have been reviewed if AoU and BvS came out the same year. Which "muddled mess" as they've both been labeled would have come out on top?