Super Freak
Anyway, I thought it was a solid movie and I may even end up buying it.
Too right - congrats! Movie of the year.

Anyway, I thought it was a solid movie and I may even end up buying it.
Great analogy for the Snyderverse here!a Marilyn Manson cover of Liionel Richie's "Dancing on the Ceiling."
I also thought it was comical how often they kept cutting to a news story or whatever, "In other news, Superman and Batman are fighting a giant mutant beast in an abandoned part of the city where there is zero chance of any human collateral! More at 11."
Obviously I enjoyed BvS but yes, I literally chuckled out loud in the theater at how often they mentioned that population centers were uninhabited, deserted, empty because people were off work, etc. It was like the BvS equivalent of "the water mains are gonna blow!"
Too right - congrats! Movie of the year.![]()
Great flick! but SS has it beat by a long shot IMHO.![]()
not to drag this conversation on or have a pop at anyone ,this question was addressed by a poster on the shh boards yesterday i think ,pretty astute assessment of the way thing go on over there and thought it might amuse you guys ,needless to say he was banded after 12 posts
gone but not forgotten
ah the kisser we hardly knew ye
[The Real Hierarchy and Rules of The Super Hero Hype *UPDATE*
The Mere Mortals
Mere Mortals are generally the newer members or members with a low post count. Members who don't kiss the moderation's ass and have unpopular opinions are also considered Mere Mortals.
It's required for the Mere Mortals to act like if they were in a British Traditional Tea Ceremony. Etiquette is very important and you need to be VERY CAREFUL with the way you express your opinions. You should know this is a very sensitive place. As you know it is filled with nerds, and traditionally, nerds aren't very tough, so they can't handle a wide variety of perfectly normal human behaviours
It's not enough to simply express yourself without insults. You have to be very cautious with the way you structure your sentences. You are encouraged to not to show any sign of personality. Think of a robot. That's what you should be.
A Mere Mortal also has to be very careful with the way he expresses negative opinions about movies. Feel free to bash anything that comes from WB or Zack Snyder, but if you decide to cr*ap all over Marvel, be prepared to be considered obnoxious, tedious, troll and eventually be asked to stop by a moderator. If you're attacking Marvel, or defending DC, there's a limit on how much you can do it. That limit isn't set in stone, but eventually you will be warned.
Don't ever question anything a moderator does. They're keyboard Gods and know better than any Mere Mortal.
Don't ask for well defined rules. Well defined rules could get in the way of mods doing whatever the f:*CK they want. You could just say "well, but that's not in the rules" and they would be "ups...". They basically create whatever rules they think could help to shut down any member they particularly don't like. It's mostly about personal agendas.
Expect Double Standards. Have you been busy pointing out The Avengers flaws and how much that movie sucks? Well, be careful. That will be considered trolling and you will be asked to stop. They will also suggest you to move on to another topic, if you don't like the movie, just don't waste time with it.
However, if you feel like cr**ping all over BvS, everyday, 24/7, that's basically expressing your opinion and you can do it as much as you would like. Be free to make jokes, post retarded and useless gifs, mock the movies in the same way as much as you would like and insinuate that others are wrong for liking it.
I know this is a rules post, but i can't really go into details, because they simply don't exist. It will depend on the moderator. That one single person, who might even be less smarter than you and less ethical will decide whether or not you should be allowed to post.
The Ass Kissers
Well, Ass Kissers are generally those folks you will find agreeing with everything mods say and thanking mods for everything they do and acting like if mods are very funny. Ass Kissers guard this place like Rottweilers. Flint Marko and The Joker are two great examples of Elite Ass Kissers. They're very respected among the Ass Kissing Brotherhood. They know the ins and outs of the forum, they're always commenting on the behaviour of other users, always trying to figure out who is a previously banned member and always calling for the help of moderators. Always looking for validation from the staff. Like a good dog trying to please his owner.
The Ass Kissers rarely have unpopular opinions. They wanna enforce their views on everyone who praises something they don't like, and they will never let it go. You will find them repeating the same thing all over the forum about the same subjects. That's how they get thousands and thousands of posts. They just repeat themselves. Mods will NEVER side against them. It's like they're ALWAYS right about EVERYTHING.
Ass Kissers can show personality, unlike the Mere Mortals. They're allowed to crack jokes and participate only to ridicule whatever or whoever they don't like. This rarely gives them problems because, like i stated before, they don't have unpopular opinions and they usually only attack the movies that the administration also don't like, so it's all well and good.
If you happen to vomit all over your keyboard after seeing an Ass Kisser kissing a moderator's ass in the most obvious fashion, don't feel bad about yourself. It's normal. I did it too.
Ass Kissers can also be banned. But in order for that to happen they need to do something extreme, like straight up insulting someone. You will certainly not see them getting infractions for "the way they talk" like what happens with the Mere Mortals.
The Staff
The Staff is mostly incompetent and actually damaging to the forum, since they kill its activity by enforcing absurd rules that only drive people away from the site.
I can't really tell you how to achieve this position. But you need to be a major Ass Kisser and Marvel Fantard for a long period of time. Or you need to be personal friends with someone from the staff.
As a Staff member, it's not required of you to be smart. You also need to have a very thin skin, because if you have a thicker skin and can actually accept people's opinions without freaking out on a regular basis, you won't have fun. You won't ban as many people and that can get boring. In order to ban a lot of people you need to act like a sensitive c*nt that has never left his mother's basement, and therefore isn't really prepared to deal with people and accept them as they are.
As a Staff member you're allowed to be biased and twist the rules as much as you want in order to get them to favor your personal agenda. No kind of good judgement is required from you. Is a guy pissing you off by talking a lot of sh**t about your favourite Spider-Man movie? Just ban him. As a staff member, you're just like any other person. But instead of being forced to deal with other people's opinions, you can just ban them. If it looks too unfair and vague, just come up with a BS excuse. Tell them there's something wrong with the way they'r expressing their opinions, even though you might allow the same from other users. Don't be afraid to be judged. Ass Kissers will back you up and thank you for it.
For more informations about the rules, contact the staff members.
TheKisser is offline
Probably late to the party but that was a great read, and relevant for SSF, it's no surprise why this place is dying out![]()
Exhibit A
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Exhibit A
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Exhibit B
The fact that someone took the time to type out that dead-sea-scroll of "forums aren't fair" ******** actually says more to me about the chronically butt-hurt around here than years of field research.
the butt hurt swings both ways lol
You're free to think that but the "no threadcrapping" rule is here to stay.