When are you getting a SS tattoo?
who says i dont already have
When are you getting a SS tattoo?
yes, i did
different director but the exact same explanation applies (Since the studio decided to go with the trailer company to edit the movie)
A bunch of scenes, a group of moments that dont make as much sense together but look cool.
Here's mine, and the scene from the film the tattoo artist used as reference.
it is my most hated
Can't watch MI2, all the others are great though.
Here's an interesting theory on what went wrong with BvS. Not that I necessarily agree, but this guy probably knows more about filmmaking than I...
Here's an interesting theory on what went wrong with BvS. Not that I necessarily agree, but this guy probably knows more about filmmaking than I...
Here's an interesting theory on what went wrong with BvS. Not that I necessarily agree, but this guy probably knows more about filmmaking than I...
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong about making a stylistic film of sequential "moments" especially if it's a comic book movie. Snyder's moments just so completely transcend everything else in his films that the discrepancy between those and the necessary buildup is greatly magnified. Picking on shots like Lois and the general meeting under the bridge while they are both silhouetted by the rain pouring outside is a bit silly. The guy must have hated every minute of Sin City then.
The film 300 worked for Snyder but BVS obviously didn't.
Deb Snyder on Superman in new interview
And it’s all so human, right? It’s about these journeys. I mean, Zack really loves Joseph Campbell and the hero’s journey. And these characters are just so mythic, and their journeys– I always say they’re journeys are what we can relate to. Because we can’t relate to their powers, so what do you have?
That’s the great thing about our Superman. He is more relatable. Someone said, “It’s so dark,” and I go, “Well, is it dark? He’s going through real problems that we go through as people every day.” To me that’s not dark, that’s life. We’re complicated people. And we’re making him in that way more relatable.
So I don’t think that’s dark, I think that’s just who we are. People are complex, we’re not strictly just the good Boy Scout trying to do good. He does want to do good, and I think all of the the things Superman represents are who he is, but he also stumbles along the way and learns from it. To me, that’s so much more interesting."
and a cool manip to round it off
The film 300 worked for Snyder but BVS obviously didn't.
Not really, you want to see what getting Superman wrong REALLY looks like? Read American Alien, that piece of **** does it, and it's praised as a "good" Superman story, now that is some truly pedestrian understanding/rationalization of Superman.perfect example of why they STILL dont even understand the character... wow, talk about clueless.
Pretty much.More of "our updated version of the character is more relatable" crap, nothing new.