Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I may be misunderstanding you but this, to me, reads like ''BvS rushed it's universe-building and crammed everything into one film with no build-up'' and because of that it should be...excused from comparison to Civil War? That feels like moving the goal-posts to me so no one comes down hard on BvS.

The year has had 2 superhero movies that pit good guys against good guys - the comparison is inevitable, preferences are inevitable. Marvel and DC both chose their respective paths to this kind of scenario. IMO one of those paths is quite simply the better one and from what I'm hearing has resulted in a far more satisfying film.

Yup.... You can't help but compare... I even liked BvS more then I thought I would... After watching CW I could not help but compare and actually started to hate on BvS for being such a missed opportunity. WB and DC are pushing forward to fast... I have said from the beginning this film would have felt more epic with another Superman film and a new Batman film under it's belt. There are other issues and I just feel that Marvel has a better understanding if their characters and property then Snyder does (DC just seems to stay out of it) But.....

I'm dying to see the extended, i'm super stoked for the bluray.

Like Jye said... I am looking forward to the blu ray and I am hoping it helps with my enjoyment of the film more.
I can't fully articulate why I preferred BvS, all I know is I saw it three times but I'm content to see CW once.

Exactly- ONCE was enough for CW. I liked it but ONCE was enough. However BvS kept me wanting to see it multiple times and I appreciated it better which each successive viewing...whew! Explain that!
Ehhh CW is yesterday's newspaper- will be trashed by MCU fanboys by the time IW comes out.
The Winter Soldier will stand the test of time, though, and I feel like Civil War will still be remembered fondly for introducing us to such awesome versions of Black Panther and Spider-Man.
Maybe but the whole film doesn't hold up to much scrutiny next to TWS- even the fights are cheated through by frame skipping jar cam..ughhh
It's funny because that enthusiasm SoGS had for CW is the same kind of energy I had after BvS. I've only seen it twice, but there was so much there to digest that I instantly wanted to see it again. It went on for weeks before I finally got to see it a second time, and, having, sort of, fully realized that idea of what the movie is, I've got to say, I loved it. Of course, it probably doesn't help Civil War that I literally saw BvS that aforementioned second time the day I went to see Civil War.:lol It actually kind of depresses me that the movie I couldn't stop thinking about was one I'd seen already.

Well... Sounds like we both found at least one CBM we really loved this year! :hi5:

Just happens to be different ones :lol
Well... Sounds like we both found at least one CBM we really loved this year! :hi5:

Just happens to be different ones :lol

Yep, I did like CW, don't get me wrong, it just didn't quite grab me as much as The Russo's last outing did; I do want to see it again, though, and it definitely got me excited for Spider-Man and Black Panther's upcoming outings. That has to be my favorite version of Spidey put to screen, thus far.
Maybe that would carry more weight coming from someone who didn't have a Civil War sig.:lol And, for the record, I fully acknowledge how mine makes my preference towards BvS seem equally biased.:lol

I know one of youst loves his DC whilst pretending to have no bias. It's all fun n games poking fun.....I enjoyed BvS however, Snydervision Supes just hasn't resonated with me whereas I enjoy Cap, IM, Bucky and now BP. I enjoyed Batfleck but I think that was more a Ben then Snyder creation
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I don't think they're exclusive. Ultimately, it's the combination of his fractured ego and his hatred of Superman that creates Doomsday. What's more of an ego-boost than literally playing God? I also don't think it's entirely unreasonable for someone so cunning as to know the identities of both Superman and Batman, and to manipulate each of them into a confrontation, to have contingencies in place, should one of his plans fail.

playing devil's advocate, you could even argue that Lex had some suicidal thoughts and perhaps created Doomsday to also be killed by his creation. When Doomsday charges towards him Lex seems happy, even though he can tell Doomsday wants to hurt him.
so lex could be said, wanted to die alongside superman, and doomsday was not just created to destroy superman but created to destroy lex as well

Man I feel like an outcast for liking both BvS AND CW!

Could you guys ever forgive me. :lol

you will NEVER be forgiven for disliking deadpool man


A fellow fanboy of mine is convinced the whole Doomsday sequence was an afterthought, and the reason the movie was delayed by a year. The Bats/Supes fight was probably originally intended to be the climax, which would make sense. Now they need Darkseid to trump Doomsday.

all that cgi and all that money spent on doomsday should have been spent on making the batman superman fight longer and they should have given lex a suit to show up to try to defeat superman as well.
i was kind of expecting lex to show up with a suit and not doomsday, it would have made more sense (he should have kept some kryptonite to have in the suit)

I think I would have loved the movie if instead of Doomsday it was lex in his suit. (maybe have Lex be the one that stabs superman)

CW flat out bored me- when it should have been building up suspense and anticipation.

CW left me without wanting to talk about it. It was good and that was pretty much it. It was too by the numbers and hit every one of them and that was it.

BvS being flawed gives it lots to talk about because there are so many interpretations and dividing opinions on it.
Yep, I did like CW, don't get me wrong, it just didn't quite grab me as much as The Russo's last outing did; I do want to see it again, though, and it definitely got me excited for Spider-Man and Black Panther's upcoming outings. That has to be my favorite version of Spidey put to screen, thus far.

Agree with you there. I may be in the minority though but I actually like the ASM movies. Thought Garfield and Stone had great chemistry (which kind of makes sense lol). Everyone knew she was going to die, but it still really sucked when she did. I digress, Holland did an amazing job of showing us who the MCU Spider-Man will be. And so far, I love it. Same with Black Panther.

I'd put CW on par with TWS in terms of how much I enjoyed them.

BvS took a lot of post-movie-thinking for me to bump it up from a bad movie experience to "okay, I'd be willing to give this another shot." I watched it with a group of friends. My best friend is similar to me in that we both like DC and Marvel. But where I'm more Marvel biased, he's more DC biased. He enjoyed the movie and him explaining BvS from his perspective is ultimately what makes me want to give it another chance. Still haven't though... :lol

Obviously this is the DC thread so there is going to be inherent bias and my sig does me no favors, but I want to like BvS. I really do. I go into these movies as open as possible and I do not willfully spend my money on something thinking "oh man, can't wait to watch this crash and burn." Once this hits digital I'll be watching it again and taking into consideration the positive interpretations I've read on these forums.
I want to like BvS. I really do. I go into these movies as open as possible and I do not willfully spend my money on something thinking "oh man, can't wait to watch this crash and burn."

I'd like to believe most folks think this way but reading post in both Marvel / DC threads makes one wonder what motivates folks to watch movies :rotfl

I was going to give this another shot before it left theaters but I've decided to wait for the R rated blu ray. I don't read comics so the insights in the thread will help explain a lot and provide a different perspective on my next viewing. Add the R rating along with a bit more insight it'll almost be like watching it for the first time....:)
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Man I feel like an outcast for liking both BvS AND CW!

Could you guys ever forgive me. :lol

I liked both too. I don't know why, there should be no reason but I liked BvS better, even though it was a disappointment as a film critically and fan-wise. Maybe Marvels stakes don't feel as high, or i liked BvSs look and tone more..

I wholeheartedly agree with you, there. It's literally the largest of the very few moments that give insight into his motivations as a character and it's reduced to background noise. I actually completely missed it during my first viewing, until olbertfrog informed me of its significance. I feel like just extending that scene to include more of a focus on Lex would be a smart play for the ultimate edition, and I hope it's one of the changes made.

One of the many im hopping. I really hope the bad editing was because of the missing hour as well. I remember the extended version of Watchmen was a far superior move than the theatrical cut. Maybe Snyder doesn't know how to shorten his work?

I liked Civil War, but, honestly, it didn't strike me in the same way that BvS did, or, for that matter, The Winter Soldier. It's a fantastic movie, but there were no real stakes, it seems like. You could ask anybody, when The Winter Soldier came out, I came in here and wrote paragraphs about how brilliant of a movie it was; Jye can attest to that. I can't say I felt the same way about CW, because, ultimately, it just felt superficial. By the time BvS ended, I felt like there was a real sense of growth for the characters, with Clark realizing his place in the world before making his ultimate sacrifice, and with Batman, who had begun to remember what it means to be a hero, after years of disillusionment.

With CW, it felt like the characters just stagnated and remained pretty much exactly as they were, in the spirit of keeping up the status quo until Avengers 3. The thing to remember is that this was a Captain America movie, and I feel like it says something when the most exciting things to come out of a Captain America movie are Spider-Man and Black Panther. Those were my big takeaways, and, as well made, and as exciting and fun as it was, there's a part of me that can't help but say "what's the point," when the movie pretty much amounts to "I believe this," "I believe this;" "Let's just say we believe different things and agree to disagree."

I think you hit the nail on the head with your first point. Marvel doesn't have the stakes or gravitas that BvS had, I would disagree on the second. CW had clear motivations for each side but also had the clash of ideology between the two as well. BvS needed that severely! Netflix DareDevil did it brilliantly too.

That wahts DC will need to work on. My favourite parts of the marvel movies are the character moments, like the whole RDJ going to spideys house was amazing, or the party scene in AOU, because they put character in the forefront. BvS only did that for Batman