For whatever reason I decided to have Superman Returns play as a background movie last weekend while my kids were off doing their thing and my 9 year old daughter came into the family room after it had been playing for maybe 10 minutes and got totally sucked in. She really enjoyed it. I kind of didn't want her to watch it because I figured STM would be the "proper" introduction to the cinematic character but apparently she remembered enough clips from MOS that she kept asking how SR fit in with it.
I thought it was interesting to see how Snyder has made Superman a bit of a one-note rescuer. When Metropolis was falling apart she kept asking, "Whoa! How is Superman going to stop THAT?? What is he going to punch?"

And then she got to see him doing all his cool stuff like incinerating debris with his heat vision, cooling the exploding gas mains with his breath, grabbing people out of the sky and setting them on the ground, etc.
Plus the one exchange between Kitty and Lex had her in stitches:
"Kitty what did my father always say?"
"You're losing your hair?"
"BEFORE that."
"Get out?"
Anyway it definitely still has its "issues" but I was surprised by how well it played in the present day and was reminded at how endearing Routh was as Supes. And that Williams score, damn, it just can't be topped.