I liked Civil War, but, honestly, it didn't strike me in the same way that BvS did, or, for that matter, The Winter Soldier. It's a fantastic movie, but there were no real stakes, it seems like. You could ask anybody, when The Winter Soldier came out, I came in here and write paragraphs about how brilliant of a movie it was; Jye can attest to that. I can't say I felt the same way about CW, because, ultimately, it just felt superficial. By the time BvS ended, I felt like there was a real sense of growth for the characters, with Clark realizing his place in the world before making his ultimate sacrifice, and with Batman, who had begun to remember what it means to be a hero, after years of disillusionment.
With CW, it felt like the characters just stagnated and remained pretty much exactly as they were, in the spirit of keeping up the status quo until Avengers 3. The thing to remember is that this was a Captain America movie, and I feel like it says something when the most exciting things to come out of a Captain America movie are Spider-Man and Black Panther. Those were my big takeaways, and, as well made, and as exciting and fun as it was, there's a part of me that can't help but say "what's the point," when the movie pretty much amounts to "I believe this," "I believe this;" "Let's just say we believe different things and agree to disagree."