Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't care A-dev.:lol

To solidify my metropolis statue thing, I think the suit motif resembles a city-scape.

Cause by God please do not let that be the actual suit's look.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

"METROPOLIS: The only city in America that will give you a statue after leveling it and killing thousands in the process."

Thank you Superman! :wave
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Actually, they should put her in one of those inflatable Sumo costumes... :lol


the could give her the muscle Suit that Danica Patrick used for that GoDaddy commercial! :lol:lol


Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm sorry but sometimes I get the feeling some people didn't even watch the film. The world engine destroyed metropolis, not superman. He crashed through a few buildings while fighting zod and also not exactly voluntarily. Seriously, it's factually wrong that superman leveled the city. It's becoming a bit retarded honestly.:lol

A lot of mockery of man of steel I get, but to base it on something that's literally, factually not true is just dumb. And I mean it IS dumb, this is not a matter of opinion. You can critique superman for not preventing destruction, but he wasn't the direct cause of it. That's just factually not the case. (He was in smallville though, but not in metropolis.)

Superman's responsible for metropolis' destruction as much as the Avengers were for new york (except that space whales didn't destroy as much as the world engine did. However Superman was also on the other side of the planet). You're biased if you think otherwise. You can factually put all the scenes next to each other. It's the same deal: COLLATERAL DAMAGE.:slap
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm sorry but sometimes I get the feeling some people didn't even watch the film. The world engine destroyed metropolis, not superman. He crashed through a few buildings while fighting zod and also not exactly voluntarily. Seriously, it's factually wrong that superman leveled the city. It's becoming a bit retarded honestly.:lol

A lot of mockery of man of steel I get, but to base it on something that's literally, factually not true is just dumb. And I mean it IS dumb, this is not a matter of opinion. You can critique superman for not preventing destruction, but he wasn't the direct cause of it. That's just factually not the case. (He was in smallville though, but not in metropolis.)

It's a joke, dude. Don't read too much into my comment. :wave
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm sorry but sometimes I get the feeling some people didn't even watch the film. The world engine destroyed metropolis, not superman. He crashed through a few buildings while fighting zod and also not exactly voluntarily. Seriously, it's factually wrong that superman leveled the city. It's becoming a bit retarded honestly.:lol

A lot of mockery of man of steel I get, but to base it on something that's literally, factually not true is just dumb. And I mean it IS dumb, this is not a matter of opinion. You can critique superman for not preventing destruction, but he wasn't the direct cause of it. That's just factually not the case. (He was in smallville though, but not in metropolis.)
So glad you said this. I've been baffled as to why so many people say "Superman killed thousands" ever since I saw the movie. How was the destruction any different than any other movie that has ever existed? Bad guy comes, people die, destruction ensues...Superman killed one person, and that was Zod. Which, uhh, kinda saved the whole world. :dunno
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How was the destruction any different than any other movie that has ever existed? Bad guy comes, people die, destruction ensues...Superman killed one person, and that was Zod. Which, uhh, kinda saved the whole world. :dunno

AND THEN same MoS-lovers post "Avengers killed much more" in Marvel related threads :lol

Go team hypocrites!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

AND THEN same MoS-lovers post "Avengers killed much more" in Marvel related threads :lol

Go team hypocrites!

I literally did not say this. Go team word manipulators!

Also there's nothing hypocritical about it as I have NO issues with the destruction in man of steel, NOR in the avengers. The hypocrisy lies with those who have issues with one and not the other, when it's the same friggin deal.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

And apparently the WW #600 costume is a major source of inspiration for the DCCU WW look (at least the first one or whatever). On two minds on that, like it, but would probably prefer more armour. Overall I like it, apparently it was the basis for the Injustice costume, which is one of my faves.


Who would like to (a)dress the giant "elephant(s)" in the room here?:lol

pfffft. you guys are complaining about what's she's wearing and NOT wearing??

she only needs more bewbs.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

At this point they should honestly just say WW gets her strength from her ****s. I mean, if you're gonna make them important, actually make them important.:rotfl
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

common sense would tell you to take the fight somewhere less populated
Common sense would tell you that Zod, Faora and co. had no interest in "taking the fight somewhere less populated".
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


K, pad the **** out of WW for all I care. If I can't tell in the film I could not care LESS how they pull it off behind the scenes.:lol

I mean I'm glad they have a solid actress with a lot of acting credit to have faith in... oh wait.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

common sense would tell you to take the fight somewhere less populated

You mean like Space (where Superman tried to take it, only to be knocked back to Earth by Zod), or a rail yard (where Superman was headed before being swung back to the center of Smallville by his cape by Nam-Ek). Yeah, I think common sense did tell him that.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So glad you said this. I've been baffled as to why so many people say "Superman killed thousands" ever since I saw the movie. How was the destruction any different than any other movie that has ever existed? Bad guy comes, people die, destruction ensues...Superman killed one person, and that was Zod. Which, uhh, kinda saved the whole world. :dunno


They even end up in space to fight.... at the very end Zod was just following Hopeman around, he could have easily go somewhere else for that final fight.

The machine Zod was using destroyed the city, yeah. but once that was destroyed Hopeman could have easily try to take Zod away.