Battle for Middle Earth - who has???

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Well, it worked! Although only just, I finished the level with just Eomer, Gandalf, a group of peasants, a group of Rohan archers and a set of Rohan riders!

Got prepared as mentioned above, took out the first 2 or 3 waves easily although a number of Uruks did get onto the wall before I could destroy the ladders, but that was OK as I managed to hire new archers for the ones I lost.
Then the wall blew and I managed to finish off the wave of bad guys who were there but then the last wave came before I could rush a base, and that last wave managed to wipe me out, including Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Eowyn and Theoden who I brought into that battle with his Rohirrim riders to run over the majority of bad guys while the archers above the gate destroyed any battering rams that tried to break in.
So I thought great, here we go again. Then I noticed Eomer/Gandy were 30 seconds away so while the remaining group of uruks started destroying my farmsI waited until the reinforcements came. I was gonna kill the uruks in Helms Deep then saw lots more coming from the bases so to stop any more arriving and me being totally overwhelmed I destroyed both bases first.
By the time I had finished, the uruks had destroyed all the farms and were in the bit inside the gate, destroying my stable and armoury and killing my archers, so I opened up the gates and charged them down, attacking from their ruined base and destoying the ballista first then I managed to win and only be left with the two heroes, the peasants, archers and Rohan riders!

Go me!! I'm now off to destroy Isengard.
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The best tactic on this game is easy..... forget all units (Good Campaign), and only make Elven warriors. The best unit.

And try to reach high levels with your heros the mos quick as you can.

Yeah i found that tactic good FE, archers have the best range on the game, although rohan riders with flame arrows are pretty useful, trample, turn, kill, and repeat!
Tried online last night in a 3 vs 3 and got slaughtered, went is as Mordor, Gondor and gondor vs Gondor, isengard and isengard, the guy had heavy armour in about 1 minute, forged blades in 2! And as i had weak defence i was the easy target ,had gtw helping and he got killed! lasted bout 10 mins,
man those onliners are pro's!
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Archers, pff. They die too easily. Rohan riders all the way! As Al said - Charge, trample, kill, repeat. Easy! Ad since now I've got my 'summon Rohan allies' upgrade, I'm laughing!
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When you are attacked "body to body", its time to let your elven swords lighting under the moon..... Launch 3 groups of sword infantry and let the rest like archers.... nothing in the bad side can stop it.

Wait when you can use the DEAD ARMY......or the Gandalf last power.... :banana :p

Nice tip, hadnt been using the elves with swords!
I love Gandalfs last power, but not when your playing online! >: killed 130 uruks in seconds! my whole army pretty much gone, then the army OT dead came to put salt in the wounds!
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Playing as the good guys is so much better than being the baddies - as if Helms Deep were'nt enough, tearing down Isengard was great, then that amazing Faramir level at the Forbidden Pool and then defending the bridges at I'm now playing as Sam in Shelob's lair. Is also fun playing a few levels as the Rohirrim to build my army up for when they arrive at Minas Tirith. On one level I made my fortress and built my army up to its maximum, complete with all the upgrades before I ventured outside and as soon as I moved I was surrounded by thousands of uruks with battering rams, catupults etc, and more coming from a nearby base! It was fun though, going on a killing spree with all my upgrades...
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Put your archers on the walls, With Faramir and gandalf in the two "towers" of the gate. Boromir in the left wall and Pippin in the right. Now close the gate and start building: a Archery Range and a Well near the gate. Now build a lot of farms, a Marketplace, Stoneworker, Workshop and a Blacksmith in the superiors levels. Build a keep near the right wall... the Nazgul will appear on this zone.

Now start to recruit archers.. and upgrade it the most quick as you can. The same with the walls. Try to do the upgrades of the marketplace, it would be a great adittion and help for receive funds from the farms.

In the perimeter of the wall, build this secuence: trebuchet, Battle tower, trebuchet, battle tower..... and 1 secret entrance at the top right wall. Put your archers the most near of between as you can.

Now the method is simple.... keep mordor out of the wall and the gate. Put "Gandalf´s Wizard Blast" on auto (right click on the icon) and the same with the "Faramir´s bow shoot" power.. when any enemy units (an horde) be near of the gate, use Gandalf Blast to put them out. All you need is dont let the assault towers be near the walls.. use the archers, Pippin and Boromir to do that. Now wait until Grond arrives.

When grond reach the gate.. use the elven and rohan spells to bring them to destroy grond, send 4 archers companys and use gandalf powers and faramir shoots too. When you destroy Grond, the only thing you need is wait until Rohan come to help you... destroy the top enemy base with them, and in short time, you will be healped by Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas with the power of the Army of the deaths..

It would be more easy than Helm´s Deep.
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Minas Tirith is more easier than Helm's Deep. Any stragedy will do.

I would do what Sebasval said, except for, the top row of the city, I would build all blacksmith cause the more you have the less it will cost to upgrade weapons/armour/banner.
You only need 2 trebuchets on each side of the gate and the rest are towers (like what Sebasval said, trebuchet, tower, trebuchet, and then the rest towers) and also bottom level city build 2 towers at each corner. this will help when the nazgul attacks (kills them faster with your archers) and if you get invaded by the orcs from siege towers. This would provide better defense
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Thanks for the tips, I asked before I actually played the level in case I needed help, but you're right it was all ok!

I was breathless when it was over! What an experience. The best level of any game I've ever played. I built mainly farms and market places on the 2nd level because if I needed to get reinforcements for any soldiers that were killed they would get to ther action quicker if I built the archeries, barracks and stables on the 1st level. Built a tower on the right for the Nazgul. The hardest part was the first attack, and keeping track of where the siege towers were going, and the catapults, and dealng with the orc archers and getting replacements for any dead soldiers.
Then suddenly Grond appeared at the main gate so I got everyone I could to try and destroy it - Gandy, faramir, Pippin, archers. The gate was about 2 or 3 hits away from being breached so I opened up and out rode Gandy and some riders to do some damage before getting them back inside again, but poor Gandy got stuck outside with Grond! The gate was then destroyed but as soon as it was, so was Grond. Then it was a frantic scramble to destoy all the siege towers, orcs, catupults etc with a breached gate, also killed a Fell Beast. Pippin, faramir and Boromir were killed. Then Rohan arrived! I charged down and destoyed the first base and the 3 Nazgul, then the Mumakil show up!! So I summon the Rohan allies to join in and kill the mumaks (Yeoman archers are very useful) then I rush and destroy the second base, then pull back to guard the broken gate.
All the orcs were cleared up and it was a simple matter of dealing with all the orcs and a few trolls who showed up. I just rode all of my riders out from the gate to trample the orcs, and it was easy to kill the surrounded trolls, then pull back to the city again. Done that a few times before Aragorn and the dead army arrived then once everything was killed, game over!
I look forward to playing it again :D

I'm now finishing all the mini missions so I have all the upgrades to fight at the black gate.
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Well, I finished the game.

The Battle of the Black Gates is actually very easy after you complete most or all of the side missions just after Minas Tirith. I happened to do them all to level up the Rohan forces a bit more. I then leveled up all the Gondor forces so that most of my heroes were level 10 or a few just under that. About the only one I didnt get leveled up was Merry, he didnt get past the 5th for me. But he was all that important anyways, no mission with Eowyn ro kill the Morgul Lord.

After arrving at the Black Gates, I arranged my archers in a semi-circle around the gate, I sent the horse troops to the rear to guard the camps, didnt really even touch them after that, just to handle some pesky warg riders. No Mouth of Sauron either, but maybe that will be fixed in a later patch.

Then I set all my heroes powers on auto, and sent Legolas to wipe out the flame archers on the top of the gate. Easy.

Then the first wave hit and it was a slaughter...for my side. All my archers were level 9 or better and flame arrows, and guarded by soldiers, made quick work of the orcs. Several other waves of orcs, trolls, and haradrim with Oli's and it was over. Used the Ents to destroy the gate walls/doors, Eagles to manage some Trolls and Nazgul, and the Army of the Dead is a awesome force, nothing touches them. It's fun to make them appear in the middle of the Orc army and they just run all over and kill everything.

about 20 minutes into the battle, you have the option of pulling for reinforcements of Rohan, or Gondor (depending on which army you used to begin with). I used the reinforcements once, but discovered with some good planning, I didnt need to use them to win.

After the 20-25 minutes winds down, a 5 minute timer appears that represents the Frodo/Sam/Gollum struggle in Mt. Doom, and then the forces of Mordor really come hauling out the gate, but its manageable. When the timer runs down, the game is over, cut to a movie and then stat display as usual at the end of battles.

that's it.

Now to play as Mordor and see if its possible to Burn the Shire down.

It's an enjoyable game and has good replay value.

Pet peeves - Aragorn doesnt have the ability to ride horses, um, hello????? Brego???? Battle of the Black Gates????

also, none of the other heroes can ride with other heroes, such as Merry with Eowyn, or Pippen with Gandalf.

Nazgul are too easy to kill. Trolls hardly ever grabbed weapons, never seen them have maces or swords until the end of the game.
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Smaug, did you finish the Black gates with all of yur heroes alive? Apparantly, if you do, there's a bonus level? BTW Eagles are supposedly considered heroes too.

I can tell you if there's a Shire level if you want? Obviously I wanted there to be one as I'm a massive fan of the Scouring Of The Shire.

I was a bit annoyed Aragorn couldnt ride a horse to, and that Pippin and Merry couldnt join Gandalfand Eowyn on a horse. I didn't really know what to do with them as they're too slow to reach a fight before it's over. They're very handy with stones though, they get levelled up quicker than using their swords. They got levelled up a couple of missions after Minas Tirith by doing that on my game.
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I haven't reached the Black gates yet, but done with Minas tirith. My poor computer....

As most of us know, EA is not allowed to use anything that wasn't in the movies.
Not a 100% game, but very entertaining anyway. Loved it and looking forward to have time to play Black Gates, if my comp may handle it...
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Didn't anybody have a problem with this game? My men are half way through and all of a sudden the PC won't recognise the DVD anymore. It says something about a runtime error - DVD is not scratched. Seems not an uncommon mistake, as EA apparently are working on a Patch (1.02). Now we just have to wait for it to be released to continue playing. :rolleyes
man this game is gonna rock!!! this is a good time to be a RTS fan. with empire at war coming out and then BFME II coming out im not gonna leave the computer room.

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