Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

****er is buff as hell, I'll give him that.

I think he is going the most menacing, on screen Batman we've ever seen...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Looks like they may be going towards Wonder Woman's New 52 origin. Really interesting video that also answers some behind-the-scenes questions.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Looks like they may be going towards Wonder Woman's New 52 origin. Really interesting video that also answers some behind-the-scenes questions.


The Hollywood Reporter’s Stephen Galloway interviewed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice producer Charles Roven and it’s without a doubt the most in-depth and revealing conversation about the movie we’ve seen so far! I encourage you all to just go watch the video above, but here are some highlights from producer Charles Roven:

-Christopher Nolan and his wife Emma Thomas are still executive producers.

-Nolan is still involved at different stages in an advisory capacity. He was involved in the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman.

-They wanted a very mature Batman, because they wanted to juxtapose him with Henry Cavill’s young Superman.

-They wanted a guy with big stature. Ben is 6′ 3″ or 6′ 4″. They wanted Batman to tower over Superman. They wanted Superman to have to look up to Batman.

-Ben Affleck was the first actor they went to. He was their first choice.

-Bruce Wayne is a much more social animal. Batman is an extremely rough guy. Very, very, very rough.

-Man of Steel was made with the idea of expanding the universe and creating a world with other superheroes.

-Wonder Woman is a demigod. Her father was Zeus.

-Christopher Nolan’s name was removed from all recent press releases, but according to producer Charles Roven he’s still involved.

Wonder Woman is a demigod, that's great, no Kryptonian heritage.

I don't recall her ever being called a demigod in the comics, but her powers were given by the gods so I'm not sure if it's really that different, maybe it's just paraphrasing.

I don't like the fact that they purposely picked a taller Batman than Supes, they should be equally tall, use camera tricks and make them look the same height.

All the rest sounds good.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Assuming that this photo is legit, does he have to wear a Team Batfleck T-shirt? Reeks of desperation, insecurity. Whiny, emotional Batman/Bruce Wayne to come?

It's not real.


Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Assuming that this photo is legit, does he have to wear a Team Batfleck T-shirt? Reeks of desperation, insecurity. Whiny, emotional Batman/Bruce Wayne to come?

If Danzig can wear his own shirt while getting kitty litter, so can Ben!

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Q&A: Joel Schumacher on ‘Batman,’ Ben Affleck and the Batsuit Nipples

OCTOBER 11, 2014 | 03:04PM PT
Ramin Setoodeh
Film Editor, New York
Joel Schumacher stopped by the Hamptons Film Festival on Saturday morning to accept a lifetime achievement award in directing. He later spoke with Variety about the ups and downs of his career, including 1995’s “Batman Forever,” which grossed $336 million worldwide, and 1997’s “Batman & Robin,” starring George Clooney, which was panned so badly that it temporarily killed the Dark Knight franchise for Warner Bros. Schumacher also recalled discovering Julia Roberts, Matthew McConaughey and Colin Farrell.

Your “Batman” movies aren’t as dark as Christopher Nolan’s.
I was never able to go into the darkness. Because of “Batman Returns,” families had objected that it was too adult, which is no criticism of Tim Burton’s. When they offered it to me, I went to Tim and said, “This is your franchise and they want me to do it. I won’t do it if you don’t want me to.” He said, “Take it, please! I can’t do another one.” Even though “Batman Forever” is really sexy, it was a movie the whole family could see.

You introduced nipples to the Batsuit. Were you surprised they became so controversial?
Yes, I was like, “Are you kidding me?” I think that will be on my gravestone. It’s how I’ll be remembered.

But “Batman Forever” was a box office hit.
It was the biggest movie of the year and the cheapest “Batman” ever made. It cost under $100 million, with Val [Kilmer], Nicole [Kidman], even Jim [Carrey] was still coming up. “Batman Forever” was total passion. My bosses let me change Batman. Jim was inspired as the Riddler. Tom Lee Jones played Harvey Two Face. Drew Barrymore is in it. Debi Mazar plays a bad girl. It has a great cast and everyone did a great job. It was fun to create a “Batman” movie.

Then came “Batman & Robin.” Was it your idea to cast George Clooney as Batman?
No, Val left at eleventh hour to do “The Island of Dr. Moreau.” It changed everything. George made a noble effort. I was the problem with “Batman & Robin.” I never did a sequel to any of my movies, and sequels are only made for one reason: to make more money and sell more toys. I did my job. But I never got my ass in the seat right.

They immediately wanted a sequel, but I said yes. There’s nobody else to blame but me. I could have said, “No, I’m not going to do it.” I just hope whenever I see a list of the worst movies ever made, we’re not on it. I didn’t do a good job. George did. Chris [O’Donnell] did. Uma [Thurman] is brilliant in it. Arnold is Arnold.

How do you think Ben Affleck will do as “Batman”?
I think a lot of people discounted Ben. I think they’ve been shown that they were foolish and that he’s doing great.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I still think that, in a lot of ways, Schumacher got the shaft. Like he said, after Batman Returns, they kind of pushed him into it, and, by the time Batman and Robin came out, he kind of just relegated himself to calling "action" and picking up his check. He's not a talentless hack by any stretch of the imagination; during his career, he's made quite a few great movies. I still think that, on paper, Batman & Robin has the outline of an awesome movie. A story adapted from "Heart of Ice," Clooney as Batman, and, in some ways, even Schumacher; a capable director. As self-deprecating as he and Clooney always are about that film, it's clear that they're not in denial and that they wish it had gone a different way.

In fact, I remember reading that, for several years, Schumacher was trying to make another one, and, at one point, even tried to get them to let him direct The Dark Knight Returns. I think people tend to discount him because of all the neon and stuff, but he's completely capable of making dark films. Falling Down is amazing.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He had done some good films, but as a director you have to take responsibility when a movie blows. And Batman and Robin blows. There's blame to go around, but if you do just sign on to pick up a check, you're still putting your name on the movie. I'm sure he could have pushed for less cheese if he cared about the dramatic value of the franchise.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Falling Down & Lost Boys are great films - he's obviously a good director.

It's easy for us to laugh at the guy for making bad Batman films, but it was multiple factors - not just him.

The 90s marketing machine was far stronger than his relative clout, but like he said - he could've just said no & walked too.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Hey, a man's got to earn a living. Chances are, somebody else would've been paid to be WB's puppet, so, if someone's got to do it, he was probably figuring "why shouldn't it be me?":lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Take this kara: :lol

Published October 15, 2014 by Devin Faraci
Zack Snyder Remains King Of The DC Movieverse, Is Directing JUSTICE LEAGUE 2

And it's all building to JL2.

Warner Bros is really doubling down on the Zack Snyder aesthetic; not only is he the architect of their shared movieverse with Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice*, he's going to be directing Justice League and Justice League 2 back to back.

That all makes sense; BvS will end with the Justice League either assembled or all onscreen, having figured out the big threat facing them. There's been another villain working behind the scenes of that movie and, as Latino Review reported, it's Brainiac. That's your Justice League villain, and my sources tell me that he'll be defeated by a team that is made up of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Cyborg, Aquaman and The Flash. Then at the end of the movie Green Lantern shows up and is like, "Guys, there's a big bad guy from space coming your way," and the Justice League is like, "Nah, brah, we got it already," and Green Lantern is like, "Dudes. DUDES. It's Darkseid."

All of this **** apparently springs from Superman's Kryptonian beacon - that's how Brainiac finds Earth, at least. Aquaman's story is going to kick off from the World Engine laying waste to Atlantis. I understand that General Zod's corpse plays a big role in BvS - all of the DC Movieverse is going to spring from the events of Man of Steel, so it makes some sense to have Snyder helming the core pictures.

Of course if you don't like Snyder, or if you don't like his aesthetic, this is terrible news for the rest of the decade.

I like Snyder and his aesthetic, and I like Man of Steel as a movie while simultaneously thinking it's a terrible, terrible Superman movie (I have nuance). That means I'm excited for the Justice League one-two punch as cinema, but kind of dreading them as adaptations of the property. I can live with that.

Justice League hits in 2017 and Justice League 2 comes out in 2019.

* yadda yadda
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Kal-El would have been better off not being naturally born at all. He should fly backwards and reverse time and tie his mom's umbilical cord around his neck.