Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Glad to see some genuine like for this film, and it's good to see people engaging in conversation on it in a decent manner. Except for Crows. I can't see what he's saying, but I can only assume it's nothing of worth.

Aww poor baby needs his safe space away from the meanie people... Negative opinions hurt his little baby ears.

Sorry sensitive seph stampede. I'm glad he has me on ignore. Don't want to make babies cry.
Man this thread will keep going like two heavyweight boxers duking it out until one will fall flat....WHO?????
I can't believe people are still fighting over this thing. Once civil war comes out the fanboy war is gonna be relentless.
Once civil war comes out the fanboy war is gonna be relentless.

It'll be Lord of the Flies in here!


I can't believe people are still fighting over this thing. Once civil war comes out the fanboy war is gonna be relentless.

**** fanboys. Bunch of ****s, I reckon. Never understood why there has to be like one or the other mentality. What a time to be alive, this year we get Batman v Superman, X-Men, Civil War, Doctor Strange and Suicide Squad. Instead of fighting and bitching over which is better or how one will dominate the other, why not just be excited for the whole damn lot of it?
None of that is new or groundbreaking for a summer's not even new for WB. The Nolan Batman already did that in 2005, 2008, and 2012...same time period the Marvel films were coming out. But even Marvel made The Winter Soldier and Fox made First Class and DOFP.

I am not saying they are right :) It's just what they saw the film as. They feel Snyder did not play it safe like a Marvel Comic film might. Thus making it edgy and more "artistic". I don't agree. I liked BvS but it was far from special and unless the R Rated cut really improves the film I don't think it will be remembered as a classic.

Batman v Superman was great. Not sure why everyone's having an epic meltdown about it. Saw it three times, and that'll do until the director's cut comes out. As is the case with any movie, it suffered from some problematic issues, but nothing that didn't also plague EVERY OTHER COMIC BOOK MOVIE EVER. Also Force Awakens (another great movie.) Watched that the other night and wondered why it's totally okay for Poe and Finn to be super BFFs after a couple of minutes in a TIE Fighter, yet people are whining about the 'Martha' scene from BvS? What a joke. Nerds are so funny.

I thought it had a lot more issues then say BB, TDK, IM, TIH (I am biased :)), The Avengers, GotG (not a huge fan though) and CA:TWS.

I would say it's more 2nd tier. More in the vein of the Thor films, TDKR, Ant-man, and CA:TFA

But it's better the IM 2 and 3, MOS, and Avengers: AOU

Now before people freak about how a placed in the second tier.. It may very well stand at the top of that heap. But it suffers from many of the issues that these films do. It suffers from more problems then the top tier film. The first tier while not all perfect films seemed to get it right as far as Comic movies go with both action, story, and how well they get the characters they are about.

As for TFA BFF scene... Finn did just rescue Poe and Poe did just Help Finn escape.. That BFF makes more sense then... "Hey are mom's have the same name.. Forget that I was just about to kill you"

BTW I had no issues with the Martha moment :)
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Yeah I better love it or I'm going FULL TROLL in the CW thread!!!!!!!:rotfl

What's going to happen is that all the hurt dc babies are going to go overboard with the civil war hate to overcompensate for the hating this movie got.
U'll see,
Not only here, u are about to witness true wrath, true vengeance around the net.
It will be a true bloodbath, bvs fans will try to annihilate civil war
Oh man, my sides are hurting, if you don't get the reference then my question really doesn't make any sense at all does it. :rotfl

Did a quick google, I see what you did there.

I... never really cared for Aliens. I've seen it twice, I think. Mostly I just stick the first one... mostly. ;)