Super Freak
I already fell for it, so what the hellSo by using the inertia of the body moving Superman easily defies the laws of gravity in a way that makes the air around him malleable and forces gravity to be beholden to his will. This is not in defense of Newtons laws of gravity but indifferent to it that the incongruity of Superman's ability to fly. This is why the ground moved before he flew in MOS and why he rockets across the sky in such a manner that the air booms. Am I making any sense?

Well, first we need to understand that Supes flight has never been explained, so you could tackle it any number of ways.
In my case, I suppose Superman flights by manipulating gravitons in any given direction, so his flight doesn't defy the laws of gravity, it works within them.
In that same line, as he is Superman, he shrugs off any exaggerated centripetal force, friction, pressure, etc etc that it can be exerted on him in any given flight situation, hence, he could fly in a standing position with his arms crossed with no loss in velocity and the friction wouldn't even tickle him.
How does he flight in space that's another story, I have an idea how it could be explained but I would need to do some research for it, all in all I don't think everything should be spoon fed to you in these types of things, that way you come up with cool stuff on your own.
One of my Superman headcanon power set would be like this:
Only his inherent physical habilities would be the result of his Kryptonian physiology, hearing, vision, strength and invulnerability, the rest of his powers would be a combination of receiving Kryptonite radiation while his baby ship was jumping to hyperspace, resulting in extra-dimensional mutations that give him heat vision, flight, etc etc.
No other Kryptonians would have the same powerset as him, except Supergilr as her circumstances were similar.
Hence they would need a ship to fly space like in the cartoons.
Only his inherent physical habilities would be the result of his Kryptonian physiology, hearing, vision, strength and invulnerability, the rest of his powers would be a combination of receiving Kryptonite radiation while his baby ship was jumping to hyperspace, resulting in extra-dimensional mutations that give him heat vision, flight, etc etc.
No other Kryptonians would have the same powerset as him, except Supergilr as her circumstances were similar.
Hence they would need a ship to fly space like in the cartoons.