Battle: Los Angeles

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We did this in Iraq. (Army though) We'd get back from patrol, another squad would be going out for a mission and request additional time to chill. Gear up, move out, and draw fire.

Absolutely. Gear up, lock & load and if you were lucky grab something to eat on the way's just what we did.
Yeah, but what about after 2 days of combat? I guess in some situations they would have to do it, but since they have the opportunity they should take the time to clean up and get some food and stuff before going out again.
I do like that this movie was pro military. That was a welcomed plus. And yeah, the ending was a little cheesy, but still kinda awesome....
Yeah, but what about after 2 days of combat? I guess in some situations they would have to do it, but since they have the opportunity they should take the time to clean up and get some food and stuff before going out again.

Been there. Done that.

You suck it up, reach deep down inside and get the job done.

No offense, bro, but if you've never been in combat you wouldn't understand. :peace
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I went to see this along with a buddy from work today. I went into this without knowing a whole about it outside of the first trailer and I've read no reviews. I didn't like it as much as my friend, but I did enjoy it for what it was, ultimately.

If nothing else, this movie has very impressive special effects and some very well done action sequences. I thought the shots of devastated cities in the disaster flick 2012 were pretty convincing, but BLA does it better and with more realism. The camera work was too Bourne trilogy for me sometimes, but I don't think the comparison with Cloverfield is fitting at all because in BLA the camera isn't locked into the perspective of one character and for a lot of its running time there are plenty of traditional framing and blocking techniques at play.

A lot of times while watching this film I thought the direction and feel resembled Black Hawk Down. There's a sequence early in the film that had the soldiers make their way through a neighborhood covered in smoke that looked like a heavy fog. In another part of the film the characters arrive at a ruined military base and the lighting is entirely deep blues and bright oranges (lit by fires). Very striking. Seeing Skyline and then BLA, the difference in quality is just astounding. Skyline is now even more of an embarassment compared to this.

If nothing else, I really liked the look of the film. Otherwise, it has cliched dialogue, no actual story and some pretty flat characters. I sighed at a few moments listening to an actor of Aaron Eckhart's stature forced to deliver such hammy, military gung-ho dialogue. In the end though I didn't feel like I wasted my money seeing it (though I wanted to watch The Adjustment Bureau more. Maybe next week, then).
I saw the movie last night.
It was good in places, and it got better at the end, but it lacked character development. Aaron Eckhart seemed to be the only one who had any individuality, especially when you compare him to the rest of the Marines. The Aliens were nothing we have not seen before either, especial if you play computer games. The action was good and I enjoyed the end, but I was hoping for more. I hope the director can up his game for Wrath of the Titans
I just got back from vacation and need to check it out... what's the general consensus?
Saw it yesterday and it had 0 impact on me.Guess you have to be american to enjoy this big U.S. marines giant infomercial... Probably the movie with the most action scenes I ever saw though.More power to you if you like that kind of movie,but for me its a 1/10.
Saw it yesterday and it had 0 impact on me.Guess you have to be american to enjoy this big U.S. marines giant infomercial... Probably the movie with the most action scenes I ever saw though.More power to you if you like that kind of movie,but for me its a 1/10.

Would it have had more of an impact for you if the Marines were replaced with Canadian Mountees? :lol
I'm from Argentina. I saw it last week. I really loved it! the movie shows what you enter to see, nothing more. A great alien vs army movie with a lot of action! Yes, maybe with some more character background and development the spectator could love more the movie but in the end, is really necesary? If you want a background and a real history behind the bullets watch something like Black Hawk Down (Somalia REAL problem AND politics in the middle) or "Saving private Ryan", but for me.. this alien invasion flick work perfect! And the effects and way the show the intense action on the battleflield creep me out, it was really really good.

And other thing, being or not a Marines comercial or pro USA or not, I KNOW that there isnt another army like the one of USA. The marines ARE the best on what their do. Enought of complaints about "the movie is a big commercial of the united states army" YOU KNOW that since the beginning of the promotion of this movie.
If someone have a problem with the country or they way on international politics, thats another problem.
Personally I wan't to see Marines kicking alien asses.