I've got to say, "what the **** was so incoherent about it?" I see this same complaint over and over and over and over and over...and over again, and I genuinely can't understand it. Particularly after seeing it a second time. Literally, the only things that are even the slightest bit jarring are the visions, and there are, like, three of those in the movie, and each of them serves a thematic purpose.
Maybe I'd like someone to explain it to me, because, in many of the reviews I've seen, I see the same complaint, with nothing really elaborated on. I just like the double standard, is all. If a fan of the movie was to say "you just didn't understand it," it would be met with the prerequisite eyeroll and the "just because I didn't like it doesn't mean I didn't understand it" line, but, if someone finds it incoherent, aren't they, by definition, not understanding it? I'm not looking for a fight or anything, but I'm genuinely curious, because I see the same complaint and it only goes as deep as that.
Lex was an incoherent character, we all went over this, and the cop out cliche answer from the people defending this was "Well he is crazy, he is crazy so what he does doesn't have to make sense" which was kind of a bs answer.
Lex is the main pull behind some of the motivations for the conflict, he is the one rattling cages, but he is written in a way that the character makes no sense, makes no sense in a way that it didn't make rational sense to do some of the things he did to achieve some of the things he wanted to achieve, he is basically the second main thing making things happen (the other one was batman)
The joker in Dark Knight also did some of these things (making it as he went along) but at the core of his character you knew where he was coming from, you knew what his goal was, with Lex you kinda know he wants to take down superman but they never really tell you why, they NEVER tell you why he would like batman to die, you never know why he would create a Doomsday monster if he hates aliens so much, there is a lot left out that doesn't explain most of what he is doing.
the joker was Chaos and he did some things that were crazy but you at least knew his rationalization of things, the Joker explains to Harvey part of it, he even tells the audience.
Lex barely explains something about his dad and gods or whatnot but it is not well written. Creating doomsday is illogical. he ALREADY has kryptonite, he KNOWS kryptonite will kill superman.
he really did not need to create an unstoppable brute mindless monster, I do not buy "HES CRAZY BRO, HES SO CRAZY" bs cop out excuse, they needed doomsday to be created for the final fight so the writers have him create him for no good reason.
having a wonder woman at the end, a superstrong person that has a weapon that can easily stab and injure the monster in the movie and not using that sword to kill him is not logical. I know Snyder wanted the spear because of jesus or whatever
But it is not logical to have her not be able to defeat the monster, she could have taken Doomsday down by herself for example. instead of cutting his arm shhe could have cut out his head.
there are a lot of little things like that that are kind of illogical or have no real good reason for being in the movie. Louis knowing they need the spear is not logical, how the hell did she know the monster was Kryptonian, how did she know the spear will kill it? how?
thats not being able to understand the movie, thats literally not logical for her to know.